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The Episode starts with Avni and Aladin reaching her secret place. She worries for Aman. Aladin says he is here, don’t worry, I m thinking how can Lord do this, I will have complain that Lord snatched your childhood and grew you soon. She says Lord loves me, so he has sent Aman, so that when mumma goes, I don’t feel alone, I will live childhood again with Aman. He asks her to be happy and not get scared of anyone. She asks why so many wishes and lecture today, are you leaving again. He says no, I just said. She says fine, I will always be same, like you all wanted, happy and smiling. She hugs Aladin.

He asks don’t you get hungry, I m hungry, if Ali was here, he would have eaten 10 samosas. She says yes, I m bit hungry. He says I will get food for you and milk for Aman. She asks him to get some nappies for Aman. He says I will go. She says say you will go and come fast. He says yes, I will go and come soon, keep this new sim, in case if I don’t return. She says don’t say that. He says fine, take Aman.

Dayaben asks Ashish did you find out, I want Aman back, don’t show me your face. Neela hears her and asks what happened, so much tension that you are ready to sacrifice Ashish, did you not get Avni. Dayaben angrily slaps Neela. Neela says even I can raise hand, my dad’s values stop me, you are after a little girl, see your age, you are old woman and she is little girl, how much will you hurt her, you killed her mum and put blame on her, 

you forced her to run away and want to send her to jail, you don’t care for your son. He left his true love and family for you, what did you do, you killed his love and made him drunkard, today you made him against Avni, I will tell world that your true face is so ugly, I know Avni, if you have courage, find her, you can’t do anything, I m always with her. Dayaben says so you are her mum now, its good to know, you challenged a wrong person, you, Avni or Lord can’t come between me and Amol. Neela says find her, I will do anything to save her, we will see who wins, Avni’s love or your hatred.

Avni thinks of Ali and laughs. She calls Ali and her his phone off. She calls on landline. Constable answers call. Avni does not talk. Ali says police uncle, it will be call for me. Avni hears this and gives sign to Ali. Constable gets puzzled.

Ali says Avni I know where you are, I m coming there soon. Avni says Aman, milk will come for you, even Neela will come to meet us, don’t worry, we will go away, I will make you a good person and teach you good things which mumma taught me, you are Aman Aisha, my brother. Aladin stops seeing police and Ashish. He drops the food packet. Ashish asks him about Avni. Aladin says Avni is innocent, you are doing wrong. He fools Ashish and runs. Ashish shoots Aladin. Aladin falls. Ashish asks will you say now or not. Aladin signs no. Ashish beats him.

Avni shouts Aladin and wakes up. Aman cries. Avni asks Aman to wait, Aladin will get milk. She sings Aa leke chalun mai….. She thinks of Aisha and sleeps. Police takes Aladin. Ashish calls Dayaben and says we got Aladin, we will get Avni. Dayaben asks him to do anything but get Amol. Ali comes to meet Avni. Avni hugs him. Ali says now you can relax. She says I missed you, you don’t know what happened. He says police came my home, I know how I came. She says did anyone see you coming here. He says no. I added jamolgota in constable’s tea, he was in washroom and I came here. He gives milk for Aman. She says Aladin went to get food and did not come till now, I m hungry, what did you get for me. Ali says I knew it, I got laddoos for you. She smiles. He says you look good when you smile, I missed you, you left me. She says sorry, but there should be someone at home to take care of Fatima and Tiku, you are my best friend.

Ali says have more, I got laddoo recipe, if we have to run, we can make laddoo, this time I will not leave you alone. He feeds her laddoo, our secret place is good, we will not forget this. She says yes, we have many memories here, I have an idea, when we grow up, we will open big cafe here. He says wow, nice idea, I can see the cafe board, Ali Avni cafe, we will see your fav laddoos. She says you will eat all laddoos. He jokes. She smiles. She asks will everything get fine, will we get happy again. He says yes, nothing wrong can happen with you, I won’t let that happen. Police comes there. Avni asks will you not leave supporting me. Ali says Chamko, tell if anyone else loves Avni more than me. Chamko jumps. Ali says see. Avni hugs Ali. Police finds them. They get shocked.

Police find Avni. They take away Aman. Avni cries and says give me my Aman. Ashish comes and takes Aman. Avni cries and shouts. Ashish leaves. Its morning, Dayaben and Diksha are outside police station. Avni is brought there. Avni sees Aman with Dayaben. Reporters come to question Avni. Police sends media. Diksha says see how she is staring. Dayaben asks inspector can I talk to her for a minute, heart gets hurt. Inspector allows her.

Dayaben reminds Avni what she told. She tells Avni’s words and asks what will happen now, you will go jail, Aman will be with me, I will give him my name, good upbringing, he will adapt my thinking, go and make your mum shine, Aisha’s name is ruined, go there, jail is your right place. Avni says I will come back soon. She goes. Diksha says she threatened you. Dayaben says I know, stop it now, we will leave, we have to meet pandit and get puja date, an evil shadow has gone, but has to do shuddi karan of home.

The warden asks Avni did you kill Aisha. Constable says yes, she killed her mum, don’t go on her face, she blamed her old Dadi, and run away with her 3 months old brother, she is dangerous. Warden says I did not see such child, its Kalyug, I will see you. Rathore will change you. Avni is given clothes and sent to change.

Avni goes and sees the kids praying. She holds head and thinks of Aisha. A boy asks Avni what’s your name, I m Veer. Rathore looks on. Avni sees the boy handicapped and helps him. Rathore goes to her and says you should know friend’s name, if you have to call him for help, what’s your name. He reads her name on band tag. Constable tells Rathore about Avni’s crime profile. Avni closes eyes and feels hurt. Rathore sees her and slaps the constable. He says no kid is born a criminal, time and situation force the child, if you have incomplete info, get lost.

He says you should have pride to say name and identity, don’t you believe in Lord. She says now I just believe in myself. Dayaben asks Diksha to check prasad arrangements. Diksha asks her to spare Lord. Dayaben says this is grah shanti puja. Dayaben asks Ashish about Neela. Pandit asks her to call Ashish and Neela. Neela comes and says I went for imp work, I came on right time, Ashish sign this before sitting for havan, I'm in hurry. Dayaben says nothing is important.

Neela insists. Ashish asks why this drama now. Neela says its truth, I want to go away. don’t try, you won’t understand. She gives him divorce papers and says its good day, good should happen with everyone, please sign this and give me freedom from this hell. Dayaben gets shocked seeing divorce papers. She asks what’s this, happiness came after many days, what do you want, Ashish left wine, I got a child for you, what else you want, why are you making fun of our love.

Neela says if you had love, you would have not ruined someone’s happiness, I did not had anything here, child, husband and this family, the relation made on a lie, it can’t get love, one who supports wrong is also wrong, I did not know Dayaben’s face is so bad, you ruined Avni’s life, I hate myself that I associated myself with this family. Ashish says enough, I won’t hear anything against my mum, what do you want. Neela slaps him and says I should have slapped you before, this would have not happened, you were better in drunken state. Atleast you were a human, now you got worse than an animal, see truth Ashish, open your eyes, you pray to this Maa, see her truth, she ruined everything. Ashish signs papers and says take this, you got free now. Dayaben smiles. Neela says when sin pot fills, Lord comes to ruin you, wait for him. She goes. Diksha says Maa, she also threatened you and left.

My Identity air on Star Life Mondays to Sundays at 7pm

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