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The Episode start with Tanu telling Purab and Akash that they would have gone to police station and get beaten up. She ask them to come on her side and be safe. Akash says we will also give you same offer, and says they will give her money and ask her to forget about marrying Abhi. Purab says your kid will also be brought up like you are living in the house. Purab and Akash tell each other that they will jump from car if she continue to talk nonsense. Tanu says I am pregnant. Purab says that’s why you are spared and ask her to keep her mouth shut. Tanu get irked.

The next morning, Pragya give prasad to Aaliya. Aaliya says I don’t have trust on puja and don’t eat prasad. She says I will eat it if you give it as sweet. Pragya says you and your friend need sweetness, and says if Abhi wouldn’t have reached there, then Purab and Akash might have been in trouble. She ask her to make her friend understand. Aaliya ask it means you are scared. Pragya says I don’t get scared by you or Tanu and says Abhi is your brother. Aaliya says Abhi will realize his mistake soon and will come back to her. She ask her to go. Pragya says you are supporting Tanu even after knowing the truth and says this is wrong. She says divorce paper is signed, but divorce is not done yet. She says you both can't throw me out. Aaliya think to change the plan else Pragya will defeat them.

Aaliya come to Tanu and wake her up. She ask her to understand the situation. She says if you wait for the legal matters to settle down, then you will not marry Abhi. She ask her to go and get married to Abhi soon. Tanu says how is this possible? Aaliya ask her to marry Abhi in a temple simply. Tanu ask what about my dreams? I thought my marriage will be grand. Aaliya give her example and says I sat on the mandap and forgot about my dreams. She says your baby will be out in 3 months and if his face resembled Nikhil what then??? Tanu get scared. Aaliya ask her to get ready and says we have to go to your gynecologist fast.

Pragya tell Dadi that Abhi want to know what we were doing at the lawyer’s office yesterday night. Purab says Di…Pragya says whatever I have to do, I will do. You all will not do anything, and says before she could do anything big, I have to do something. 

Mitali tell Dasi that tea is not masala tea, and says she is thinking to get spicy news from everyone. Tai ji says Rachna left her baby with me as she went with Dadi. Mitali says I don’t know anything. Dasi ask what happened at night. Mitali says everyone went out and returned very late. Dadi comes. Dasi says I didn’t do right coming here from my Pind. Dadi ask what happened? Dasi ask what happened yesterday. Dadi says you were sleeping so I thought not to wake you up. Dadi says okay, I will tell you if there is anything in the future and ask her to come. Mitali think everyone know now that something happened yesterday.

Aaliya meet Raj and ask did you decide whose side to take. Raj says I am living my life and is not on anyone’s side. Aaliya says Pragya’s politics will be drown. Raj says I don’t need anyone. Aaliya tell Tanu that they shall concentrate on their main motive and goes.

Pragya comes to her room and stand on a table to do something. Abhi ask if you are hiding your face, and ask about Purab and Akash. Pragya says I don’t do wrong and don’t ask anyone to do wrong. Abhi ask who called you? Pragya says I am hiding the truth for betterment. Abhi says you are hiding the truth with different excuse and says you should be leader. Pragya also argue. Pragya takes out bag from the cupboard. Abhi says I will help you. They have an eye lock while Pragya slip on him. Dholna song plays. Pragya ask him not to give support else she will get habitual to him.

Tanu and Aaliya come to Abhi. Tanu give him report and says her baby will be premature and can be born after 7 months of pregnancy. Abhi says how can he born so soon? Tanu says it is not a product or a baby, if he is born before our marriage then our name will be ruined. She says we have to marry soon. Aaliya says there is a solution. Abhi says I didn’t ask you. Tanu says I am ready to marry you tomorrow. Abhi says what? Youu want a lavish wedding. Tanu says if I wait for a lavish wedding then we have to marry holding baby. She says this is our love baby and we have to write his father’s name in the hospital. Abhi says I will not let same thing happen to my baby, and says I am ready to marry you for this baby. Tanu get happy and kisses him. Abhi says but what will I tell Pragya? Tanu says I will talk to her. She says I am happy that our child will get his father's name. Abhi leave from there. Aaliya show thumps up to Tanu.

Pragya ask Dadi where is Purab? Purab comes there. Pragya says I want to tell you that…..Purab give her sorry card. Pragya get touched. Purab apologize to her. Pragya says you are like my younger brother, I can’t get angry at you. She says I have lost Bulbul already, and that’s why I get tensed about you all. She ask him not to take any wrong step. Purab promise that he will not do anything without her consent. Dadi says she is seeing Lakshman and Sita milap. She ask them to end scene else she will get tears. She ask Pragya, do you think that Tanu will do something? Pragya says she will do something big. Purab says can we request for stay order on the divorce. Pragya says I can’t request as I have signed on the papers. Robin come and says Tanu is calling you to your room.

Tanu comes and start packing pragya’s clothes in the suitcase. Pragya come and ask what she doing here, and how dare she touch her stuff? Tanu taunt that she is merely helping her, as she would have to pack her stuff tomorrow, to leave the house. she ask if she has gone mad, as she shall not leave. Tanu says that she isn't sending, but after what happenes tomorrow, she herself wouldn't wish to stay here. she says that tomorrow, after 12, she will marry Abhi. pragya is shocked. Tanu thank her for what she did, as had she not done it, then she wouldn't be getting married, as by sending Purab and Akash to the lawyer’s office, she gave her a brilliant idea. she says that when the papers are signed, divorce shall happen too. she says to Pragya that she wanted to hide the divorce papers, so that the divorce isn't legal, and neither their marriagee, but unfortunately her lie was caught. Pragya is shocked. Tanu says that she won't give her another chance to think or act, and shall marry him tomorrow, and after that, she will depart from Abhi, while Tanu herself rule the house, she says that once her divorce is finalised tomorrow, then they will register and throw a reception too, as tomorrow Abhi will take away her vermillion and don it on her forehead. Pragya is stunned. Tanu says that he will leave her company, and take the pious circles around the fire, with her. she says that since the sindoor and mangalsutra join a couple, hence she wouldn't be able to be with Abhi anymore, she also says that she will have her stuff shifted, as this will be her room tomorrow onwards. Pragya is shocked. Tanu says that hence she was packing her stuff, and says that she can stay in the guest room, if she so wishes, or in granny;s room, and ask her to decide with granny, as she shall stay with Abhi in his room. Pragya ask her to stop this nonsense. Tanu says that this should have happened long ago, but maybe she has a better fate, hence she remained in the house so far, but now she shall set her straight, then she ask her to see her face, as Abhi wouldn't want a middle class wife like her, but he always wanted to be with a super model like her, to raise his standard. she says that money isn't everything, as she lack class, by birth. she continue taunting her, while pragya is overwhelmed. she ask Pragya to go to her mother, so that she can take care of her, as staying here would only give her pain and torment. praygya eyes her ragefully. Tanu pack her suitcase, and talk about how middle class women only think about a fancy life with rich guys. to add insult to injury, she hand her a toy, and ask her to look at it whenever she remembers Abhi, his sister too comes, and taunts her along with tanu, that she should keep these doll to herself, and live her life in solace now. Tanu says that she wants pragya to stay alone, just like she had to for sometime. Tanu says that she is relieved after a long time, not because she is marrying Abhi, but because Pragya is leaving this house. She says that the day she knows Pragya has moved on, and has gotten over it, she would come to meet her, with Abhi and maybe after seeing them, her wounds will become fresh again, she reprimands Pragya for how she ruined her life, his sister ask her to calm down, as it isn't right in her condition, and then says that she along with her sister, bulbul ruined her life too.she says that she snatched Abhi and Bulbul snatched Purab, and remind what all she had to go through due to she and Bulbul. they taunt and tease her, while she is appalled, they remind her of her pitiful condition, she says that she is more happy for her marriage, than Tanu herself, she counts the time down to 12 hours, and she can live as much as she wants, as she has to die every minute after that, she take pragya and shows her face in front of the mirror, as this is the last day of her as a married woman, since she would neither be married nor have a husband tomorrow, she show her the vermillion bottle, as neither is this hers, nor her husband, which means, her vermillion is in someone else’s fate now, she hand her the vermillion and ask her to look closely, as she came as hitler, to save Abhi from his enemies, but couldnt protect herself even and came married, but shall leave divorced. Tanu then give her the wedding picture, that she had torn, and Abhi has cellotaped it back, to take it with her, so that she can put up her grand wedding picture with Abhi. They start talking about how in depression, she might just commit suicide. Tanu says that even if she dies, she would marry tomorrow, even if that's on her funeral pyre, they leave citing marriage preparations, but before going, Tanu again remind her the venue. they leave.

In granny’s room, Purab and Akash discuss with granny, as to what to do about pragya now? Granny says that she is very shrewd, as whenever she meet pragya alone, she does something drastic. Just then, Abhi enter and granny ask what's the matter, as he seems hesitant. he says that he has done what she wanted him to do, and that he has been forgiven by pragya too. Granny says that she too has forgiven him. he says that if no one has anything against him, then he should do that, for which he has divorced pragya, and announces that he will marry Tanu tomorrow, shocking them all. he says that he can't do this without them, and hence want them to know first. They are apalled. He says that he is getting married tomorrow at ten in the temple, and ask them all to come, he leave. They are distraught and wonder what to do now. Akash says that they don't have time to think anymore. Purab think that Pragya would be devastated. Granny lament that god is testing pragya badly.

In his studio, Abhi is distraught, remembering his romantic moments with pragya. Just then, Purab come and ask what's this, and how can he do this, as he got the divorce papers signed by deceiving pragya, and now even before it's finalised, he is marrying Tanu, and ask what's wrong, and if even he think that, he has to do the wrong thing. Abhi ask him not to get into it, as it's all become too complicated, and he can't explain it to anyone, and particularly not to him. Purab ask what does he mean, and ask if he has been isntructed by Tanu not to speak to anyone, and ask how could he not even bother to ask him, before such a big decision, and today he proved them all wrong, he says that he found out accidentally today, or else he wouldn't have even told him. he continue to reprimand him for treating him like a stranger, after making him feel like family, while Abhi is frustrated and disturbed himself. He says that he reduced him to the status of a manager, and he is joining new relations on the funeral of old ones, and that he doesn't deserve to be in the house, and hence he is leaving. Abhi apologises to Purab and ask him to try and udnerstand, as he is like a brother, and he doesn't have anyone except him. he says that Pragya isnt talking to him due to the divorce, and Tanu doesnt talk of anything except marriage, granny doesn't talk, and Alia is a gone case. he says that he needs him, and ask him not to desert him, even though he is angry, as his heart and mind are at cross roads. Purab ask him to listen to the heart, when he knows what his heart wants. Abhi says that his heart has been wanting this for a long time, but he took a long time to hear it, and now its too late, as the marriage is fixed tomorrow, and Tanu’s parents are coming, and the divorce has happened, and he can't do anything even if he wants to. Purab is apalled.

In Pragya's room, granny comes and find pragya sitting tensed. granny try to console her, but Pragya stop her, saying that she is broken now, but doesn't need any consolation, sympathy or false hopes, she says that her story has ended, and she got defeated. She says that she had lost long back, but was clinging to the last hope, not able to bear any pain, and by the excuse of fighting, she was just amusing herself. Pragya tell granny that she wrongly taught her, to fight for the truth always, and that the vermillion has strong powers, as there is no one today beside her, and she is totally alone, and if there is anyone, then where is he, and the vermillion and mangalsutra. she says that there was a sister, who isnt here anymore, a mother who is so helpless, that she can't help even if she wants to, and if anyone want to help, they land in trouble. she says that she hasn't been defeated by Tanu, but by her fate, and who else would be so unfortunate, that her divorce isn't finalised yet, and the husband is marrying someone else, and what's a relation that ends by a mere signature. she says that if her vermillion isn't with her, then what does her fate behold? She says that granny was wrong as there is no place for the truth, in this world of lies, and talk about how everything is over now. Granny tell her that it isn't so. But pragya is depressed, saying that he is marrying Tanu, and all is over now. Granny says that she still has anger, which tells that she isn't broken from inside, and isn't defeated yet, and her anger says that she can still fight and win too. pragya eyes her tensedly. Granny ask her to realise her anger within, which has kept her alive, and till this is there, she shall move on. she says that she isn't here to console or sympathise with her, but just to make her realise that just like the divorce isnt finalised, Tanu isn't married to Abhi yet, and till that doesn't happen, she shouldn't accept defeat, she remind Pragya that she still has time, and she can do a lot if she so wishes. Pragya says that the papers are signed, and that marriage preparations are done, and Tanu’s family is coming, and what can she do now. Granny ask her not to think of what can happen, but what she wants to happen, she ask her to close her eyes, and remember her marriage, as this was what, tied them both together. she says that while hating and loving each other, they were always together. but they were together, and that Abhi is his, and before marrying Tanu, he shall be hers only. pragya is set to thinking.

Granny asks her not to give up so soon, as abhi hasnt married pragya yet, and that she would be defeated only when she accepts defeat. she says that tanu hasnt snatched abhi, but she is letting it be, and asks why is she giving up, before a loss, drawing an analogy to savitri, who brought back her husband from the dead. pragya is set to thinking. she says that abhi is still with her, and till tanu doesnt complete her marriage with him, till then, she should keep fighting, till she doesnt win or lose finally. pragya remembers her marriage with abhi, and is set to thinking.

Meanwhile, abhi walks listlessly in the corridor, he remembers purab’s advise, asking him to be with pragya tonight. he complies to purab’s statements, and decides to spend this last night with pragya. but just then, tanu meets him, and says that she wishes to talk to him rightnow. he tries to put her off till tomorrow, but she insistently takes him to her room, and shows herthe wedding dress, for the function, and asks him to see how she looks. he says that he can see tomorrow. she asks that it would just take five minutes. he screams frustratedly that he shall see tomorrow, startling her. he lashes out at her, while she gets tensed. he apologises immediately, and says that he is very tired, and there are lots of work tomorrow, and if he sleeps tonight, he shall be fersh, and he shall see her in the dress in the morning. he leaves, bidding her goodnight. she talks to the baby, as to how badly he talks, but tomorrow, his anger and her tensions would be over, as she would be married to him, and nikhil shall be in the past.

Abhi enters the room, and finds pragya sits tensedly. she gets to pretend to be busy in some work. he gets scared at the sight of a cockroach. he clutcehs at her, in the scare of the insect. an awkward romantic embrace follows. then they are aware of their proximity, and distance themselves. she says that the insect is gone. he asks her hesitantly, if they can sit and simply talk. she silently complies, still tensed. he gets up and sits in front of her, and then abhi asks pragya if she remembers their first meeting, when she was planning to commit suicide. she vehemently denies. he says that she didnt know swimming and would have drowned. he says that at that time, they didnt know each other, but there was a weird connection. he says that when he picked her up, and took her in his arms, he couldnt take his eyes away, and then asks her if he can carry her again in his arms. she is stunned. They remember their first meeting. She gets up and he complies, and hugs her, and carries her in the arms, while they keep eyeing each other, overwhlemed with a surge of emotions, remembering their past romantic moments. he places her back down, and then goes to the shelf, and comes back, and places her vermillion holder, saying that once he accidentally placed it on her by mistake. they remember that moment. she wishes to go, but he stops her one more time, and then brings the necklace, reminding her of the jewellery store where they had accidentally met. he places it in her hand, saying that the mangalsutra tied them together. she gets emotional and is about to cry, when he asks her if she can answer his one last question. she complies. he asks her if she can wear her wedding dress one last time. she is stunned hearing his request, and they continue eyeing each other, while she says that he shouldnt freshen the memories, that have faded away, as the heart shall keep demanding things, and he shall keep hurting her. she asks him to go and sleep, as its too late. he complies and leaves. she sits troubled, still remembering their marriage, and how he draped the dupatta over her. As they resignedly lie in their rooms, thyey are both upset remembering their moments with the other. they both dose off.

In pragya’s mother’s room, granny apologises to her, saying that she couldnt fulfill her promise one more time, as she had promised her that she would be by pragya to make her win, but she couldnt. purab and akash stand tensedly. granny sits beside her, and says that she cant imagine abhi’s wedding with tanu. purab says that there must be something to avert this. but granny says that there is no reason and way out, as tanu shall find some other way out, and that only one person can stop this marriage, thats abhi, and if he ignites one hope in pragya’s mind, then nothing can stop her from winning, as the willing do find a way.

The next morning, tanu wakes up to nikhil’s call, who taunts and congratulates her for her wedding, while she is frustrated. he says that pragya finally did accept, and he too is ready. he says that he is going to the airport, to receive his would be in laws. she is boggled and asks why, as they are her parents. he calms her down and says that she is getting married, and he too is planning in advance for his future. he cancels. she is frustrated at him, but then gets tensed, and eyes her wedding dress, and thinks that this day has come after a long time, and asks her to think of that only now.

Meanwhile, the butlers in the kitchen are indecisive as to what to prepare, since noone instructed them, like pragya always usually does. just then, akash’s mother comes and asks why isn the breakfast ready yet. they tell that they dont know what to make. they are told that pragya is nomore in control. the butlers say that he shall leave then, as they like the respect that pragya used to give him, instead of tanu, who used to behave with them like a slave. the members are shocked as to how they shall manage if the butlers leave. alia comes and taunts that they shall take over, as she being tanu’s friend wont work. they are smirking and hurriedly leave. alia eyes them resignedly.

In her room, pragya sits dressed as a bride, waiting for abhi to open his eyes. he wakes up to find, pragya dressed as a bride, and is plesantly surprised. he is amused and comes to her. he says that this is what he likes about her, that she always agrees to everything he says, and she is sitting in front of him, and still he cant have her in his life, since he doesnt have control over it, but its weird that she is the woman of his dreams, and he can do anything in them. she smiles. they eye each other romantically. he kisses her around the neck, and says that this is for what lecture she gave last night. she pinches her and says that this is reality. he is shocked and asks if she did agree, and she gets emotional, as he continues, saying that just like a dying man’s last wish is granted, and that he wont die, since he has a reason to live now. she tries to say something, but he pinches her nose and silences her. they both eye each other, full of tears. they both hug each other ardently, tears streaming down their cheeks. purab walks in, and finds them like that.

Purab comes down, begging for the lord to do something, a miracle to stop this marriage. tanu comes screaming for abhi, while he says that he isnt in the room. she asks if she would believe him, and that she shall go for herself and see. purab asks her if she wont listen to her brother in law now, and distracts her in conversation, so that abhi and pragya can bond. she is pleased, while he continues fooling her, and she says that she shall search for him elsewhere. after she leaves, he says that she is his bhabhi, as her child’s father, nikhil used to be his friend at one time. he asks hesitantly, if she would come with him to his marriage. she is aghast to hear this. he insists resquesting her. she eyes him stunned. The screen freezes on her tensed face. 

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