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Rajjo apply nail polish to her nails and tell Brij that she is tension-free now and can concentrate on her wedding arrangements well. She ask Brij to apply nail polish on her nails. He happily oblige and then ask her to continue 

while he finish some work. Rajjo excitedly ask him to finish her list then, she says she will invite DJ from Patna and will rock the event. Brij says he loves seeing her talking.

Ragini take food for Anurag and ask him to have it. Anruag says he did not want her to be so hard on Shristi, whatever she is doing is wrong. Ragini ask him again to have food. Vidhvan walk in and ask Anurag to drop Shristi 

to her parent’s home as he cannot see Shristi like this. Ragini says if they send Shristi away on mentally ill condition, her illness will worsen and they will feel guilty and blame themselves. Vidhvan says she is right, but he 

does not know what to do.

Dulari bring peacock feathers for Revathi and tell she will bring tea for her. Revathi ask from where did she get it. Dulari says she will ward off evil from it. Revathi says if Ragini has one more steel chain, she will tie Dulari. They 

both go to Shristi’s room and give her chilli smoke. Shristi cough and suffocates. Vishu walk in and gets concerned, but they both hold him. Ragini walk in and says mother is doing right, evil is ward off same way. She take 

Vishu out. Vishu walk to home temple and pray to God putting his hand on lamp. Ragini rush to him and try to stop him followed by Anurag. Vishu says he can tolerate physical pain, but what about mental agony Shristi is going 

through. He reminisce Shristi being given electric shock.

Vishu silently walk into Shristi’s room wearing shawl and free Shristi. Shristi says he should not be here. Vishu says where should he go? Shristi asks to go away from her, she attacked him repeatedly. Vishu says he is her 

culprit and instead of protecting her, he ran away from his responsibility. Shristi says what Ragini did is right, she can kill him. Vishu says he is not worried about his life. Ragini walk in and ask Vishu to go to his room. Shristi 

says Ragini is right, Vishu love her so much even after all this. Ragini tie chains to Shristi and does not find the key. She walk to Vishu and ask for the keys. He return the keys. She says she can understand his anger, but she 

is doing what is good for everyone. Vishu says Shristi and he are same and her problem is his problem, he still trust Shristi. Ragini ask him to go and rest.

Shristi tells Ragini that she is unfit for Vishu and is trying to kill him. Ragini says she also feel pain tying her with chains, but she is helpless. She says her mental disorder is different and she changes her expressions when she 

get her schizophrenic attack, mental disorder does not come suddenly and comes over times slowly. She is sure someone is behind her mental disorder and is using her brain to attack Vishu, so she will find out who the 

culprit is soon. Shristi says Anurag, Vidhvan, and Vishu are thinking her as wrong. Ragini says if they are doubting her, then her plan is working, soon she will expose the culprit. At night, someone is seen walking into Shristi’s 


In the morning, family sits for breakfast. Ragini bring Shristi. Revathi yells why did she bring Shristi down. Ragini says for breakfast at least, Shristi should come down. Revathi yells to take food to Shristi’s room. Family hears 

drum sound and walk out. They see drummers and Brij. Vidhvan ask Brij what is this? Brij says Rajjo wanted their wedding celebration to be in lavish way. Rajjo says only her saiyan ji understands her. Vidhvan angrily ask Brij 

to send drummers away. Brij pays them and sends them away.

Vidhvan walk in with family fuming. Brij stop them and tell Revathi that he cannot speak against Vidhvan and mother as he respects them, he respects even her. He call drummers to celebrate his wedding as he did for Vishu, if 

his family joins in his happiness, why would he call outsiders. Revathi says she is with him. Vidhvan yell why is she  supporting Brij, Vishu’s risk has not cleared yet. Ragini says risk is tied in cages and when mother has taken 

decision, they should respect it. Rajjo happily says she knew they are good people, so she brought shagun for them. She distributes saris to each family member taunting them. She even gifts sari to Shristi and taunt she 

cares about everyone. Vishu throws sari and shout Shristi does not need her sari.. Ragini says mother is right, Shrisi is better tied in her room and take Shristi to her room.

After sometime, Rajjo get ready for the function and ask family if they are all ready and ask how is she looking? Brij also comes wearing sherwani. Mehandi designers come. Rajjo greet them and asks Daadi if she will not join 

them. Revathi think she has to join in Devarji’s happiness. She dance with guests while Vidhvan and other fume. Rajjo also join them and dances. Vishu peep from window and sadly look at Shristi. Shristi also look at him 


Vidhvan’s family enjoys Brij and Rajjo’s sangeet ceremony. Vishu feel sad seeing Shristi tied to a bed. Anurag walk in with Ragini and tell Ragini she cannot confine Shristi like this and let her free, else Vishu will sit here sadly. 

Ragini free Shristi. Vishu take Shristi with him.

Daadi tell Revathi that they should continue wedding rituals for Brij’s sake and accept Rajjo. Dulari and Divya dance with Brij on Pallu latke…song…Rajjo join them and dances. Vishu bring Shristi down. Revathi angrily ask why 

did he bring her here, what will she do here? Ragini makes Shristi sit on a chair. Vidhvan pamper Brij and says he is happy for him and cannot hate him, though can be angry sometimes. They both share brotherly emotional 


A shawl wearing person walk to Shristi’s room and opens it. Shristi tell Ragini that she wants to go to washroom. Ragini take her. Shristi sees room door open and inform Ragini. Ragini says she knew the culprit would come to 

free Shristi seeing her alone, so she had burnt key and kept it with soap, culprit touched hot key and ran away, now she will catch culprit. She take Shristi back to living room.

Dulari get mehandi applies and asks designer to repeat it. Designer says she already wiped mehandi thrice. Revahti ask her to get mehandi done silently. Designer sees Ragini and insist to get mehandi done, ask what is her 

husband’s name. Ragini says misterji. Designer asks what kind of name it is. Ragini ask not to act oversmart and apply mehandi.

Dulari with Divya walk to Brij’s room and ask him to go out as he cannot see bride before marriage as per ritual. She drape dupatta on Rajjo as per ritual. Brij get emotional and thank them for supporting him in his marriage 

even after troubles at family.

Ragini take mehandi for Shristi and freeing Shristi says she will apply mehandi on her handsas Vishu will be very happy. She apply mehandi on  Shristi's hand when Shristi gets schizophrenic attack and changes her face.

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