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The Episode starts with Pragya telling nurse that Tanu can do anything to protect her lie. Sarla says Tanu is a big liar..and says Nikhil is Tanu’s baby father and Abhi is actually Pragya’s husband. She asks Nurse to support them. Nurse says I am with you and says I have proofs against her. She says I have her signs, constable as witness, and also doctor will tell that she is feigning again. Sarla thanks her. Doctor checks Tanu. Tanu screams in pain. Abhi asks how is she? Doctor says it happens in pregnancy and asks him to take care of Tanu. Abhi thinks I want to know if that is truth or not. He asks Tanu what is going on? He says you said that appointment is cancelled, and asks you came with whom? Tanu says I am pregnant with your child and want to marry you, and you are doubting me. Abhi says I am just trying to clear my confusion. Tanu says if you doubt me,then I will leave from here and go far from you. Abhi asks her to come. Pragya ask what happened? Abhi says Doctor ask her to be careful. Pragya says anything can happen in 7-8 months. Nurse says can we go downstairs now. Tanu says I can’t walk. Nurse says we have lift also. Tanu says I need rest. Nurse ask her to sit and says your husband can come here if you can’t go. She says I will bring form and your unconscious husband here.

Mitali think to eat icecream to beat the heat. Raj comes and says Akash came to office searching for Sarla, and ask if you got to know anything about her. Mitali says I will not tell you, it is my wish. Raj ask her to say clearly. Mitali says you went to hostel to meet kids? Raj says yes. Mitali says you would have taken me also and I am missing them. Raj says I don’t want to go with you. Mitali says those are my kids also, and argue with him. Raj says he don’t want to talk to her. She says she will get mad, and ask him to take divorce from her. She says you are keeping my kids far away from me. Raj says that’s why I don’t come home. Mitali says you get a chance to stay far from me. Mitali ask if there is a girl in your life? Raj ask her to keep quiet and raise hand in anger. Dasi stop him from slapping her. Mitali cry. Dasi think to talk to Dadi about them.

Nurse take file from reception and says she will show Tanu’s signature to Abhi. She says Tanu can’t act once her husband comes infront of her, and then Pragya will be saved. Nikhil hears her and open his eyes. Pragya think Tanu will be exposed now. Tanu think she can’t run away from there and wonder what to do. Sarla says even God wants to bring the truth out and ask Abhi not to worry. Abhi says I don’t understand what you are saying. Sarla says you will understand soon. Pragya says lift is here. Sarla tell Tanu that she will laugh at her today.

Tanu think she is trapped and wonders what to tell to Abhi. She thinks I can’t see my defeat. Ward boys bring some other patient on the wheel chair. Man says she is not my wife looking at Tanu. She shows the signatures. Abhi says there is some Tany’s sign on the papers. Tanu tell Abhi that she was saying the truth and scold the nurse. She says I will file a complaint against you. Nurse says I am not lying. Tanu ask Abhi to take her home. Sarla says there is some misunderstanding and we shall check downstairs. Tanu ask what nonsense, when my husband is with me, why I will address someone else as my husband. Abhi scold the nurse. Pragya wonder where Nikhil is? Tanu think it is a miracle, where did Nikhil vanish to?

Sarla take nurse to side and ask why did you change Tanu’s husband and file. Nurse lie to her and says that man was on the stretcher and I thought he is her husband. Pragya says it is waste to talk to her. Nikhil think Pragya might be thinking where did I go? He think if Sarla can pray to her god and get the things work, then I can use my devil mind. A fb is shown, Nurse tell Nikhil that Tanu is telling that Abhi is her husband after getting you admitted in the hospital. She ask him to tell the truth, and says Pragya and Sarla are there. Nikhil ask her to wait for one min. He threatens to kill her and suffocates her neck. Nurse get shocked. Nikhil ask her to change the file, and offer to give 10 Lakhs rupees. Nurse agree. Nikhil think when he can use his evil mind, then what is the need of God. Nurse come to Nikhil. Nikhil ask if the work is done. Nurse says I have done your work and says Pragya and Sarla were shocked. Nurse ask about money. Nikhil says I will give you money before leaving. Nurse blackmail him saying if he fails to pay her money then she will tell the truth to Pragya and Abhi. Abhi tell Tanu that he will bring his phone and goes. Pragya tell Tanu that she can’t hide her truth from Abhi next time and says destiny can leave you. Tanu says I have won, and the reason is not seen. Sarla says your baby will question you, about your sins.

Dadi, Dasi,Tai ji and Mitali talk about Sarla. Sarla comes home with Pragya. Everyone is happy seeing her. Tanu is still at hospital and thinks she will see Pragya and Sarla at home. She thinks where is Nikhil and thinks to ask the entire story.

Dadi hug Sarla and says her breath stopped seeing her missing from room. Mitali asks how did you know that Pragya’s life was in danger. Sarla apologizes to them for not informing them before leaving. Dadi says you must be worried about Pragya. Tai ji asks Sarla to cook good dishes for them. Mitali says I never thought about food. Dasi says we heard a lot about your cooking. Sarla says I will cook food for everyone. Pragya asks her to rest. Dasi says we will go and make food. Dadi thanks Sarla for saving Pragya and says she needs you. Sarla says Pragya is lucky as you are with her. Dadi says I am her dadi saas and have to do double duty. Sarla says I am thinking to stay here for few more days. Dadi nods happily. Rachna says our team will get stronger now. Tanu comes to Nikhil and says Abhi went to office for some important work. She thanks him for saving her from big problem and says I am really thankful to you. She holds his hand. Nikhil sayas it is good that you have realized my importance. She asks how did you do this? Nikhil says I have used the nurse who came to trap us. She says I have to give 10 lakhs to Nurse, and asks her to manage money as he has nothing left now. Tanu says okay. Nikhil asks her to meet him tomorrow and bring money. Tanu says she will try and goes.

Pragya thinks about Abhi seeing Sarla fine and hugging her happily. Abhi comes home and says he has a headache. Pragya says you would have got it treated in the hospital and asks him to sit down. Abhi says it is good that you are a teacher and not a doctor, else would have get your patients sit down. Pragya asks him to say where it is paining and massages his head. Bolna song plays…………..Abhi says you are doing wonder, and says I think my neck is not in your hands, else you have pulled my life out. Pragya asks him to go to Tanu, if he wants to get his life out. Abhi gets shocked and recalls Tanu massaging him badly. He says what you are saying? Pragya says this service is not free. Abhi enjoys the massage and feels relieved.

Tanu comes and asks what is happening here? She asks why didn’t you call me if you have a headache? Abhi says no, I am fine. Tanu asks Pragya to move, and says she will massage. Abhi says he is fine as he has tablet. He says if you fight with me then migraine will happen. Tanu asks him to eat Tanu medicine. Pragya laughs. Abhi asks Pragya to continue massaging his head. Abhi asks what you will take for massaging my head. Pragya says I will tell you later. Tai ji asks Mitali, where is her tea? Mitali says she drank her tea. Tai ji scolds him.

Purab comes to meet Pragya. Dadi sends him to her room. Tanu thinks how to go and meet Nikhil. I don’t have money to pay the hospital bills and nurse. Purab collides with Tanu and the money bag opens up and falls down. Tanu gets happy seeing the money. Mitali and Tai ji say that they will help. Purab says Abhi has signed a new contract and this is advance for the same, 1 crore rupees. Pragya comes and tells Mitali to give the bundle which is in her hands. Abhi says this company is good. Pragya says she works with good people only. Purab goes to keep the money. Tanu recalls Nikhil asking her to get money. She peeps in the locker room, and sees Pragya and Purab keeping money in the locker. Purab asks her to be careful. Pragya says she will deposit money in the bank tomorrow. Tanu thinks she will steal money today and thinks to use Abhi.

Tanu comes to Abhi and says she will help him. She chooses jacket for him. Abhi says it is so hot, I will not wear leather jacket. Tanu says sorry. She brings his wallet. Abhi says I use black wallet. Abhi asks her to leave it and says Pragya will teach you how to be a good wife. Tanu gets a chance to talk badly about her, and says you have signed the project and Pragya have taken all the money. Abhi says I used to give money to Dadi before, so it doesn’t matter. Tanu asks if Pragya is your Dadi. Abhi says no and says she looks like Dadi in specs. Tanu says you are blinded, and says she is misusing your money? Did you ask her anytime what she does with the money. She says I am afraid that our baby will have to ask Pragya for money. She says if you ask share from her, then she will not give. Abhi says you are misunderstanding her. He thinks Pragya is liking me. Sarla makes parathas for everyone. Taya ji, Dasi, Akash and everyone praises her. Mitali asks her to teach Taiji. Abhi comes. Tanu asks him to tell and don’t get trapped in her words. Taya ji asks him to sit and says Sarla ji made good parathas. Tanu asks Abhi to start the conversation, else she will start.

Abhi asks her to move back. Abhi says I need my share. Sarla asks him to eat full and says it is paneer paratha. Abhi says I want to kiss the person’s hand who made it. Sarla asks him to kiss Pragya’s hand. Abhi says you made parathas, then why shall I kiss her hand. Sarla says just because Pragya made paneer. Dadi asks him to kiss her hand. Akash and Rachna asks him to kiss her hand. Dadi insists. Abhi says okay. Bolna song plays……Abhi holds her hand and kiss her. Everyone claps for her. Abhi says I will not come in your butterly talks and says I need my share. Pragya says you have eaten all paratha, then what you need? Abhi says I need share from my money, right Tanu. Tanu says right. Pragya says you get money because of my management, right dadi. Dadi says yes. Pragya says you gets money because of management. Pragya says they will decide tomorrow. Abhi agrees.

Tanu follow Abhi and asks why he agreed to wait till tomorrow. He says she made him eat such a good paratha. If he had said anything, she would have stopped his food. Tanu says so what, she is there. Abhi says he would be better off eating from outside then. She asks she makes that bad food? He insults her in his humorous way and leaves. Tanu is worried what she should do now about the money.

Mitali is dreaming about money that she got in her hand, but couldn’t keep it. Her mummy ji and she plan to steal money in night.

Pragya is thinking why Tanu was insisting Abhi to take money. Is she planning something evil?

Mitali and Mummy ji are passing by. Pragya asks them about Tanu. They say they didn’t see her and will inform Pragya if they see her.

Janki maa tells Sarla about high tax on Kumkum Bhagya hall. They have to pay 10 lakh within a week. Pragya hears it. Sarla tells Janki maa to leave papers there and don’t tell anything to Pragya. Pragya says 10 lakh? She has so much money, but how she can use it for her matters. She can’t ask Abhi for it either.

Nikhil is afraid of nurse. He tell Tanu to arrange money fast..else nurse may poison him. Tanu says she has arranged money, but Pragya has her eyes on it and Sarla too. Nikhil says they will need to do something about both of them. He shares some plan with Tanu.

Pragya is not able to find Tanu. She wonders where she went so late. Abhi quietly try to come inside their room. Pragya see him and ask what’s going on. He says she was busy, so he didn’t want to disturb her. She says he’s disturbing her by doing things like that and asks him to help her in work. Abhi says she didn’t help him when he was making a song, then why should he? She says she did help. He says what help? After making lyrics, she forgot it. She says he made her forget by kissing her. He says he offered her another kiss to bring her memory back, but she refused. They argue. She says she couldn’t remember song. He asks her to look aside and gives a long kiss on cheek. Pragya is shell-shocked. He asks her if she remembered? She is quiet. He says no? then he can give another kiss. She says no and sings the song super fast. Abhi thanks her. She says he’s too mean. He asks if she wants him to do any work and teases her with another kiss. She tells him to do nothing and go to sleep. Both sleep.

Tanu was waiting outside. She says once they sleep, she’ll start her work.

After awhile, Pragya jumps saying cockroach. Tanu runs. Pragya wakes Abhi. He’s on floor. He says he is that cockroach. Pragya gets mad and asks him to sleep. He asks what he will do alone in double blanket. She is irritated.

Sarla catches Tanu outside Abhi-Pragya room and ask what she’s doing there. How she came there alone in dark. Tanu is quiet. Sarla tells her she doesn’t want a second woman to be outside their room. Tanu says a second woman? Sarla says yes, thanks to Pragya she’s there. Tanu thinks she will snatch away everything from Pragya. Sarla continues with her detective mode and tells Tanu to go else something will happen to her child and family will throw her out. Tanu walks away and thinks Sarla is right about taking care of her baby else she won’t get anything.

After a while, Tanu comes back. This time, she successfully goes inside their room. Both Abhi and Pragya are sleeping. Tanu try to take keys from Pragya. In sleep, Pragya says you came again (thinking it’s Abhi). Tanu thinks so all this happens behind her. She gets mad and controls her temper. Now Abhi laughs in his sleep. Tanu says both are in deep sleep, and still thinking about each other. Soon she will change Abhi’s thinking..then he will stay with Tanu for the rest of his life. Tanu search for the locker’s keys. She find it under Pragya’s pillow. She picks it up and leaves making door noise. Abhi wakes up, sees Pragya sleeping and then goes back to sleep.

Tanu succeed in stealing the money.

Abhi notice Pragya is feeling cold. He goes and closes window. Pragya smiles seeing him. She quickly goes back to sleep before Abhi sees her. Abhi then goes to her and covers her with blanket. He says good night and goes to his bed. Pragya says good night and again pretends to be sleeping. Abhi says she’s in his mind, everywhere. How will this work? Once she comes in his life forever, neither he will have any complain, nor her.

Tanu recall Nikhil telling her to steal money and try to show it’s done by Pragya and Sarla. Abhi will get mad at her then.

It’s morning. Pragya asks Abhi if he covered her with blanket in night. He says, he was sleeping. Jadoo from Koi Mil gaya must have come. Pragya says her Jadoo is him and goes to washroom. Abhi blushes.

Abhi is playing guitar. Pragya brings fruits for him. She says he favored her yesterday, so she thought to do something for him. Abhi asks about their money deal. She says she will give but he will need to tell her where he will spend that. Abhi says such a typical wife, but finals the deal with her. They fight to eat fruits. They fall on floor. Pragya on Abhi. Song plays… They have eye lock.

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