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The Episode starts with Pragya crying and thinking that she thought they will unite tonight, but seem like their destination is far even now. She cry badly and sleep. Abhi wake up and think if Mogambo is crying? He comes to her and think stone hearted Pragya can’t cry. He think she is ordering me even in her sleep to cover her with blanket. He think why couldn’t he see her pain, even though he wants to be unaffected by her. He cover her with the blanket, and says you are looking like my fuggi like this. He says you are looking innocent even now, but one thing is missing? He bring fuggi’s specs and makes her wear it. Bheegi Bheegi Sadakon pe…Sanam Re plays……..He says you are looking like my fuggi now, and adore her….He think every night, I used to think about my fuggi, but I met her today and I'm very happy. He think every night shall be like this with her. He sleep there while sitting. Pragya wake up and covers him with blanket. She think she has lost hope, but he gave her a new hope. She think to cross the path as he will be waiting for her at the other end.

Aaliya is in the kitchen and think it is quite difficult to make omelette. Tanu come there. Aaliya ask her to make omelette. Tanu says it is made with eggs and says she don’t know. Aaliya says I will tell you, and give her instructions. Aaliya apply ointment on her burnt finger. Tanu ask how to break egg? Aaliya ask her to break it anywhere. Tanu break egg near the gas stove. Aaliya says it is good that Abhi haven’t married you, and says you don’t deserve to marry anyone. Tanu get angry. Aaliya ask her to leave.

Akash and Dadi talk about Pragya. Akash feel bad about her pain. Dadi says we shall not remind her of the night and shall give her strength. Pragya come and ask what happened? Akash says we thought you are sad. Pragya says Abhi cheered her up and says she can’t forget it. Dadi says okay and says we shall not forget that Tanu is here. Pragya says we shall make Tanu’s secret out through someone else. Dadi says baby….Pragya says she is talking about Nikhil. She says we shall make Nikhil speak the truth. Purab comes there. Pragya ask Purab to get all details about him.

Aaliya ask Tanu to tell her problem and leave. Tanu says Pragya and I have known each other’s secret and ask for her help. She says I have never seen such a cunning, sharp, intelligent and betrayal girl. Aaliya ask if you are giving compliment or badmouthing about me. She agrees to help her but on a condition. She ask Tanu to help her enter Mehra house. Tanu agree. Aaliya share her plan with her. She ask her to take Abhi out somewhere, and ask her to separate from Abhi, and call her. She says I will call my goon and ask him to drive car towards you. I will come and save you. She ask her to play emotional drama and say that she is saved because of her. Tanu says plan is good.

Pragya tell Purab that she was over confident and couldn’t get proof against her. She ask him to get all details of Nikhil to trap him. Tanu is coming towards there. Purab says okay and goes. He collides with Tanu. Tanu comes to her room and says hi to Pragya. She says she have not hidden her phone in her room and ask her to accept defeat and leave the house. Pragya says you are one step ahead of me, and says I will make you lose if you stop for a second to take breath.

Pragya tell Tanu that her plan failed, but not she. Tanu think Aaliya was right. She has planned for tonight and think to execute Aaliya’s plan. Abhi talk to Purab and says we will play scotch ball and will take out my frustation on it. Just then Tanu comes there and says weather is strange today. Abhi says I thought to go to club……Tanu says I am feeling strange, and want to eat spicy food, sweet etc. Abhi says I will ask Robin to cook for you. Tanu says I am going to marry you and not Robin. Abhi says not a bad idea if you marry him. Abhi think I have to talk to Pragya. Pragya call Nikhil, and wonder why is he not picking the call. Nikhil think if he should pick Pragya’s call and think he can’t trust Tanu. He think Pragya can be his future being a big fish. He pick her call. Pragya ask him to meet her at 1 pm for business purpose. Nikhil agree. Pragya ask him to come home. Abhi comes and ask about the call. Pragya says it was a business call. Abhi ask Pragya to come as Tanu is feeling strange. Pragya refuses and ask him to tell other women of the house. Abhi says they are busy and not at home. Pragya agree as he argues.

Tanu drink water…..Pragya ask what is your problem? She ask her not to trouble her with her mental problem. Tanu asks who called you here? Abhi says I can’t understand complicated things and ask them to discuss. Pragya says it happens in pregnancy and ask him to take her out. Tanu says may be I will feel better if I have a fresh air. Abhi says you both have agreed. Abhi ask Tanu to come. Pragya think I should concentrate on Nikhil now. Abhi and Tanu come out. Tanu says she is still feeling strange. Abhi says nothing is strange, and ask what is odd about this place. Many people gather there and hear Abhi’s argument. He says a guy’s half life is finished in understanding a woman. He says I would have controlled my fatherly feelings that day. Tanu says she wants to have kulfi icecream.

Abhi think Pragya asked me to take her out. Tanu get a kulfi. Abhi gives him card. Icecream vendor ask for cash. Abhi gives 1000 rs. He ask for change and ask him to get it from icecream parlour. Abhi get icecream for poor kids. He recalls seeing Pragya for the first time with needy kids. He think Pragya might be torturing him this way.

Purab tells Pragya that Nikhil is telling everyone that Abhi’s all contracts is with him, and is finding short cuts to earn quick money. Pragya says Nikhil is thinking Tanu will marry him and his destiny will change. She says we will offer him a good post in our company, and he might think to takeover our company, he might think he will become financial independent and might give statement against Tanu.

Tanu call Aaliya and ask her to start the plan. She sees car there and signs the driver. He starts the car and is about to hit Tanu, but Aaliya saves her as per the plan. Abhi rush to Tanu and ask if she is fine? Tanu ask him to see the woman who have saved her. Abhi is shocked to see Aaliya.

Rachna tell Dadi that it is easy to make Nikhil speak the truth rather than Tanu. Mitali hears them. Rachna catch her red handed. Dadi says we would have brought gold zari dupatta for her. Mitali get happy. Rachna says we will give you, but tell what you have heard. Mitali says she didn’t hear anything. Dadi says now you can’t get anything. Dadi scold her. Mitali thinks there is some connection of Pragya, Tanu and Nikhil.

Doctor tell Tanu that Aaliya will be fine even though she has fractured and internal injury in her feet. Abhi says he is going to pay the bills. Tanu stops him and says Aaliya will come with us to our home. She emotionally blackmail him, and says your baby and I are alive because of her. She ask if your ego is more than me. Aaliya is tensed. Tanu says it seems you are not happy seeing me fine, and ask him to keep Aaliya in the house. Abhi says that house is not mine, but of Pragya. Tanu says okay, I will take her home, and ask him to decide on whose side is he? Tanu tell Aaliya that her plan worked. Aaliya says Pragya will feel slap on her face and smile looking at her.

Nikhil coming to Mehra’s house. Mitali sees him and thinks Dadi and Rachna were talking about him and he came. She asks Nikhil…..if he came to meet Pragya? She asks if he is having something to do with Pragya? She says I will get gold’s dupatta…if you said yes. She confuses him and says if I get it then you can use it for a day. Nikhil says do you want a man to wear dupatta. Mitali says you can wear it in jagrata or concert. Nikhil asks her to leave him and says he needs to talk to Pragya. He thinks Mitali have eaten his brain, and thinks even Tanu us like that. He thinks everyone have gone mad except Pragya. He thinks to see how is Sarla? He comes inside Sarla’s room and sings Sarla ji Sarla ji…he asks how are you? I came here to know about your progress report. He says I am talking to you from far so that you don’t get violent. Sarla holds his hand. Nikhil asks her to leave his hand. He says if you starts speaking then I have to kill you. He says I will give a good bye kiss to you legs. Just then Sarla hits him with her leg. Nikhil shouts and falls on the door.

Pragya and Purab come there. Nikhil says Sarla have moved her leg. Pragya says you will be alright and hugs her. Nikhil thinks Sarla is getting her power seeing me. Purab asks Nikhil, why you are with Sarla when she has any movement in her body? Nikhil says may be God wants me to give good news. Purab asks why is he dressed up formally? Nikhil says Pragya called me for meeting. Pragya thinks he is a danger for Maa. She asks him to come. They sit in a room. Pragya says she is searching for someone, who is responsible and can handle CEO position. Nikhil thinks he has to grab this position. He says Purab is taking care of this position. Pragya says Purab is busy with his own work and she don’t want to pressurize him. Nikhil thinks Tanu have promised me to convince Abhi to get me this position, but I can get this position right now. He tells Pragya that he is appropriate for this position, and much experienced too. Pragya says you have proved yourself…I thought you might be busy in your company. Nikhil says who can lose chance to work with you and Abhi. Pragya agrees and says I have to think about it. She thinks plan is alright. Purab thinks meeting should be successful. Just then he sees Tanu bringing Aaliya home on a wheel chair. Abhi also comes. Purab comes there and asks Pragya to come as something wrong is happening there. Nikhil thinks Purab is crossing his path and don’t want him to become CEO. Pragya sees Tanu and Aaliya along with Abhi. Tanu asks Robin if the room is arranged. Dadi asks why Aaliya is here? Tanu says your grand daughter have saved my life and your heir…and that’s why I brought her here with Abhi’s permission. She continues that Aaliya was kicked out of out, but she has no hard feelings for us. She says my accident would have happened and she has saved me. She says Abhi has seen with his eyes. Pragya think Tanu forced him and it is her plan to bring Aaliya home. Tanu says she has done good for Mehra family and it is our duty now to behave good with her. Tai ji says you have done right. Mitali goes to bring juice. Abhi goes to his room angrily. Tanu ask Robin to help her take Aaliya to room. Robin takes Aaliya from there. Tanu sees Nikhil and wonders what is he doing here. Pragya says it was your plan to bring Aaliya here, and says you don’t know who will be against you. Aaliya gets up from wheel chair, and says she is feeling good to be back home. Tanu asks her to act infront of others and says nothing have happened to you. Pragya hears them. Aaliya says we will celebrate for our win.She says we have to be alert…and attack her.

Tanu call Pragya and says I know you came here to hear us. She says you have failed twice. She says I have become more strong after Aaliya came here. Pragya tells her that she is getting strong and this people will leave her for their betterment. She says I have my family and asks her to be careful. She says I told you that I will be two steps ahead of you, if you stopped for a sec to take a breath. She says she will win the race. Tanu thinks if Pragya is making plans with Nikhil, and doubts him. She thinks this idiot might do any mistake.

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