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The Episode starts with the man saying Rani’s daughter’s name is Sitara, not Pooja. Sonakshi gets shocked. Some time back, Sonakshi comes to Rani’s room. She says Shinde gave a letter for you. Rani says it was his call, he said he gave the letter to you. Sonakshi asks why are you tensed, what’s in this letter. Rani says house papers, I had lost it, it could be police enquiry or NOC, thanks. Sonakshi leaves. Rani shuts the door. She gets relieved. Rohit says we shall meet tomorrow. He ends call and says I will play the same game with you Rani, its my turn now. Its morning, Rohit asks Sonakshi to sit and have food. Nishi asks for Pooja. Servant says she isn’t at home, she left this note for you. Ajit says she should have messaged. Nishi says she wrote she is going out with Rani. Rohit says call her. Nishi calls. Servant says her phone is left at home. Sonakshi says I will try to call Rani once. She calls Rani. She says she isn’t answering. Veena says she went with Rani. Rohit asks them not to worry, he will handle everything. He asks Sonakshi to go. He calls Rani and asks her to get Pooja back.

Rani says I m her mum, she is with me, she is fine, I have just 25000rs in my account, I should have 5 crores, give me money and take Pooja. He says you fool, you crossed the limit, I will go to police if Pooja doesn’t come back, get her here and take money from my hospital. She says fine. Nishi asks did you talk to Rani. Rohit says yes, Pooja will come, we have to give money. Sonakshi is on the way. She thinks of everyone’s words. She says Nishi, Yash, Rohit and Rani are hiding something, maybe Rani took Pooja home. She asks Shankar to take her to Rani’s house. She calls Bunty and says I will be two hours late. She finds Rani’s house locked. The man comes to give sweets and says Rani had ordered the sweets for her daughter. Sonakshi says but Pooja doesn’t like motichoor laddoos.

He says her daughter name is Sitara, not Pooja, you are tv actress, my mum is a fan of yours. She asks about Sitara. He says she is coming after one year from the jail, how do you know Rani. She says I know her because of shooting, I will give her the sweets. She asks Shankar to pay the man for sweets. She goes and says Rani has another daughter Sitara, something is wrong, Rohit told me not to get her home. She calls Rohit. He says don’t worry, Pooja came home. She asks did you talk to Rani. Rani comes to him. He says I have an imp meeting. He ends call. She says I have to apologize to Rohit. Rani says I m getting a big cheque for the first time. She asks where is my money. Rohit scolds her. He says its your turn now, I will play with your emotions. She says I will tell everyone and Sonakshi that you guys told me to become Pooja’s fake mum. He asks her to think about Sitara.

She gets a call. Lawyer says I came to jail to take Sitara, she isn’t here, she is released. She asks what, how did this happen. Rohit says I know about it, she is with me, are you worried, I had read the letter, commissioner is our family friend. She asks where is my daughter. He asks do you realize Nishi’s pain now, you were using her daughter, I m using your daughter now, Nishi got you for work so that you make Pooja hate her real parents, you were oversmart and greedy, you wanted 5 lakhs for Sitara, you will get 10 lakhs, do your work and leave from my house, your Sitara is a drug peddler, its a criminal offence, she will be in jail all life if I make a call, any way its your matter, just do our work, take money and get lost, now get out. Rani leaves.

Suman comes to meet Netra. Netra says Sonakshi said she is coming late. Suman says I came to meet you, we have to make new contract, Sonakshi’s salary should increase by 20%. Netra says it will happen, but we shall talk with Sona. Suman says I met her, she got emotional and asked me to handle this. Netra says I want to talk in front of Sona. Suman asks what’s the matter. Pooja asks what happened, I m fine, why are mom and dad so hyper, Rani took me to temple, I want to spend time with her, why does everyone have a problem, I got laddoo with me, its proof. Sonakshi says sorry, I was in tension, have breakfast, where is Rani. Pooja says in her room.

Rani says sorry, I made a mistake, I will do my work, for what I have come here, I want to talk to Sitara once. Sonakshi comes there and scolds Rani. She says Nishi, this woman is a lie, she has hidden her truth, she said she was cheated in love and left Pooja in an orphanage, this isn’t her complete truth, she has another daughter Sitara. They get shocked. Nishi asks what, you didn’t tell us, where is she. Sonakshi says she is in jail, she is a criminal, Rani didn’t think of Pooja, why. Rani says I didn’t think its imp to tell this. Sonakshi says you are making place in Pooja’s heart and misleading her, we don’t know about Sitara’s crime, you spoke about upbringing, I doubt that you are a mum, you can’t be around Pooja, we don’t know what you have hidden, I hate lies and liars.

 Suman call Rohit. She says you ask Sonakshi why did she decide to leave her work. He asks what. Some time back, Sonakshi says I won’t forgive you for this. She gets Netra’s call and asks did mum come there, I will come. Rohan says Pari, don’t be scared, Tanya won’t know it, I like my bold and beautiful Pari. Tanya comes. He changes his words and ends call. She asks aren’t you happy seeing me, did I spoil your plan. He says no, I had no plan. She says I thought I will surprise you, I want to have Japanese today. He says fine, but you should have called me, if I m at office or not. She says like you were in Goregaon yesterday. He argues.

Pooja comes to call Rani. Rani shouts on her and makes her out of the room. Pooja cries and asks what did I do, tell me. Veena asks what happened. Pooja says I m sure mom and dad scolded Rani, its my mistake. Veena says calm down, mood gets spoiled and then gets fine, don’t worry, we shall have food, when Naren is upset, I make his fav food and eat it in front of him, he can’t resist the food and we patch up, you have Rani’s fav food in front of her, she will have it too and patch up. Pooja hugs her and goes to get food. Rohit asks why did Sonakshi go to Rani. Nishi says Rani is hurting Pooja, Pooja is disturbed, I can’t see Pooja like this. Rohit says you got Rani for this, you made this cheap plan, Sitara is safe, commissioner said I should keep this info to myself, I hate myself for doing this, Sitara is also someone’s daughter. He gets Suman’s call. Sonakshi asks Suman not to tell Rohit. Suman says Rohit, come home, you should know what’s your wife doing. He asks what do you mean. Sonakshi ends call and says this is my decision.

Rohit comes home and asks what, why… Suman asks why did she decide to leave work, ask him, Kahani Parvati Ki is her identity. Sonakshi says I was going to tell Rohit. They ask what’s the point. Sonakshi says I want a break, I want to enjoy my married life. Suman says you can take a holiday, take the resignation back. Sonakshi says we have savings already. Suman asks Rohit to explain her. Rohit says calm down, I don’t want your BP to fluctuate, I will talk to Sona. Pari says I m getting the car wash done, I will go home. The man says we had to remove this tracker, shall I fix it back. Rohan asks what, where was it, maybe my wife had fixed this for the kids, fix it back. He says Tanya is smart, its fine, I m double smart.

Rohit and Sonakshi are on the way. He says we shall talk. She says I also want to talk. He says then stop the car somewhere. She parks the car. They get down. He says I thought I know you, I was wrong, you gave the reason to Suman that you are tired and want a break to enjoy married life, I know its not true, I know you worship your work, you left mandap and made someone else sit, you went for your work, we are friends, you should have told me. She says sorry, I didn’t get a chance. He says you have a chance now, tell me.

She says my work is affecting my family. Pari asks Suman not to take decision. Suman says no, Sonakshi is famous because of my hard work, she is leaving everything, no way. Sonakshi says I m an actress, my family is getting in public eye, Naren had to apologize to media, Pooja’s adoption news came out because she is related to me, Yash and Nishi’s party spoiled because of me, its my profession, how can I stay calm if this is affecting my family. Suman says I m sure Sippys are forcing Sonakshi, Pari listen, Rohan wanted you to work with him, but I refused. Pari says yes, his offer is still there. Suman says you work with him until new show starts. Pari asks how. Suman shouts because I m saying this, take the money he offers, meet him more at his home and find out why did Sona decide this. Pari asks how will I give auditions. Suman says I will look after your career, do my work, Sona shouldn’t know this. Pari smiles.

Sonakshi says Naren spoke to me, I don’t know he is right or wrong, he is ashamed that his Bahu is an actress, so I thought the work isn’t useful. Rohit says you mean you will sacrifice your career for my dad and family. She says I feel its a little adjustment for family. He says no, if you leave the work you like, then its called a sacrifice. She says if I was in police or a lawyer, Naren would be happen, when that rain song came on tv, I was upset, when Naren saw that, he got much disturbed, I don’t want this. He says I don’t know, everyone should keep working. She says I will do some other work, I will clear my exams, Madhuri also took break from acting and then she is doing films, I will not forget acting, this break is necessary, I can choose anything else, I started acting for my family and I want to quit it for my family. He says I don’t agree, I love you, I m with you. She thanks him. They hug. Netra says episode should air on time. She sees something on the screen and says I have to inform Sona. Rohit goes to get icecream. Sonakshi says I will ask Netra to accept my resignation.

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