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Zara stop Kabir. Kabir says I told you that when I am close to you then you are in danger, what if you'd died? I am going, you have to live. Zara says look at me, don’t be so dizzy, you are so afraid, this was not a nature’s disaster, someone is attacking us, someone want you to remain in fear, they don’t want us to find out the truth, if we are together then we will win, world can do anything but we are together. Kabir says move away from me. Zara says okay, let’s find out who is behind all this.

Rizwan hear in the market that someone tried to shoot Zara. He call Ruksaar and tell her about Zara. Ruksaar says she has to die, you worry about yourself. Rizwan says they will not find any proof against me.

Zara and Kabir sit in the market. She look at his hand and sees a wound. She tells Kabir that remember some goons made us unconscious and took us to the factory, someone planned all that. We have to find him. She tells him an idea. Kabir look on.

Zara tells the plan to Kabir.

Factory owner meet Rizwan and say we made a mistake by listening to you. He get a call and says I have to go.

Factory owner come to an office. Imran is dressed as a manager there. Kabir and Zara come there as an Arabic couple. Kabir says we are not going to buy your factory now. The owner says what are you saying? My owner won’t spare me. Kabir says that the factory had a blast and the police are investigating it. The owner says that we have people who will get this case closed. Zara says we will pay once the deal is finalized. Kabir says you do my work, get this case closed and then we will pay you. The owner thank him and leaves. Zara laugh and says you look so cute Kabir. He smile at her.

The owner call his man and says to hell with Zara and Kabir, I have some big work. Imran goes to follow him.

Kabir is trying to take off his beard. He says it’s not coming off. Zara says you played it well but I like my Kabir and not this Sheikh. Kabir look on. Zara says you need my help. She goes closer to him and pulls his beard off, he wince in pain. Zara blow on his cheek. He moves away. Zara laugh. Zara says don’t know if we are wasting our time with this owner. Kabir says God is with us. He try to hold her hand but stop. Zara says you can touch me. He says no.. Zara hold his hand and says you can hold my hand, it’s okay. Kabir says keep smiling like this, you look cute. He control himself and says anything can happen. Zara says nothing will happen to me till you are with me, you look out for yourself. Kabir ask if she is joking? Zara says no, I don’t want you to go to Dubai with fear. Kabir says then come with me to Dubai. Zara says don’t joke. Kabir says I am not joking.

Ruksaar is packing and says to Kabir that I can’t say no to you, I will go to Dubai with you, I am so happy. Kabir smile. Ruksaar says I know you will come back. It turns out to be Ruksaar’s dream. She says I am not going to let Kabir go.

Kabir come closer to Zara and says come with me. She says people don’t allow us in a room, I can’t come with you. Kabir says there are big mosques there. Zara says I know, she get excited. Zara says I don’t have a problem with going with you but I have to be here. She ask if he will drop her home? He says yes. Zara says my house is in your heart. Kabir sadly look at her. Kabir get a call and look on.

Kabir meet Imran, they hide to see whom the owner is meeting.

Ruksaar ask Shahbaz where Kabir is going in Dubai? He says I don’t know. Ruksaar says you used to know everything about Kabir but not anymore, everyone knows that Kabir is leaving only because of Zara, he is ready to leave his country because of her. Shahbaz shout at her to stop it, Ruksaar says to do something for your son, she smirk and leave.

Kabir and Zara hide and see the owner meeting his boss. Boss turn and its Rizwan. Zara says Rizwan is here? Imran says was he behind the blast? They see the goons who beat them up. Zara says it means he was behind that blast.

Zara tell Kabir that Rizwan was behind the blast. Rizwan meets the owner. Imran calls him and says Sheikh wants to meet your boss. Rizwan says we will meet him in the evening.

Kabir and Zara dress up as Arabic Sheikhs. Rizwan and the owner come to meet them. Rizwan says I am giving you my word that I will get this case off,  is the money ready? Kabir says money is in my godown. He throw money out of the bag and says this is a commission, I can get this work done by someone else too but you can do it. Rizwan says I will get this work done in a day. Kabir says we will talk once the work is done. Rizwan nod and leave.

The owner tell Rizwan that I had to leave that money, I had to leave that factory because you wanted to take revenge from Zara and Kabir. Rizwan try to attack him but the police come there and ask him to stop. Zara and Kabir come there with Imran. Inspector search Rizwan and take out the jacket from his car. Kabir says this is the same jacket that the person was wearing when he attacked me. Rizwan says this is not mine. The inspector arrest Rizwan and leaves. Imran tell Kabir that see your promise had nothing to do with this blast. He leave. Kabir is in shock and recall how he promised to stay away from Zara. He tell Zara that I thought this was a natural disaster but it was planned by a human. Zara says sometimes we get scared. Kabir says we got divorced, my mother left me because of all that. Zara says your eye could never lie, if you had told me then I would have never left you. Kabir caresses her face and says I am a fool, tell me what you think? Zara says when you said to break this relationship, I was hurt but then when I looked in your eyes and saw your love, I knew that I was of Kabir only. Kabir says how can you trust me so much? Zara says trust is trust, I can’t lose it. Kabir says you are crying? Zara laugh while shedding tears. Kabir hold her hand. Zara says how did you make a heart of stone? Kabir says it hurt me alot, it broke me to send you away. Kabir says come with me. He takes her away from there.

Kabir and Zara are in a car. Zara says please sing a song. Kabir says I can never do it. Zara says I would die but you wouldn’t sing. Kabir says don’t say that. Kabir bring Zara to his house and says we have to meet my dad. Zara says I want to go home. Kabir smiles and says home.

Ruksaar imagines Kabir sitting in front of her and says some poetry.

Kabir pull Zara inside his house and call out to Shahbaz. Shahbaz and Ruksaar come there and see Kabir holding Zara’s hand.

Zara's Nikah air on Zee World Mondays to Sundays at 8pm

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