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Coming up in Eternal Love this March 2021:

Monday 1 March 2021

An unknown man blackmails Sonakshi about revealing Naren's secret to Veena. While Rohit rushes to the hospital, the blackmailer sends Veena a parcel.
The blackmailer decides to teach Sonakshi a lesson for double-crossing him. While Rohit is thankful to Sonakshi for her help, Suman notices an alarming fact.

Tuesday 2 March 2021

Rohan panics after finding a hidden camera. While Rohit learns about Sonakshi's secret from Suman, Sonakshi is left speechless upon catching the blackmailer.
An intoxicated Ajit unintentionally reveals Naren's secret to Suman. Elsewhere, Veena and Sonakshi are shocked to learn about Rohan and Pari's affair.

Wednesday 3 March 2021

Rohit vents his frustration on Sonakshi while a furious Veena slaps Pari. During the party at the Sippys', Suman discloses a scandalous truth.
A heartbroken Veena falls unconscious upon learning about Naren's affair. While Suman refuses to let Sonakshi enter the house, Rohit slaps Veena!

Thursday 4 March 2021

Sonakshi takes the blame on herself to protect Ajit. While Rohit vents his anger out on Sonakshi for deceiving him, Nishi vows to destroy her.
Tanya gets Pari arrested. While Naren makes a surprising announcement, Rohan's decision to divorce Tanya stuns the Sippys.

Friday 5 March 2021

While Sonakshi asks Naren to reconsider his decision, Tanya threatens Rohan. Later, Nishi attempts to kill Naren to acquire his property.
Sonakshi feels helpless when Nishi tries to frame Naren's suicide attempt on her. Later, a distressed Veena asks the police to interrogate Sonakshi.

Saturday 6 March 2021

Nishi gets irked when Rohit supports Sonakshi. Later, Veena falls prey to Nishi's manipulation when she provokes her against Sonakshi.
Rohit vents his anger on Sonakshi after learning about the prenup. While Nishi relishes the success of her plan, Sonakshi receives an alarming news.

Sunday 7 March 2021

Sonakshi's life is in peril during a heated argument with Rohit. Devastated, she puts forth a condition when he demands a divorce.
Rohit surprises Sonakshi by attending a party in her honour. She is stunned when the police show her a shocking video regarding Naren's murder.
Monday 8 March 2021

During the event in Sonakshi's honour, an intoxicated Rohit calls her fake on the stage. While Pari learns that she is pregnant, the police give Sonakshi shocking news.
Sonakshi gets a vital clue and searches Nishi's room. While Rohit tries to get in touch with Sonakshi, YK catches her leaving his room.

Tuesday 9 March 2021

Sonakshi confronts Nishi for trying to kill Naren. While Nishi tries to turn the tables on Sonakshi, the latter discloses Nishi's evil deeds to Veena.
The Sippys lose their cool with Sonakshi while she gets shocking news about the inspector. After creating a huge drama, Nishi decides to commit suicide.

Wednesday 10 March 2021

While Ajit reveals a shocking truth to Rohit, Nishi challenges to oust Sonakshi from the house. Later, Nishi tries to prevent Rohit from learning about her misdeeds.
Nishi controls Naren's pacemaker via her phone and makes a shocking threat to Rohit. Later, Veena demands that Rohit divorce Sonakshi.

Thursday 11 March 2021

After facing unthinkable charges, a heartbroken Sonakshi slaps Rohit and leaves the Sippy Mansion. Later, she meets with a terrible accident.
While Mahesh informs Nishi regarding Sonakshi's accident, a drunk Rohit hallucinates about the latter. Later, Suman brings cops to the Sippy Mansion and slaps Rohit.

Friday 12 March 2021

While Rohit arrives at the OT completely intoxicated, Pari spikes Tanya's food. Later, Sonakshi challenges to surpass Rohit in terms of money and respect.
Four months later, financial reasons stop Sonakshi from getting Suman released on bail. While Rohit notices a disturbing sight, Pari struggles to hide her secret.

Saturday 13 March 2021

Rohit is infuriated to spot Sonakshi dancing at his friend's bachelor party. While she feels helpless, he gives a shocking verdict against Suman in the court.
On Valentine's day, Rohit sends a balloon to Sonakshi. While the Sippys celebrate Tanya's baby shower, he is shocked to learn about Pari's pregnancy.

Sunday 14 March 2021

Rohan plans to abort Pari's unborn child while a producer spikes Sonakshi's drink. Later, Rohit attempts to stop Sonakshi from embarrassing herself.
Suman asks Sumit to propose to Sonakshi while Rohan drugs Pari. Later, Sonakshi is stunned by Rohit's confession.

Monday 15 March 2021

Sonakshi confronts Rohit. Later, as the Sippys learn about Pari's pregnancy, Tanya meets with a deadly mishap.
Sonakshi is shocked by Suman's decision regarding Pari's baby. Later, Rohit heroically steps in when a frantic Tanya attacks Sonakshi.

Tuesday 16 March 2021

Sumit is surprised by Sonakshi's interest in starting a relationship with him. While Rohit tries to contain an airborne disease, Sonakshi does the unthinkable.
A jealous Rohit grabs Sumit's collar at a bar. While Sonakshi's health suddenly deteriorates, Rohit learns that she might be infected with a deadly virus.

Wednesday 17 March 2021

Sonakshi threatens to commit suicide when Rohit tries to help her. While Tanya is diagnosed with PTSD, Nishi gets a shocking piece of information about Naren.
Rohit is shattered when Sonakshi's reports state that she has the super virus. While Nishi threatens Naren, Sumit and Rohit are unable to find Sonakshi.

Thursday 18 March 2021

Rohit learns the truth about Sonakshi after searching Nishi's office. While Rohan visits Pari, Rohit threatens to kill Nishi if anything happens to Sonakshi.
Suman apologises to Rohit for misunderstanding him. While Rohit suspects Nishi, Sonakshi struggles to escape from Veena's trap.

Friday 19 March 2021

Rohit is stunned to discover that Sonakshi's blood may potentially be the cure for the supervirus. Later, Nishi learns a shocking truth about Sonakshi's abduction.
Sonakshi agrees to undergo a dangerous procedure for the supervirus antidote on one condition. Later, she makes an odd request as a nurse informs her of the risks.

Saturday 20 March 2021

Sonakshi's health begins to rapidly deteriorate after the supervirus is artificially injected into her body. Elsewhere, Tanya learns a shocking truth about her pregnancy.
A dejected Rohit recalls the romantic moments spent with Sonakshi. While Rohan makes an unethical request to Pari, Sonakshi learns a shocking truth about Rohit.

Sunday 21 March 2021

Pari agrees to give her child to Tanya under one shocking condition. While Nishi rejoices Rohit's waning health, Sonakshi comes up with an idea to meet him.
Sonakshi approaches Rohit in disguise but he recognises her immediately. While he drops into a comatose state, Sonakshi learns a shocking fact.
Monday 22 March 2021

A disguised Sumit helps Sonakshi execute her plan but Nishi suspects foul play. While Sonakshi is stuck inside the lift, Rohit is declared dead by the doctors.
Nishi is stunned to learn that Rohit is out of danger. Later, Rohit spills some shocking beans to Sonakshi, and they join hands against Nishi.

Tuesday 23 March 2021

Rohit and Sonakshi share a special moment after he brings her back to the Sippy mansion. On the other hand, Pooja makes a startling discovery.
Rohan scolds Tanya for berating Pari while Nishi suspects foul play about Parvati's identity. Later, Sonakshi reveals Nishi's misdeeds in front of the family.

Wednesday 24 March 2021

Final episode

While Sonakshi leaves the house, an infuriated Veena throws Rohan out of the Sippy mansion. Later, Nishi is irritated over Pooja's horrifying blunder.
Veena unleashes her rage onto Nishi after the latter's misdeeds are exposed. As peace is restored, all ends well for RoNakshi.

A new series titled STRANGE LOVE replace Eternal Love once it ends.

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