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The Episode starts with Avni asking Dayaben to see Aisha, who taught her to be caring, Dayaben can’t be a mother, who can just hurt everyone. She says my mumma stays in my heart. Dayaben says fine, I will shoot at your heart. Avni runs. Dayaben shoots and runs after her. Avni reaches the cliff end. Dayaben asks where will you go now, you said your mum stays in heart, then bullet should be hit there, I will fulfill this promise. She shoots Avni. 

Avni gets shot and falls down the cliff. Dayaben sees her falling in the river. She gets hugely relieved.

After 15 years, a guy is seen making breakfast for himself. He hears thunder and goes to window. He keeps hand out of window and says I learnt to make your type of coffee. He goes out in rain and enjoys, while people on road run. He says come to meet me this way, I miss you. Constable DD holds umbrella over his head, and says if you don’t take umbrella, your mum will get annoyed, you will fall ill. The guy Neil says no, I have a solution, our Ali’s cafe tea. Ali serves tea to him. He says this rain is like Avni, she used to do anything, tell me what will you have.

Ali says the desi dish with english names gives gives impression to customers. Neil asks DD to leave. Neil asks Ali about Poha and besan laddoo. Ali says besan ladoo is my fav and… Neil says and Poha is Avni’s fav, when will you make me meet her. Ali says let me meet first, I m waiting for her since 15 years. Neil asks what, are you serious, you talk as if you meet her every day. Ali says so what, I feel her, she is in my heart.

Neil says let me get this very right, you are waiting for such girl whom you did not meet since 15 years, brilliant, are you crazy. Ali laughs. He does shayari. Neil says if you get Avni, what’s guarantee you will identify her. Ali says heart GPS will not get wrong. Neil says this case has become problem for me. DD gets a call and says I m coming.

Neil says we have one thing common, your passion for Avni and my obsession for case 123. DD says we got news about case 123. Neil gives money to Ali. Ali refuses and wishes him all the best. Ali sees Avni’s life and says you are my life, your naughty eyes, when will you come Avni.

Avni goes to a hospital. She sees Neela and Aisha’s picture in locket. She puts the money in the donation box and hears police siren. Avni goes to change her clothes. Her locket cover falls. Neil and police team reach there. DD says this time its sure news, the thief has loot a bank and also a politician, we should praise such thief. They see the hospital donation box full. Neil says donation box is full, lock is broken, it means case 123 is around, find her.

He sees the dirt marks going towards girls’ toilet. Avni comes out and leaves. Neil turns to see her. Music plays………Avni smiles. Neil does not get the thief in the washroom. He gets the pendant cover and sees the clothes dumped in the bin. Neil says case 123, catch you soon. Avni reads about Dayaben on some hoarding and gets angry. She says the real guest of honor is going to come and meet you Dayavanti Mehta. Diksha reaches temple and gets pictures clicked by media. Dayaben takes a semi modern and younger avatar. She prays in temple and throws color. Pandit thanks her for coming. She tells media about Riya’s proposal getting fixed. 

Reporter asks her about Avni. Dayaben scolds her. Diksha asks Dayaben to pose for a selfie with Mata Rani. Avni sees Dayaben on news. She sits at the edge of the railing. She says I m preparing since last 15 years, now its time that your truth comes out. She recalls the gun shot and holds her heart.

She says you ended Avni at this place, your end will start from here, Avni’s naamkarann happened today, Ananya Verma, I m coming, Mrs. Mehta be ready. She sees locker cover missing and recalls. She says hospital, my plan will get ruined before starting if anyone sees it. Neil comes there and collides with her. They both fall down in the river.

Neil sayS I did not get the thief, and got this heavy girl. He lifts Avni and gets her to the shore. He asks her to listen. He gets close to her. She spits water on him and coughs. She sees him and gets over him. He says I was just… She says shut up, I know what you were trying to do. He stops her and says I m not your punching bag, will you say thanks this way. She asks why, you made me fall. He says you committed suicide. She asks are you mad, I can do anything. He asks did you not see danger board. She asks how to go out from here. He jokes. She goes. He says I can call DD, but mom will know. She says would I be able to meet Dayaben or not. Ali serves Poha to a lady. She says I come here to have Poha made by you, you are the best. She pays him and goes. Neil’s mum comes to Ali and asks about Neil. Ali says he had tea and went. DD says he went hospital. 

She says it means he had food poisoning. DD says no, he went to catch thief. She asks why are you not say first, say openly. DD says Neil went to mountain. She asks why, he went there to die or romance, he has no connection with romance, it means… Ali says relax, he was very happy, no stress, no problem. She says I m fed up of police job, call him. Ali calls and says his number is unavailable.

Sshe gives him 60mins to prove his friendship. DD goes with her. Neil tries to get network. Avni and Neil argue. She asks him to find the way out and prove he is a hero. He says I m leaving. She asks him to stop. She slips. 

He holds her in arms. Music plays…………. She asks Neil to give his shirt. He asks what nonsense is this, are you mad. She asks him to give shirt, else I will tear it, control your mind, I have to make a flag out of shirt, so that anyone comes to help us. He says like I saved you. She gets a stick and ties the shirt. He says we should put this in open so that anyone can see.

Hetal asks everyone to do arrangements soon. She says Riya will get married soon, its happening so fast. Riya is shown. She gets ready. She dances on Radha teri chunri……. Hetal comes to her. She says you are going to marry, you will be starting a new life. Riya says I know, you booked photographer for engagement right. Hetal explains that girl has to do many sacrifices, are you ready to do adjustments. Riya says they have everything, what’s the matter, that I m getting engaged, you can’t see me happy.

Hetal says I was saying all this because decisions taken in hurry just give pain, I can’t see my daughter in pain, your happiness is very happy for me, believe me. Dayaben comes there and stares at Hetal. Neil and Avni try to get help. She takes his phone and tries to make a call. His phone rings.

She sees Ali’s name and answers. He asks where are you. She says hello… Ali hears her and asks who is this. She asks him to say ahead. He asks for Neil. She says who is Neil. He says you are using Neil’s phone. She says I m stuck here because of Neil. Neil comes and takes phone. Ali asks all okay, where are you. Neil says long story, I m sending you location, come fast. Ali says fine, who is that girl with you. Neil says she is problem burden. Ali says fine, coming. The call ends. Ali says Avni on call…….what will happen of me.

Avni says no, how can it be Ali, focus Avni, I have to go out of here and meet Dayaben. Dayaben hugs Riya and says your mum in law has sent ancestral bangles for you. Riya says thanks, its so pretty. Dayaben says you will always be laxmi of this house. Riya shows bangles to Hetal and says everyone loves me, I don’t have to make any adjustments, you don’t let me stay happy.

Neil checks his phone. He takes Avni’s bag and checks. She takes it back and asks him not to touch her bag without permission. He says I did not tell anything when you have touched my phone, I was checking your phone to send location, are you running away from someone. She says I have to meet someone, I have work. He sits and says you need to have way first. She says ways are got by finding. He says when roadmap within is clear, outer ways also get clear. She says I got the way, but got a stone in the way too.

He asks did you see butterfly. She asks are you mad. He says butterfly comes to you when you leave it, this philosophy is called let it go. She taunts him. He says fine, you can go, but you will come back here, its a fact, it will get dark in some time, wild animals can see you. She says I m not scared of darkness. He says but you would be scared of light, as everything can be seen clear. She asks him to keep his nonsense and goes. He says she is like a case, don’t know from whom is she playing hide and seek.

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