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The Episode starts with Avni saying I have to reach Dayaben’s house. Neil gets the locket piece and says broken heart, I will get case solved when this heart meets. Avni hears foot steps and hides. She sees Neil and asks can’t you have normal entry. He asks why did you hide. She calls him mad. She says look Mr. Neil. He says wow, how do you know my name. She says your friend called. He says so you got to know everything about me. 

He sees a snake on the tree and pulls her. She says leave me. He shuts her mouth and says snake…. He shows the snake to her. She looks at him. The snake goes. He says don’t stick to me, I saved your life, you can thank me. She asks why thanks. He counts the favors. She counts his mistakes. He says snakes are better, snake went peacefully and you are talking nonstop. She goes. Dayaben says I understand your worry Hetal. Hetal asks is this not happening in hurry, I feel restless. Dayaben asks shall we make Riya sit at home all life. Hetal asks is this happening wrong. Dayaben asks her to see Riya’s happiness.

Neil and Avni argue. He collides with her. She shouts Oye and gets ready to fight. He says I'm teaching you right technique. She asks him to start ashram, to teach fighting and philosophy. He holds her. She says leave me. 

He asks her to free her hand and push him back. She pushes him back. He falls. He says I'm impressed, good try. She picks her bag and her belongings fall. She sees the locket and worries. She picks it and keeps in bag. 

He asks what did you hide just now. She picks all the belongings. He asks her to answer.

Ali asks DD did he start eating sweets in tension. DD says I m tensed about Neil. Ali says don’t worry. DD gets Neil’s mum’s call and answers. He goes. Ali waits for Neil to send location. Neil asks what are you hiding, show it to me. She asks are you policeman, do you have search warrant. He asks her name, you are questioning me out of fear. She asks him to see bag and says I m not scared of anything. He checks her bag. He asks if there is nothing, why were you running. He says you can’t do a policeman’s work. He says we can take lift to leave. She says I came here to get lift for myself, I can’t bear you. He says I taught you self defence. She says I can take care of myself.

He stops a car. They take lift. The man asks her to sit, and says sorry bro, just one seat is vacant. She thanks the man. The car leaves. Neil says foolish girl, she keeps herself in danger. He runs to reach her. He sees the car vacant. He sees the man fallen. The man says I did not know she is wrestler’s granddaughter. Neil says now you take lift from ambulance and slaps him. The man runs.

Neil sees Avni crying and goes to her. She holds her torn sleeve. He asks did you get much hurt. She says no. He says you saved yourself, thanks to me, the technique I taught you. She says thanks to me, I saved myself, I did not use that move. She recalls beating the man same way. He says you are thanking by heart. She says not you, someone who helped me. He asks who was that problem solver. She says he helped and went. He holds her and asks who was that man.

He sees her torn sleeve. He stops her and asks her to wait. Angie comes to meet Ali. Ali says I was calling Neil, don’t know where is he, why did you come. She says I forgot. They talk about Avni. She says its 15 years now. 

He says I m still living in her memories. He teases her seeing the nail paint. She recalls and says Fatima is coming back tomorrow, did you get her earrings. Ali says wow, I got Neil’s message, see you, I will get earrings.

Neil makes Avni wear his shirt. He does her aid. They sit near the fire. He asks her to say thanks now. He asks her who saved her life. She says you did not stop asking. He asks her to answer. He starts recording. She says he was like guava, he was short in height. He asks eyes. She says big eyes like black cat, and beard was light. She sees him and describes. He asks voice. She says like frog, he did not talk to me, he spoke to that man, happy now, I'm seeing for first time, a guy is interested to know about other guy. He says I was interested to hear your answer, if you keep pain inside, it will double. She says weak people take support of pain. He says sharing pain is a sign of courage. She says I m going, if you follow this time, then see. He says fine, atleast tell your name. She says I don’t say name to strangers. He says and you can take lift from a stranger. Police comes there. She gets tensed. Police staff salute Neil. She gets surprised.

Avni sees police saluting Neil. DD says you disappeared. Neil says relax, I m fine. He asks DD to drop madam home. He asks her why is she standing, come. Avni says I will go on own. He asks what happened, are you afraid of police, listen, its night, I will drop you home safe. She says i don’t need your help and goes. DD asks who was this girl who made you speechless, sorry. Neil says I want all details of this girl, I will give someone’s description, I want the sketch till morning.

Hetal says its not anniversary today, you have rated flowers high, take the flowers, we will manage. Dayaben comes and says its lovely flowers. Hetal says yes, but see the price. Dayaben asks the men to send same flowers daily, we will clear the bill. Hetal says I know you are excited for Riya’s engagement, but there are many functions. Dayaben asks her to think big for Riya, she is going in big house, this is an investment for our future, Riya and Amol will get everything in future. Diksha looks on.

Diksha says fine, shower love on grandchildren, I will also do something, Riya’s engagement will happen well. Avni comes home and smiles seeing Neela. Neela asks for icecream. Avni gets icecream from fridge. Neela asks about the shirt. Avni says I was waiting for you to ask.

Neela stares at her. Avni says you will not digest icecream till I answer, we will talk at breakfast time. Neela asks how did you get hurt. Avni asks her to ask questions later, the one who has mum like you, can she lose, I'm feeling scared. Neela says fear is not your weakness, it will become your strength.

Avni says we lost many things behind. Neela says tomorrow morning will make you meet your past, chance and destination are ready, my Avni is also ready, right. Avni nods. Neela wishes her all the best.

Neil comes to police station and asks for sketch. DD says yes. Neil asks why are you laughing, show me the sketch, is it any monkey. DD shows the sketch. Neil sees his own sketch and laughs. DD says that’s why everyone was laughing, it was made by the girl’s description in recording. He plays the recording and realizes Avni told about him.

DD laughs hearing her. Neil says this girl is Ajooba, she removed a policeman’s shirt and then fooled me, I will find out, she has become a case for me. Neela says you made breakfast after many days. Avni says your fav Aloo puri. Neela says its nice, you got this from hotel. Avni asks how did you know. Neela says I m your mum, have it now, shall we continue discussion, about shirt. Avni says what to discuss, have one more puri. Neela says fine, tell me about the guy, was he handsome, every girl has boyfriend, you may also have, its cool.

Avni says what cool, I don’t like all that. Neela calls her mad and smiles. Avni hugs her and says now our happy days have come, you can ask me anything, you know my answer, my life’s motive is not a guy, its a fight to get family. Neela asks are you ready for this fight. Riya refuses to have food. Dayaben praises her. Riya asks can’t I buy a designer lahenga in my engagement. Hetal says its worth 15 lakhs, will you wear such costly lahenga for a day, you won’t see it again, we get life partner, that’s engagement gift. Riya says my followers will see me, what will they think if I wear plan dress, what will be my image.Dayaben asks Riya to wear the designer dress. She gives her card and asks her to shop whatever she wants. Riya says Hetal is not happy in my happiness. Dayaben asks Riya to take her boyfriend on shopping too. Riya calls her too cute and goes. Dayaben asks Hetal to think about success always. A man delivers something.

Neela prepares Avni. Avni says I'm Ananya Verma. Neela asks her to stand right, will you take much time to answer, you will face Dayaben by meeting her eyes, she is our biggest enemy, answer me, don’t forget, family matters a lot to Dayaben. She asks Avni not to be scared, now its time for our enemy to be scared, don’t forget you are Aisha’s daughter, you are a born fighter, you can’t lose this way.

The man says I got the jewelry, but its all mortgaged in our bank, my job is in risk. Dayaben says I got your job there. He says so, I got this jewelry, you can take jewelry now and keep the rest. She stares at him. He gives her the box and says none should know. She says this jewelry and your job won’t go anywhere. She says once Riya goes in that family, this bad time will be gone. She smiles. Neela says you have to win Dayaben’s trust, your should be confident. Avni says this fear comes as bad memory. Neela says when you feel scared of outer fear, you revive your inner light, you can do it. Avni says I'm ready and smiles.

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