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Kabir comes to his room and get Zara’s call. She says I am outside your house, he says what? Zara says if you can come to my house anytime then why can’t I? Kabir come out of his house and meet her. Zara says you are leaving in two days so I want to live these days as I want. Kabir says okay, let me know what to do? Zara says let’s go for a ride. He sit on her scooter and goes with her. Shahbaz sees it and call someone.

Salma sees Zara missing from the house and says where did she go at night? Irfan comes to her.

Zara is talking to Kabir on bike. A goon is following them, Salma call Zara. Zara says take her call and tell her that I am with you. Kabir takes the call and says Zara is with me, she is driving, I will drop her soon, he end the call. Irfan ask what happened? Salma says what I was scared about, Zara will start loving him again, he will leave after destroying her again.

Kabir and Zara eat gol gappas. Zara says if we are not friends then we are not enemies either, you were right. Kabir smile. Kabir murmurs ask me who am I to you when we are having our last breath. Zara says what did you say? He says nothing.

Salma tell Irfan that Kabir took Quran’s promise to never accept Zara back. Zara will keep crying for life.

Zara says I have told you everything that was in my heart but you still treat me like a stranger. Kabir looks on.

Irfan is awake and recall Kabir’s insults and then Salma telling him that Kabir promised to never accept Zara back.

Irfan come to mosque. Kabir comes there. Irfan thank him for the money. Irfan says let’s have tea together. They sit down, Irfan ask for a garlic tea but Kabir says I don’t like that. Irfan says you fulfilled your duty but I got to know about your promise, I won’t tell Zara but you have to tell her otherwise it will break you and Zara, she will die with this pain, it’s your duty to tell her the truth, tell her that you are leaving because of this promise, you can go to Dubai but tell this truth to Zara so she can be at peace too and you can move on too. He leave. Kabir look on.

In the morning, Zara come outside Ayesha’s graveyard and says Kabir you called me here? Kabir says yes, I couldn’t understand your pain and Ayesha’s feelings but there are reason and fear behind it.. Zara says what fear? He says fear of losing you, remember you promised on Quran not to enter the sharia board but you did and you were attacked and were in coma for a year, I came to see you but I realized that if I come close to you then it will hurt you and you won’t wake up so I made a promise to stay away from you. He sit by Ayesha’s grave and says she wanted us together and kept hinting to bring you back but I was scared to lose forever and you were attacked when I was close to you so I was sure to stay away from you and then you were saved. He says I did all this sacrifice for your life. Zara says you could have talked to me and ask me about my heart, my heart died every day, she says Ayesha Ami look at what he did, Ayesha was pained too, you are educated and still you did all this? Death is in God’s hand then why did you do it? You could have talked to me once. She cry. Kabir says I did all this for you, I had an education but it’s about you, I just knew that I had to stay away from you to protect you, my feelings are not a lie, look in my heart, I did all this for you. Zara says all these could be coincidence or maybe someone was behind that factory accident. Kabir says no. Zara says if we find out the truth then you will be free from your promise and I might get my Kabir back. Shahbaz’s goon hide and hear all that. Zara ask Kabir to stop protecting her.

Shahbaz’s goon come to him and tell him about Kabir and Zara finding out about the factory’s blast, they might get to know that you were behind it. Shahbaz says finish Zara and end this matter.

Kabir come to Irfan’s house and thank him for giving him the strength to tell Zara the truth. They both leave from there. Goon points a gun at Zara from afar.

Kabir and Zara are in the car. Kabir says I have got the car that’s been serviced. Zara says you have become clever, after two days you will leave this city. They both sadly look at each other. While Kabir is driving, Zara sleep. Kabir bring coconut juice for her. Shehbaz’s goon is following them. Hawaian plays as they smile at each other.

Kabir and Zara come to the factory. They meet an inspector. He says I can’t tell you much but I know about the owner of the factory. Kabir take his address.

Zara and Kabir come to the factory owner. Owner says why are you here? You both were in the factory when that blast happened, you both are responsible for that blast, your enemy might have blasted that factory. Kabir says do you know that we are going to remove the curtain from this case and then the police will be behind you more. They leave. The owner call Rizwan and tell him about Zara and Kabir.

Kabir and Zara are on the road. Shahbaz’s goon hide and aim at Zara. Kabir sees him from the car window. Goon shoot at Zara but Kabir push Zara away and save her. Kabir ask if she is fine? They see goon running. Kabir run behind him. Zara goes too. Goon fool Kabir and leaves. He calls Shahbaz and says I tried to kill Zara but Kabir didn’t let it happen.

Rizwan call Ruksaar and says Kabir and Zara are researching about that factory blast. Salma comes there so Ruksaar end the call. She asks where is Zara? Salma says she went out with Kabir. Ruksaar says I am worried for her, she might get hurt again. Salma says they are meeting again, I don’t want her heart to break but Kabir has changed, he has told everything to Zara and she has decided to end everything to end Kabir’s fear, she leave. Ruksaar says I thought I wouldn’t have to kill anyone but I will have to get my hands dirty again. Zara stop Kabir. Kabir says I told you that when I am close to you then you are in danger, what if you'd died? I am going, you have to live. Zara says look at me, don’t be so dizzy, you are so afraid, this was not a nature’s disaster, someone is attacking us, someone want you to remain in fear, they don’t want us to find out the truth, if we are together then we will win, world can do anything but we are together. Kabir says move away from me. Zara says okay, let’s find out who is behind all this. Rizwan hear in the market that someone tried to shoot Zara. He call Ruksaar and tell her about Zara. Ruksaar says she has to die, you worry about yourself. Rizwan says they will not find any proof against me. Zara and Kabir sit in the market. She look at his hand and sees a wound. She tells Kabir that remember some goons made us unconscious and took us to the factory, someone planned all that. We have to find him. She tells him an idea. Kabir look on.

Zara's Nikah air on Zee World Mondays to Sundays at 8pm

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