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Ragini hug and console Shristi and ask not to lose hope, she can cry but remember old Shristi who had stood against Vikral and Ragini for justice, remember she and misterji are always with her. She console takes Shristi to her room. Shrist reminisce Vishu’s love for her and then hatred seeing her bipolar disorder. Ghutta dam dam ghutta hai…song…plays in the background. She cry holding Vishu’s clothes. Anurag reminisce Shristi’s split personality and feel concerned.

In the morning, Vishu wake up shouting not to kill him. Vidhvan rush and calm him down. Vishu ask why is Shristi doing this to him, she was his good friend. Vidhvan continue consoling him. 
Ragini walks to Shristi and try to convince her to have at least tea. Revathi walk in shouting no need to support Shristi and throwing Shrisit’s clothes on her shouting to get out of her house. Puppet Dulari bring Shristi’s suitcase. Revathi continue yelling and drag Shristi. Ragini stop her and ask if she did not see Shristi was not in her senses. Revathi yell if she did not see Shristi was trying to kill Vishu. Anurag says Ragini is right, Shristi has mental disorder. Vishu walk down with Vidhvan.

Revathi ask Anurag if he is on Shristi or Vishu’s side. Anurag ask what is she talking about? Shristi is a family member and need their support. Vidhvan says Anurag is right. Revathi yell if his moral gyaan has finished, he should decide if he is on Vishu or Shristi’s side. Anurag ask her to stop talking rubbish. Ragini stand with Shristi and says she trust Shristi and will assure she will be with Shristi 24 x 7 and just need a last chance. Revathi yells they can take any number of chances, but remember only few days are left for poornima and Shristi will not harm Vishu.

Ragini continues consoling Shristi and picks her clothes back. Shristi says if Revathi is right, she should go out of this house. Ragini says they should fight their problem and not give up. She then ask her to have food. Shristi says she is not hungry. Ragini insist and take her along. On dinner table, Divya try to feed Vishu, but he does not. Dadi says even she will not have food. Vishu eat. Ragini bring Shristi down. Family look at them angrily. Ragini ask Shristi to take a seat. Revathi yells no need to sit on the chair, she should be thankful she is letting her stay here and ask to her sit far aside. Shristi reminisce Vishu feeding her. Vishu sit silently. Rajjo uses the opportunity and taunt Shristi asking Brij to have more paranthas. Revathi throw 2 rotis and chilli/onion on plate and says she is doing it for her family’s good. Raigni says she will eat whatever Shrisit eat.

Ragini cleans plates after dinner. Revathi walk in and asks what she is up to, she wanted to please her before, but now is on her enemy’s side, now she has lost her turst. Anurag walk in and try to clean plate, says he heard what maa told her. Ragini says Shristi need her support at this moment, not to worry about Revathi, once she realize the truth, she will also support Shristi. Anurag says he is proud to have Ragini as his wife. Ragini says she does not know what to do next. Anurag says he knows.

Shristi write a letter for Vishu sadly. Hamari Adhuri Kahani…song..plays in the background. Shristi complete the letter, keeps it on the bed for Vishu and walk to living room. Brij bring doctor in and ask family who called doc. Revathi says this house needs blessings more than doctor. Anurag walk in saying doctor is also sent by god and this is Dr. Sharma who will treat Shristi. Doctor ask Shristi to walk along for examination. Shristi hesitates. Ragini convinces her to get it examined for Vishu. Shristi says she will do anything for Vishu and agree. Vishu return to his room and read Shristi’s letter that she does not know what is happening to her, but she cannot think about harming him even in her weirdest dream.

Vishu’s heart melts for Shristi and walk to examining room. He sees Shristi with bipolar disorder and strangulating doctor shouting if he will examine her. He get afraid and calls family for help. Family rush in and Anurag rescue doctor. Doctor run away saying Shristi is mad and he cannot treat her. Revathi continue yelling as usual. Ragini throws water on Shristi. She wakes up and says she is ready for examination.

Drama continue… Revathi call psychiatrist and explain to him the whole situation. Shristi sit shattered in her room. Ragini walk with her bag and keep clothes back inside cupboard. Shristi says she is helping her so much, she does not have to hereon. Ragini says she is helping her sister and want her to spend her time and energy to become the best lawyer instead. She show her love letter for Anurang with title Anuragini. She then Shristi coronation ceremony photo and says she will hang it in front of her bed so that she will get an inspiration. She then show Vishu and Shristi’s photo and says these are best couple’s photo and hang it. She continue cheering Shristi and ask her to stop crying, she hate contagious disease. Shristi ask what is that. Ragini tickles her bones. Shristi smile.

Vishu think he cannot be in fear always and should work on something. Dulari read murder novel and seeing a shadow walking holding knife call Revathi worriedly. She clash with Vidhvan, Revathi andDulari also walk in. Dulari says murderer is walking holding knife. Divya says she was giving knife to mom to cut vegetables. Revathi scold Dualri to stop reading novel. Divya take her to give her romantic novel.

Vishu try to work using tools. Shristi walk in thinking of helping Vishu and lift cutter from floor and try to give it to him. He ask her to go away. Drama continue...

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