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Shristi weep. Ragini cheer her up and ask to go and feed halwa to her husband. Shristi put halwa in a plate. Ragini ask her to decorate it with I love you and give her coconut powder. Shristi write I love you with coconut powder on the halwa and take it to Vishu. She sees Vishu coming from first floor and ask him to come down. Vishu walk down stairs. Has mat pagli pyar hojayega… in the background. They both meet in the middle of stair smiling at each other. Vishu slip and fall and injure his forehead. Anurag run and help Vishu. Family gather. Revathi yell that Shristi tried to kill Vishu as per babaji’s prediction. She sees blood on Vishu’s forehead and panic. Rajjo accuse Shristi of pushing Vishu. Vidhvan warn her to shut up. Revathi continue yelling at Shristi. Dulari support her as usual. Rajjo check stairs and says it has lot of oil. Dulari says Shristi purposefully dropped oil on the stairs and tried to kill Vishu.

Ragini take Shristi’s side. Revathi yell at her. Anurag ask Revathi if she really think Shirsti can harm Vishu. Revathi continues yelling. Vidhvan ask Revathi to stop now. Revathi yell he cannot see babaji’s forecasting coming true, now he will see how she will protect her son. Rajjo takes Brij away from there. Shristi tell Anurag that she feel good when he support her.

Shristi nurse Vishu’s wound. Vishu ask if she is feeling bad? Shristi says mother is worried about him and she can understand her condition. Vishu says maa yell at her often, but she care for mom even then. Revathi walk in and take out suitcase. Vishu says Shristi will not go from here. Revathi yell how can she dare to send Shristi out, she is taking Vishu to her room to protect him. Vishu says he is fine and she should not worry. Revathi leave yelling.

Rajjo sees Brij tensed and ask what happened to him. Brij says he is worried about Vishu as Vishu is his son more than Vidhvan’s. She is shocked and ask what does he mean. He asks not to misunderstand him, his wife Kamla loved Vishu like her own son and he consider Vishu as his son, since Shrisit came into Vishu’s life, he is falling into trouble often. Rajjo says she know he would be sad, so she brought special thing for him.

Revathi asks Dulari to come and massage her headache. Ragini enters and applies balm to her forehead. Revathi hears her voice and fames her usual jealous face. Ragini says Shristi will never try to harm Vishu. Revathi yells to go from here. Ragini gives her water and says she does not want to irk her, she can have water and calm down. She leaves thinking her effort went in vain, Revathi will not listen to her.

Rajjo show samples wedding card to Brij and ask to choose one. He gets happy. Rajjo thinks she cheered up Sayyaji, but nobody can change babaji’s forecast. A masked person enters kitchen and picks knife and smashes tomato into pieces.

Anurag sees someone entering his room and worriedly shouts who is it. Ragini switch on light and says it is her. He ask where was she, he will punish her now. She asks what punishment. He gets romatic and says she has to spend whole night in lockup for her. She asks to leave her as Dulari must be waiting for her. He gets adamant. She runs away, leaving him disappointed.

In the morning, Vidhvan gets ready to go out. Shristi says she will prepare breakfast for him. He says he will have it outside and leaves. Ragini walks into kitchen to prepare breakfast and searches knife. Rajjo enters and says Shristi must have stolen it to attack Vishu and continues brainwashing Revathi, says Shristi brutually smashes tomato into pieces. Ragini angrily holds knife on her neck and warns if she should cut her neck into pieces. Rajjo shouts for help and calls sayyaji Brij. Dulari tells Revathi that Ragini is in full form today, let her finish this Rajjo jaanleva and end their problem. Ragini leaves Rajjo and she runs away. Ragini tells Shristi that she is feeling good after a long time. Shristi says even she is. Ragini asks if she said I love you to devarji. Shristi says seeing tension at home, she did not. Ragini insists and encourages her. Their discussion continues.

Rajjo walks to her room fuming that she would have taken revenge form Shristi if Ragini had not interfered. She determines to take revenge from Shristi soon.

Revathi walks around home searching for Vishu. Masked person walks in and angrily breaks family photo stabbing glass into pieces. In the morning, Revathi sees shattered items on floor and asks Dulari to clean them. Dulari cleans yelling and panics seeing broken family photo frame. She informs Revathi. Whole family gathers. Rajjo alleges Shristi as usual. Shristi reverts back and warns to be in her limits, else she will repent. Revathi starts yelling as usal. Anurag asks her to calm down as frame must have fallen down due to wind. Drama continues…

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