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The Episode starts with Dayaben thinking of Avni and Neela’s words. She sees Amol. Diksha asks what happened, did you get heart attack. Dayaben says when person gets busy in solving all problems together, he loses his senses. Diksha says I know it, so I end the fear reason, be it cats or Hemant, if there is no fear, mind won’t get tired, simple. Dayaben says I m tired and need rest, go. Diksha goes. Dayaben says my mad daughter gave me good idea, she is right.

Avni sits upset and sees all kids having food. A boy takes Avni’s plate. Rathore stops him and signs him to keep it back. He goes to Avni and says even animals fight for rights, we are humans, if you don’t fight, it shows your weakness, you have pain and anger in eyes, use the anger in right way, it will teach you to win over fears, have food.

Dayaben meets a goon and says she is the girl whom you have to kill. Goon asks this girl, I have taken big people supari, you are asking me to kill this girl, if people know this, they will lose my fear and make fun of me. She says I will pay more. He says no, you make someone else do this work. She asks why, because she is young girl. He says yes. She says even snakes and scorpion have kids, but we are scared by their poison, we thinks

its sensible to kill them, this girl is a devil, I felt she is innocent and young, but she tried to ruin my family. He asks price. She says double, I m killing a devil. She gives him money. He checks and smiles. She says its just shagun. He asks do I have to kill her in jail. He says no, I did arrangements to get her out, I did arrangements to shift some kids to Nasik, there is jungle on the way. He says your work will be done. She says till I don’t see her dying. I won’t get peace and you won’t get money. He sees Avni’s pic.

Avni talks to a boy. The boy says I will miss Rathore, will you become my friend, we will have fun. Rathore signs on the file. The boy says I wish we get more tasty food there. Avni thinks of Ali and cries. Rathore tells the kids that they are getting shifted to new place, hope they stay happy, its imp to become a good person, I will miss everyone, all the best. He sees Avni and asks her to always be strong, darkness ends by sunlight, take care, I will see you soon. He sends the kids.

Dayaben comes home. Diksha says I m finding you since morning, I was worried, whom did you go and meet. Dayaben says I will do entry in your diary. Diksha says you are taunting me. Dayaben lies. Diksha says you are lying, tell me the real thing. Dayaben says spare me, I have much work to do. Diksha says you went driving along, tell me what’s the secret. Dayaben says let secret be a secret. She gets a call from constable. He says kids are getting in bus, the bus will leave for Nasik. Dayaben smiles.

Diksha says I will find the secret, I m your daughter. Avni leaves in the bus. Neela comes to remand home. Dayaben informs the goon. She gets shocked seeing Diksha and scolds her. She refuses to tell Diksha. Diksha says I always supported you, what’s the new game, shall I help you, why did I get you from mental hospital, leave from here. Diksha takes her phone and goes.

Neela asks about Avni. She meets inspector Rathore. He says Avni got shifted, I got orders yesterday night, she is shifted to Nasik remand home, you can meet her there. She says why Nasik, something is wrong. He says don’t worry, my team is with her, I m also leaving for Nasik, Avni is fine, who are you. She says I m her mom. He says but her info had… She says that she killed her mum, no, she is innocent and can’t even hate anyone, she is trapped by some wrong people, I m her stepmom, but she is my daughter. He says fine, you do one thing, come Nasik tomorrow, I will make you meet her, I will go and check did kids reach there safely. She says wait a min, will you help me, can you give this to her when you meet her. He takes the Lord idol and says fine, but this is just a stone for her, she does not believe in Lord. She says I know her belief ended, even then I have belief that maybe her belief can come back, she can see Lord in this, will you give this to her. He says sure. She thanks him. He goes.

Diksha checks Dayaben’s phone and says such an easy password, I will see how Maa hides her secret, Maa is clever, she has cleared the number details, I will find out. She calls on some number and asks who is it.

Dayaben says your Maa and comes there. Dayaben asks whom did you call, tell me, this is my phone and that’s also my phone, the number you dialled is also my number, I m more smarter than you, as I m your mum, don’t act smart with me, if you go hospital this time, I will not get you out. She goes.

Diksha says I learnt from Maa to find out the truth any way. Avni is on the way. The kids sing songs. Dayaben’s goon follows the bus and sees Avni at the window side. The boy sees Avni crying and says I know you are missing your mum, I did not see my mummy ever. The goon aims at Avni.

The boy ask Avni to come and play with them. She refuses and asks him to go. He gets sad. She says fine, I m coming. Goon shoots and misses hot. He sees inspector Rathore and stops, asking the man to take car the other way. The goon shoots at the police jeep trye. The jeep stops. The goon says now way is clear. Rathore gets down the jeep. He gets the bullet and says this is not puncture. He recalls Neela’s words. He worries for Avni. He says change tyre fast, we have to leave soon. The goon enters the bus and asks driver to drive.

He sees Avni and asks her to come. Avni says please leave them, don’t do anything to them, I'm ready to come with you. He says great, you are more than what I heard about you, you have no fear in eyes. He gets Dayaben’s call and says you called at right time, I m going to make you hear what you wanted. The kids scream. He shoots. Dayaben says I did not ask you to make me hear, I wanted to see you, why did you shoot, I want to see her dying. He says this old woman troubles. She says that girl is devil, till I see her dying and bury her, you won’t get money. He says you are scared of this little girl, I did not shoot her yet.

She says it means she is alive. He says yes, she is alive, she is fine. Diksha comes to her. She asks him to hold. Diksha says I just came, you continue. Dayaben makes her leave the room. The goon says we took all kids in this bus, reach to ghat and see Avni dying, don’t forget to get payment. She says fine, I will give you money after you do the work. She says how will I reach there soon. Neela hears her and rushes.

She cries and asks Lord why is he doing this with Avni, after snatching everything. She calls Ashish and says no, he does not worry for Avni, but he is her father. She calls Ashish. She says Avni… He says I don’t want to hear her name and ends call. She says your hatred is bigger than love, whom shall I call. She calls Rathore and gets number unreachable.

The goon asks Avni to laugh, Dayaben wants to see you dying, you got some hours to live, get happy, we have time, we will play game. He troubles the kids. He says I will throw this bullet, you have to find it. He throws bullet and asks girl to find it, go without glasses. The girl says I can’t see without glasses. He says its fine, I will close eyes and shoot anyone. The kids cry. The goon goes to find bullet. He says I will count till 10. Avni and everyone worry. Avni asks why are you scaring my friends, you came to kill me, let them go, please.

He says you are brave, it means Dayaben is right. The girl shows bullet and gives him. He asks another girl to play. Avni asks the boy Veer to see emergency window and make everyone leave, I will divert their mind. Maid tells Diksha that Aman is crying. Diksha says take him to Dayaben. She takes Aman and talks to him. She says I will not get peace till I find out her secret planning, lets go and see.

Avni asks the goon to stop it now and requests him to leave the girl. He scolds her and says I will not wait for Dayaben, we will get money by selling these kids. He slaps the boy for trying to leave from bus. He shoots and misses the shot. Driver asks him to see the girl lying on road. Diksha asks Dayaben where is she doing. Dayaben asks her not to ask anything, why are you making Aman cry. Diksha asks her to take him. She says I'm leaving for imp work. Ketan comes and asks are you going anywhere. She says yes, I have no time. He tells business proposal. She taunts him. Diksha asks maid to take Amol. Dayaben takes Aman and goes to room.

Diksha says Dayaben feels Aman is imp than you, where will you go Ketan. Neela lies on the road. Goon asks driver to check if she is alive or died. Avni looks on.

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