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The Episode starts with Ashish asking about Avni. Inspector says she is smart, she has thrown the sim. Ashish says I want both kids, I want results, Maa got bail, I can’t let her say in jail, interrogate Avni’s relatives, call Neela if needed. Inspector gets call and says fine we will reach there. He says its good news, we got Avni. Ashish says I will come after you, enough Avni, not more.

Avni looks for Aman. She asks people on road to help her and let her make a phone call. The lady gives her phone. Avni thanks her and calls Ashish. Ashish asks where are you. She says Aman is in tempo. He asks what happened to Aman. She says I went to get milk for him, tempo left, please save Aman, I did mistake, I missed Aman. He asks where are you now. The lady tells the road name. Avni asks Ashish to come fast and save Aman. 

She gives him truck number. Ashish says stay there, I m coming. She says come fast, I m worried.

Inspector says I think she is diverting us. Ashish says she gave us nearly same address, come. Inspector beats Tiku and asks about Avni. Tiku says if we don’t know, how will we tell you. Fatima says Avni is little and innocent, she has Aman, we also want them. Ali shouts on inspector for troubling them. He scolds them. Inspector goes to raise hand on Ali. Fatima hugs Ali and says I know laws, you can’t slap him. Inspector slaps Tiku. She prays for Avni.

Avni tries getting lift. A man asks where do you have to go. She tells truck number. He asks are you alone, did you forget way. She says no. He says sit, I will drop you to bus stop. She says I lost my brother. He asks her to sit. She thanks him. Ashish and police are on the way. Ashish’s car breaks down. He tells inspector. Inspector gives him lift. Avni asks a man about tempo and Aman. She cries and worries for Aman. She says Aman is hungry, its my mistake. She prays. The guy asks her to come fast, we will find Aman, we will inform police.

She says no, I informed Papa. A man tells inspector about a tempo accident. Ashish worries. Avni sees the tempo’s accident. The man tells about the accident and everyone in tempo died. Avni cries and sees the driver. 

She gets shocked. A lady runs away with Aman. Avni hears Aman crying and turns to see. She runs after the woman and asks her to return Aman. She apologizes to Aisha. The guy who helped Avni catches the lady.

The lady returns Aman to her. The guy scolds the lady and sends her. Avni hugs Aman and apologizes. Ashish asks what do you mean she was here, she is 12 year old girl, she is fooling you. Inspector says we are also worried, we are after Avni, but no results, we have to got any thief till now. Ashish says she would be around, find her, I m going police station to get Maa bailed out.

Neela says you can’t keep me here, I m not scared of your threatenings. Her lawyer comes and gives Neela’s bail papers. He gives bail papers of Fatima, Tiku and Ali. Neela says I will take all of them with me. Inspectorleaves all of them. Fatima asks Tiku are you fine, come. Neela hugs Fatima. Fatima asks where is Avni. Neela says I will find her, don’t worry. Fatima says don’t know where is she. Neela asks them to come.

Avni feeds milk to Aman. The guy asks her to have food, you are a brave girl, you are rockstar, I heard your story, do you have plan where to go. She says no, I can’t go even to Fatima’s house. He says I will pay bill and come, think of something. He goes and calls Dayaben. He says I have Avni with me, the baby is fine. She says you know what to do, Aman should not get harmed. The guy ends call. Dayaben thanks Lord. Constable asks her to come, she got bail.

The guy asks Avni will you have anything else. Avni says no thanks, help me one last time, I want a room in good hotel, get a room for me, I can’t see Aman in problem. He says sure, come. She says thanks, I will wash hands and come. She gets dizzy. He asks what happened, are you fine. He smiles. She faints. He says I was thinking why did medicine not affect till now.

Dayaben gets freed. She hugs Ashish. He apologizes to her. He says I could not find Avni. She says I have found out, come. Media asks Dayaben who killed Aisha, Neela or Avni. Dayaben says I trust laws, so I m out of jail, culprit can’t get free, Avni will be punished, my heart is badly broken by the bad blame. She cries and asks them to support her, save my grandson from Avni, I have forgiven Avni, she does not know what she is doing, she is mad.

Avni wake up and find Aman. She gets relieved seeing Aman. She thinks where did that uncle go, how did I reach here. The guy comes there. She says I was worried I fell in some problem, you have come, everything will get fine, you got milk for Aman, thanks. She feeds milk to Aman and says we will leave from here and go to some good place, this place is not good. He says fine, as you like. The goons come there. She gets shocked.

Diksha says finally you came home. Dayaben says I just went for 2 days. Ketan says we tried to get bail for you, did police hurt you. Ashish says Maa did not do any murder, you both please do, let Maa rest. Ketan and Diksha go. Ashish asks Dayaben to take rest. He says you told me about Avni. She says yes, I told some men to find Avni and Amol. He asks where are they. Neela sees and hears them on camera feed. They hear Dayaben and Ashish. Fatima and Neela get angry on Dayaben. Fatima prays for Avni.

Neela says don’t worry, I won’t let anything happen to Avni, let Dayaben do anything, Avni and I will manage, I have an idea. Tiku asks what. The guy smiles. Avni says I thought you are a good person and wanted to help us, but I was so wrong, you were doing this for money, I will give you more money, let me go. The guy asks what, we will make deal for 6 lakhs, do you have money. She says yes. He says fine, give me money and go. She asks really. He says yes, open the door for her, let her go.

The guy asks Avni to go, we are not leaving Aman. She says I will not go anywhere leaving Aman, you will always be a bad person. She takes stick to beat her. The man takes the stick to hit her. Aladin comes and holds him. 

The man asks who are you. Aladin gives his intro. He beats the man. Aladin asks Avni to wait. Aladin beats all the goons. He tells Avni that he was martial arts teacher for six months. She asks how did you know I m here in problem. He says I told you I m genie, Neela told me, she is keeping an eye on Dayaben.

Dayaben and Diksha see the news about Avni. Dayaben smiles hearing psychiatrist calling Avni mentally imbalanced. Inspector says we are finding Avni. Diksha says Avni is still on loose. Dayaben says she will come, where will she go, she is a kid so she went away, I have sent someone to get her back, you all are mad, I don’t let even shadow come between me and my victory, Avni will be in bad state, the society will not accept her, as she was illegitimate, now she has become Aisha’s murderer, who will have pity with such criminal, she has to pay for this. Diksha asks her to have sweets. Dayaben says I will celebrate when I have Amol with me. She calls her man.

Avni and Aladin see the news. She gets sad. She says we came here by hiding, what will we do, everyone is finding me. He says Neela is trying to arrange a safe place, till then we have to hide. Police comes there and hotel man tells him about Avni. Avni and Aladin look on and worry. Aladin takes her and asks her to hide. She asks do they think I killed mumma. Aladin asks her to wait, he will get taxi. H goes. Aman cries. Inspector finds her and smiles. Aladin sees this and gets worried. Avni is made to sit in police van. She asks constable to give her Aman, she is her life. Neela dresses as constable and says give her brother. Avni hugs Neela. Avni gets Aman. 

Neela says she is Renuka, my friend who works in in NGO. Aladin says I m also here. Neela says I told you I won’t let you get harmed, be careful, take care of Aman, you have to hide for few days. Avni gets glad. Aladin asks how to get rid of real police. Avni says I have a place. Ashish asks what do you mean she has run away, how did fake police come. Dayaben asks what’s happening, who has done this.

Ashish says don’t worry, I will find out, Avni has to pay for the sins, what to do of Amol. Dayaben asks what nonsense, Amol is our heir, he is your son, Avni is the devil, who has Aisha’s blood, we have to save Amol from Avni. She begs him. He says don’t fold hands, don’t cry, I will get Amol soon, I will send Avni to jail. This is my promise to you. Dayaben smiles.

My Identity air on Star Life Mondays to Sundays at 7pm

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