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The Episode starts with Neela saying we will shift America, I did all arrangements. Avni asks what are you saying, why will we go from here, Aisha is buried in this land, I have my family and friends here, mumma gave me Aman’s responsibility, I will not leave him alone with Dayaben. Neela says stop crying, listen to me, when a soldier loses in war, he moves back to fight again with all courage, you lost everything in this war, we can’t stay here, we are not going forever, we will come back here, but now we have to leave, else don’t know what will happen, if anything happens to you, I have no one, I can’t lose you. Avni agrees to her and says you are my mumma, I promise to agree, but you have to agree to three things. Neela promises her.

Avni says I have to go mumma’s house to meet Fatima and Tiku, I have to visit mumma’s grave and meet her, I have to see Aman once. Neela says this is not possible. Avni says please. Neela says you want to go back to that trap, its going back in danger, we can’t do this. Avni says you promised me. Neela says no, we can’t. Avni cries and says everyone made many promises to me and broke, you also break. Neela says drama queen, I will fulfill all promises, you also promise me, we will go America. Avni hugs her.

Dayaben sees Fatima and Tiku, and asks watchman to throw dirt out. Fatima holds Dayaben and scolds her. Dayaben argues. Fatima asks where is Avni, if anything happens to her, I will not leave her. Dayaben asks maid to call police. Tiku gets a call and stops Fatima. He tells something and they leave.

Dayaben asks maid to get gangajal and do her Shuddikaran. Maid puts gangajal on her. Fatima and Tiku come home and hug Avni. Neela says I wanted to take your permission and did not get time, I m doing this for Avni’s good, we decided to go away from here, we will shift America. Tiku says Avni won’t go anywhere. Neela says this was not easy for Avni and me, what’s imp for us now, Avni’s safety right, I convinced her with difficulty, you both also agree. Tiku says we can manage Avni.

Fatima asks Tiku to stop it. She says how to thank Neela, I have no words, Neela has right to decide for Avni’s life, we can’t do this for Avni, Avni is very lucky that Lord gave her two mum’s love, Lord made Aisha away, but sent Neela. Neela cry.

She says I can just give you prayers, I will always pray for you Neela. Neela says I m lucky that Avni came in my life, else I had no reason to live life, after Hemant died, its just Avni, who became my daughter and gave me new identity, we all will fulfill her happy family dream. Avni cries. Fatima blesses Neela.

Diksha gets a call for Neela. The lady from travel agency gives flight details of Neela and Avni. Diksha gets shocked. She tells Dayaben if I tell you about Neela and Avni going abroad. They are going Newyork tomorrow. 

Dayaben looks for Amol and worries. Diksha asks her to calm down. Main gets Amol. Dayaben hugs Amol and asks maid to tell everyone to guard Amol. She says Avni is like bad spirit around Amol, she will snatch Amol. 

Diksha says you think Neela and Avni will dare to come here to take Amol, Avni knows she has run away from jail and police is finding her, relax.

Avni asks Neela can we take Aman along. Neela says I refused for it, I m fulfilling my promise, you have to fulfill your promise. Diksha and Dayaben come there to find Avni. Dayaben says I m sure Avni is sure, and gets a gun. Avni cries and says maybe I won’t be able to come here again. She hugs Aisha’s hugs and cries. Fatima and Tiku hug her. Dayaben sees the house locked.

Avni visits Aisha’s grave and thinks of her. She talks to Aisha. Neela promises Aisha that she will not let Avni miss her, she will raise Avni and make her a good and brave person. Avni cries. Neela says Aisha is here, she did not go leaving you. Fatima says if anyone comes here, it will be problem, come. Neela asks Avni to come. Avni hugs grave and cries. Neela says let Avni be with Aisha and take farewell.

The travel agency girl calls Neela and says I hope you got this info, that your flight is delayed, I called your home and passed message. Neela asks what did you tell them. Lady says I gave flight details. Neela gets worried and ends call. Fatima asks what happened. Neela says Dayavanti got to know Avni and I are going US. They worry.

Diksha advise Dayaben not to shorten her team. Dayaben says no need to take gyaan from you. Diksha says Neela and Avni are perfect team, you always ask me to leave, I wish you valued me, you always things alone, you can’t do anything and don’t let anyone else do, you are old tigress, who can’t hunt, if I had killed Avni like Hemant, this would have not happened. Servant hears them and gets shocked. Diksha says let me handle Avni. Dayaben says don’t touch Avni, I will kill Avni, what does she think, she will cheat me and go New york, I have to bury her here with her mum, till I don’t see her dying, I won’t get peace.

Neela says Avni, Dayaben will try to harm you, we have to leave, I spoke to airlines, they will shift us to other flight. Avni asks when will we go to meet Aman. Neela says situation got spoiled, please understand, its tough to meet Aman. Fatima asks Avni to understand. Neela says it will be risk again, please understand. Avni says one last time, you promised me we will meet Aman. She requests Neela. Fatima says Neela is right, its sensible to leave, you will be safe, I beg you, don’t be adamant, did you see what happened after Aisha’s adamancy, she died. Tiku comes and says Hari came home….Avni asks is Aman fine. Neela says let Tiku say. Tiku says Hari said Diksha killed Hemant. Neela gets shocked and cries. Neela calls Dayaben. Dayaben asks how did you get time to call me. Neela scolds her. She says Avni and I have to board flight, I want you to get Aman at airport, Avni wants to meet him once. Dayaben says I will never let Avni meet Aman, you are commanding me. Neela says yes, I'm ordering you, its about Diksha, decide if you want to make Avni meet Aman, or send Diksha to jail, I got to know Diksha killed Hemant, I have witness to prove this. Dayaben gets shocked.

Neela says I can’t get Hemant back, I want to do a deal with you, let Avni meet Aman, then we will go away, we will not interfere in each other’s lives, Lord will punish you, tell me what did you decide, I don’t think you can see Diksha dying. Diksha asks Dayaben did she threaten you or run away. Dayaben scolds Diksha. She says you killed Hemant and did sin, I told you to repent, Neela got to know and threatened, she will tell everyone. Diksha asks how did she know, who was there.

Dayaben says if I make them meet Amol, will they do silently. Diksha asks Dayaben to go with Amol. Dayaben scolds her. Diksha says if Neela goes to police, what will I do, whom will I blame. Dayaben says I m still alive, don’t do anything, I know what to do. She goes. Diksha says matter can get worse, Dayaben will send me to jail, I can’t trust her, I have to something.

Avni asks Neela do you want to go without doing anything. Neela says yes, worse has happened with us, now we have nothing to lose, this place will not heal our wound, Lord will make Dayaben pay for her deeds, my dad was Devpurush, he helped us even now, Dayaben agreed to make Aman meet you by his fear, are you happy now, I m fulfilling your last promise. Avni hugs her. She says I had to take a gift for Aman, shall I go with Tiku. 

Neela says fine, go and buy, Tiku be careful. Glass breaks. Tiku says it will be good luck, we will go and buy gift for Aman.

Avni hugs Neela and says I wished to hug you. Neela and Fatima leave from house. Neela gets Tiku’s call and says we are leaving. She says I forgot passport and goes back home. Tiku says Neela will come soon. Avni says she will have much bags with her, its safe place, I will take care, go there and help Neela. Tiku says fine, I will go and get her. He goes. Dayaben comes there. Avni asks where is Aman, you promised Neela. Dayaben says you are fool to get trapped, Neela was acting smart. Neela is on the way. Diksha reaches Neela and apologizes to her.

Neela asks why did you come here, how did you know we are here. Diksha says I had to find it out, as I had to kill you. She gets the gun from car and aims at Neela. Neela kicks her and runs. Diksha follows her. Neela hides. 

Diksha asks her to come out. Neela worries for Avni. Avni says I won’t be scared and won’t go without meeting Aman, you gave us much sorrow, its enough now, I will make you reach jail and snatch my Aman. Dayaben asks is your lecture over, the day Aisha came in Ashish’s life, our lives got ruined, you are a disease which can kill entire family, I tried hard to explain, I have to end you from root, devil is killed by a mum, Aisha was a devil whom I killed, now you are left. She gets the gun and aims at Avni, and says I will give new life to my family by killing you. Avni gets shocked.

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