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Ruksaar is scared and hide in her room, she says Kabir won’t spare me. Someone knock on her door, she says who is it? She is about to hit the person but it’s Zeenat. Zeenat ask what happened? Ruksaar cry and says I thought Kabir came to kill me, he will kill me. Zara hide and sees it. She thinks that Ruksaar is paying for her deeds.

Shahbaz think that I can’t be involved in this house’s politics, I have to handle this city. Suddenly he hears dead Zara’s voice, she call out to him. Shahbaz says Kabir don’t do this stupid act. He find a box and opens it to find the gun with which he shot Zara with. He hear Zara’s laugh and says who is there? He try to block the voice and call Kashan. Kabir hide the box. Shahbaz tell Kashan that I found the gun in my room and could hear Zara’s voice.

Kabir tell Zara that Shahbaz will scream and tell about his crime to everyone.

Kashan can’t find any gun in the room. Shahbaz says it was there only. Kashan says all windows are locked, you are imagining things. Zeenat ask him to sleep. Shahbaz says I am not hallucinating, I am telling you I could see it. Kashan says calm down. Shahbaz ask them to leave. They leave. Shahbaz take the Quran and prays to God to protect him.

Kabir talk to Zara’s picture and says your criminal was so scared and I liked it, Zara look at him and smile seeing him talk to dead Zara’s photo. Kabir talk about his moments with Zara and prays for her, he says I am nothing without you. Zara run from there and cry, she says that he loves her so much, what kind of man is he? He still loves his dead wife so much, how can I not love him? I know you love your Zara and I can never take her place but you have made a place in my heart, you can’t stop me from loving you, my happiness is with you. It’s my mission also to get Zara’s killer punished.

Shahbaz is trying to sleep but is scared. He think that I did hear Zara’s voice.

Kashan find someone cover with blanket in the house and beat the person. Zeenat stop him and says it’s Ruksaar. Zeenat ask why she is in their room? Ruksaar says I was scared.

Zeenat sees Kashan missing and call him but he doesn’t pick up. Imran has made Kashan fall from the balcony. He try to call for help. Zeenat and Ruksaar come here. Zeenat ask Kashan to get up. Kabir and Zara hide. Kabir says they deserve this pain. Ruksaar sees the window moving and get scared. Zeenat scream. Kabir comes there. Kashan says you are trying to scare us? Kabir says yes, you are with a person who killed my Zara so you have to learn your lesson. He leaves with Zara and Imran.

Kabir tell Zara that I will make them realize about their crimes. I won’t be quiet until Shahbaz accept his crime. He cook food and strike with Zara. She blush. Kabir ask Zara not to help him in cooking. Zara get angry and says I am a stranger to you. Kabir says it’s not like that, I just like Ayesha and my Zara’s food. Zara made such good food. Zara think that I will learn to cook from Salma and try to give you the best food.

Zeenat tell Kashan that we shouldn’t involve in Kabir and Shahbaz’s fight. We should leave here. Ruksaar says I will go with you.

Zara and Kabir bring the food for Imran. Imran says this is all for me? Zara says we made it for you. Kabir says you have to eat all this. They make him eat a lot of food. Imran run away from there. Kabir laugh. Zara admire him and think I want to see him happy like this.

The doctor check Ruksaar and says her BP is high. Shahbaz comes there and shout at them. He ask the doctor who is he? I will kill you. You must have been sent by Kabir. Ruksaar says no, he came for us. Shahbaz take a vase and is about to attack him. Kabir come there and says what is going on? Zeenat says he just came to check Ruksaar. Kabir says this is just the start, let’s see what happen next.

Zara and Imran are in the car. Zara says I hope everything goes as planned.

Shahbaz is planning to go out with Kashan for a meeting. Rukaar says can we go with you? Shahbaz says no, you stay here.

The kids come home with Zara and Imran. The kids tell Kabir that we missed you. Firdous tell Zara that we can’t sleep without you. Zara says I am here with you now. Kabir gift them and make them happy. They all hug him.

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