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Vishu confront Ragini for insulting Brijbhan. Ragini shout how dare he is and raises hand to slap him. Shristi enters and warns her to stop. Ragini ask where is Anurag. Shristi ask how will she know. Vikral ask where is Anurag babu. She says he should ask his daughter as only wife can know about her husband’s whereabout. Revati ask she can at least tell where she has been. Shristi show notes and says she had called her friend outside village to get notes from her. She says she will not do anything which will harm this family’s dignity and walk to her room. Dulari comment she shut everyone’s mouth with her reply. Revati warn her to shut blabbering her nonsense. Brijbhan says his men are searching for Anurag throught the zilla and he will be found soon.

Brijbhan’s wife try to feed Vishu, but he continues panicking and reject the food. She leave. Shristi enter the room and ask why he is not eating food and why Ragini scolded him. He says he told truth. She says he cannot take wrong route to confront wrong. He start eating food. She smile. Ragini angrily try to enter her room, but stops seeing Daadi passing by.

Vikral return home and over phone order minister to check London flight’s each passenger detail and find out if Anurag is boarding flight. He tell his wife if Ragini was here, she would have solve the problem within seconds. Wife says she already warned him not to do this forceful marriage. He shut her mouth.

Shristi then sees Daadi asking Vidhvan why he is looking tensed. Vidhvan says he got Anurag educated so that he can take the house’s responsibility, but he failed. Daadi consoled him that everything will be alright. Shristi then goes to her room and write on laptop if what Anurag did was right, if running away from self is a solution.

Ragini pick his gun and try to leave the house, but Revati stop her and says she just got married yesterday and cannot go out. Ragini says she is modern age Savitri and is going out for her mister. She take her blessing forcefully and leave. Dulari comment that both daughters inlaw are not at home.

Anurag reach hotel and call his friend to get his London ticket at any cost. He walk out of hotel room hiding his face. Goons surround him in their car and get him in.

Brijbhan’s sister’s husband enter home. Brijbhan warn him to stay away as he died for them when he married his sister without their consent and is a big goon. Man ask he was a goon in college, but their samdhi is zilla’s biggest goon, their eyes are blind with Vikral’s money now. Brijbhan stand silently.

Ragini reach hotel and after a slap the manager confess that Anurag had come here, but left. Ragini fum that the whole Zilla know that she is searching for her mister, but how could he let him go. She get a call that someone else took Anurag home.

Vidhvan’s jijaji/BIL tells him that his wife still does not consider their marriage complete as she did not get her elder brother/Vidhvan’s blessings. He asks how much money he should give to get his wife’ happiness. Vidhvan says he was wrong before and even now. BIL says love is pure and unique, they lost their daughter, but should not lose their son Anurag at least. Anurag comes out of his car and goes in. Revati asks why did he elope. He starts confronting that the people he came for from London troubled him most and broke his trust, especially Revati. He says they all sold him for their benefits. He saw his father, Vishu, and Brij being pointed a gun and he was forced to marry someone he does not like. He cannot apologize a person whom he owes a lot, Shristi. Ragini enters. Anurag shouts he will never consider her as his wife, though will be his husband whole life.

Vikral gets a call from his aide that Anurag returned home. He orders aide to find whom Anurag met, whom he was with, etc. His wife asks if Ragini’s husband returned home or Anurag. Vikral tells she wanted to call Ragini and Anurag for paghperas, she can invite them. Wife gets happy. Purshotam tries to work on laptop and forgets commands. His wife says Shristi is not picking calls at all. He says she will calm down and asks Sumer to call Shristi tomorrow for pagh pheras. Sumer says Shristi will not come. Purshotam says daughter’s relationship strengthens after marriage.

Brijbhan’s wife sees Anurag sitting tensely in balcony and says time will heal everything. Anurag says he does not know what to do. Vidhvan enters and gives his moral gyan.

Shristi in her room writes on laptop that Anurag is facing same dilemma which she is facing. Vishu comes and sleeps on bed. Ragini in her room fumes she will see how will Anurag not accept her. Anurag enters. She stands in front of him. He picks pillow and bedsheet and walks to sofa. She gets her mother’s call who invites her for pagh pheras and asks to come with Anurag. Ragini agrees, but thinks how to convince him. He sees Anurag sound asleep on sofa and tries to pull table next to it. Anurag wakes up and asks what is she doing. She says trying to unite beds. He sleeps on table. She sits on bed whole night tensely while he sleeps. Shristi also sleeps on bed while Vishu sleeps on other side and pulls blanket. Dulari tells Revati that both boys are sleeping in their life, soon their married life will be on track.

Divya informs Shristi that her brother has come. Samar tells Daadi and Vidhvan that maa sent him to invite Shristi for pagh phera ritual. Daadi says it is good ritual, even they follow it. Shristi comes. Sumer says he came her to take home for pagh pheras. Shristi says house is where happiness is, where is her house, papa did her bidayi to this house and she will not come from here. Dulari comments how can a sister yell at brother like this. Vidhvan tells Shristi that she should go. Sumer says his sister will not come and leaves. Daadi gives shristi moral gyan that salt cannot be driven away by salt and tells importance of paghpheras. Vidhvan asks Shristi to go to her house and get books in lieu of pagh pheras. He asks Brij to get car out, bahu will go for pagh pheras. Brij gets Parag’s call and says he can come for pagh pheras. Vidhvan fumes and Revati gets happy and thinks how to convince Anurag for paghpheras.

Ragini thinks how to convince Anurag for pagh pheras. Revati goes to Anurag and says he should go for pagh pheras with Ragini. Anurag says he does not consider this marriage at all. She says he should consider his marriage as fate and should accept it, she accepted his alliance with Shristi, but fate had something else in store. She then goes to Ragini’s room and asks to get ready for pagh phera ritual. Dulari comments how will she convince Anurag. Anurag enters and says he will follow any ritual as he does not want any problems in this house because of him. Ragini gets happy and says she will get ready soon.

Parag comes and greets everyone. Ragini comes and asks why did he come so late. He says he brought gifts for everyone. Ragini distributes gift to everyone boasting they are very costly. Parag gets shy looking at Divya. His phone rings with Tu ne maari entriyan to…ring tone. Divya smiles. Her phone rings with same ring tone. Everyone look at her. Dulari asks where is her gift. Parag says they did not meet before, so he did not bring. Ragini takes money from him and gives it to Dulari. Dulari says she will manage with this money and asks to bring gift for Shristi also next time. Ragini silently looks.

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