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Imran come to Kabir’s house. Ruksaar stop him from going to Kabir’s room and says I am cleaning your room. Kabir says okay. Ruksaar says you know what information Imran brother has? Kabir look on.

The head priest ask Irfan why his daughter’s nikkah got canceled? Irfan says because of Ayesha’s death. Zara comes there. Shahbaz says that’s my wife, we don’t have a relationship anymore then why are they using her name? The head priest says we don’t want people taunting, it's not good that Kabir and Zara meet. Zara says if you are really educated then why is it wrong to meet Kabir? I didn’t marry because of Ayesha and I had a relationship of heart with her, we mourn people we love and not get married after their death. Shahbaz says then why did you take 80 lacs from a stranger if you don’t have an illegitimate relationship? Irfan says don’t you dare point fingers at me. Zara says don’t talk to my father like this, you people are here to taunt me but Kabir was fulfilling his duty by paying that amount, you don’t understand your son but my father does. If you think you will come and shout here to get that money back from me then you are wrong, that’s Kabir’s wish and I won’t deprive him of that, Kabir is going to Dubai and I don’t want him to repent anything, you can go.

The head priest tell Shahbaz that we have to control Kabir and Zara. Shahbaz says I can finish her. The head priest says don’t you even think that. Shahbaz says I am keeping a charity party for media to tell them what Kabir is doing, once he goes to Dubai then we will handle this girl.

Ruksaar is waiting for Kabir and ask him to have dinner with her. She says I was waiting for you. Kabir sit down. Ruksaar says I am not worried that you are going to Dubai because I know you, you won’t be able to live there, you will come back. She thinks only I have a right on him and I will break all the walls between us.

Kabir get ready. Shahbaz comes to him and says I was wrong to stop you, you are all grown-up now, but I would want you to come back soon.

Irfan tell Salma about the charity ball that Kabir kept. Salma says Shahbaz will be there so you shouldn’t go. Zara says why not? I will go there, I don’t have a friendship with Kabir but I am not his enemy either.

Kabir is talking to the media about his charity in the function. Zara and Irfan arrive there. On stage, Imran call Kabir. Kabir thank all for coming to the function and says this is for kids if someone is spreading the sin then don’t be an accomplice. If you think something is wrong then question it, ask questions as to it's your right. Someone told me that if you have a question then ask and don’t stop till you don’t get the answer, if we want to conquer the world then learn and get an education, if your younger one is asking then educate them, kill your ego and ask questions. Zara smile and think I wish we were one today, I am so proud of you. Kabir get down and comes to Zara. He says thank you for coming. Zara says Salma didn’t want me to come but I was worried about questions. Kabir says you can never be tensed about questions. Zara says you are starting a new life, have a good journey. Kabir thank her and they recall their moments together.

Irfan tell Zara that Kabir can be a very good head priest of the city but he is leaving. Zara says this is not the Kabir who insulted you.

Shahbaz try to stop the head priest of the nation but he says this Kabir is different and we have to control him before nation starts questioning.

Kabir come to Zara’s house. Salma glare at him but Irfan come there and ask Salma to come with him, they leave. Kabir take away Zara from there. They come to the market.

The head priest tell Shehbaz, we have to find a solution to control Zara, she has already changed Kabir.

Kabir bring Zara outside the graveyard and show her Ayesha’s grave from afar. Zara get emotional. Kabir says she wanted me to succeed, I knew about her dreams and wishes, she was there but I couldn’t save her.

Kabir ask Zara what relationship they have left now?

Salma tell Irfan that people are questioning their relationship and you sent her with him? Irfan says I was hurt too but when I heard Kabir today, I realized he is the best guy for her.

Zara tell Kabir that our relationship is fluid, I thought that I would end all relationships with you but Ayesha was right, I tried a lot but I couldn’t stop this relationship because it is heart to heart relationship, it is a pure relationship because it is about love. He stop her but Zara says no let me talk, you divorced me but I still saw love in your eyes, its good that I am telling you all this, I loved you before and I still love you, I will always love you, she gives him a rose and says you can tell me if you have anything to say. Kabir recall Shahbaz’s words to stay away from her and says I am getting late. Zara get sad and leave. Kabir look at the rose.

Zara comes home. Salma ask what he said? Zara says he was asking about our relationship but he was hiding something. Salma ask her to go. Salma tell Irfan that Kabir will never accept her.

Kabir comes home. Shahbaz stop him and says let me know if you need anything, Kabir says I need a suggestion, you know Zara was right, Ayesha left us because she couldn’t see Zara with someone else, she died because of me and Zara. Shahbaz says enough, you think my wife was that weak? that girl is fooling you, you promised to stay away from Zara and when you went near her, she was in danger, stay away from her. He leave.

Kabir comes to his room and get Zara’s call. She says I am outside your house, he says what? Zara says if you can come to my house anytime then why can’t I? Kabir come out of his house and meet her. Zara says you are leaving in two days so I want to live these days as I want. Kabir says okay, let me know what to do? Zara says let’s go for a ride. He sit on her scooty and goes with her. Shahbaz sees it and call someone.

Salma sees Zara missing from the house and says where did she go at night? Irfan comes to her.

Zara is talking to Kabir on bike. A goon is following them, Salma call Zara. Zara says take her call and tell her that I am with you. Kabir takes the call and says Zara is with me, she is driving, I will drop her soon, he end the call. Irfan ask what happened? Salma says what I was scared about, Zara will start loving him again, he will leave after destroying her again.

Zara's Nikah air on Zee World Mondays to Sundays at 8pm

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