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Anurag sees Ragini shivering and give his jacket to her. She says even he will feel cold. He says her warmness is with him and hug her. Burqa clad person walk away silently to Rajjo’s room holding knife. Rajjo wake up and hold her shouting how dare she try to kill her. Their fight ensue. Culrpit slit Rajjo’s hand. Rajjo grab her again, but culprit injure her neck and then stab her. Rajjo shout. Anurag and Ragini walk in. Ragini ask Anurag to follow the burqa clad person while she handle Rajjo. Anurag run behind the culprit while Ragini nurse Rajjo. Culprit escape. the whole family gather. Rajjo yell at Ragini that she must be happy now. Ragini ask her to stop talking, she will bring milk for her. Brij yell they should be ashamed of doubting Rajjo. Revathi ask why is Rajjo in Vishu’s room and where are Vishu and Shristi. Anurag tell how he and Ragini planned to involve Rajjo and Rajjo at first yell and then agree. Rajjo ask Shristi to change Vishu’s clothes and takes him to her room, she will stay in their room. Shristi says it is a good plan. Ragini says she and Anurag will guard outside. Rajjo says she does not need protection.

Everyone clap and hug each other. Shristi wishes happy new year to Revathi, but Revathi as usual makes jealous face. Shristi then wishes Dulari. Ravi Kishan feeds cake to everyone and thanks them for inviting him, he will leave now. Vishu says party has just begun. Vidhvan with others takes walks out with Ravi Kishan. Power goes off. Culrpit walks in, hits Vishu on his head making him unconscious and drags him with him/her. Everyone outside discuss why power go on new year’s eve. Culrpit drags Vishu to home temple and pulls knife. Power comes back.

Vidhvan asks Anurag where is Vishu. Anurag asks him to see off guests while he searches Vishu. Ravi Kishan leaves in his vehicle. Vidhvan thanks Vikral for coming. Parag walks to Divya and flirts with her. He shows her anklet and says good he got it, else others would not have returned it. He returns her anklet and leaves, while she smiles shyingly.

Anurag searches Vishu at home and just when culprit is about to stab Vishu catches him. Culrpit tries to stab Anurag, but Anurag overpowers and pushes culprit making him/her fall on table. Whole family returns and are shocked to see culprit is none other than Shristi. Shristi gets out of control like in split personality and rushes to kill Vishu, but Anurag holds knife. His hand starts bleeding. Shristi shows bipolar symptoms. Family is more shocked. Shristi tries to attack again, but Anurag holds her and family wakes up Vishu. Shristi loses consciousness. Revathi yells if Anurag had not reached on time, dayan Shristi would have killed Shristi, asks everyone if they need proof even now.

Shristi collapses after trying to kill Vishu. Ragini thinks how can Shristi do this, only Shirsti can reply now. Revathi throws water on Shristi. Rajjo yells Shristi had attacke her yesterday. Shristi wakes up and asks what happened, why they are all looking at her like this. Revathi warns to stay away from her son. Shristi sees Anurag’s cut hand and afraid Vishu and asks what happened to them. Revathi pushes her and says she tried to kill her son. Shristi asks how can she. Revathi says everyone saw her trying to kill Vishu. Shristi says she just remembers lights going off and she collapsing. Rajjo tries to hit Shristi. Ragini warns dare not to touch Shristi, can’t they see Shristi does not remember anything. Rajjo continues yelling.

Vishu hide beind Brij from Shristi. Shristi says that means she did something, but how can she. Revathi push her again and ask to call police. Shristi plead each family member asking how can she try to kill Vishu when he is her life. Whole family leaves. She then asks Ragini and Anurag to tell she did not do anything. Anur ag says whatever happened is in front of everyone and walks away. Ragini also hug her and leave.

Revathi console Vishu and yells at Vidhvan how can he support Shristi and asks Dulari to call police. Vidhvan asks not to call police as their family will be defamed. Revathi continues yelling and says babaji was right, Shristi will kill Vishu. Vidhvan ways nothing will happen to Vishu. Revathi says she will check Anurag. Vidhvan stops her. Revathi asks him to go to Anurag and Divya while she consoles Vishu.

Ragini applies bandage to Anurag’s hand and asks why did not he speak, Shristi was lonely. She asks if he is thinking same as family. He says how can he deny whatever he saw, if he had not reached on time, Shristi would have killed Vishu. Ragini says Vishu is fine, she is worried about Shristi, sometimes whatever we see from eyes can be wrong. Anurag asks if she did not see what Shristi did. Ragini says Shristi did not do anything, it was like someone else. Anurag says she is right, Shristi has mental disorder as he felt weird power which is not found in normal human.

Brij in his room sadly looks at his and Vishu’s photo and reminisces Babaji’s words and Shristi attacking Vishu. Rajjo walks in takes out her trunk. Brij asks what is she doing. Rajjo says she knows what she should do, she is planning her protection. Brfij asks what she means. She says he saw what is happening at home, she takes out gun and says she know what to do, gun will be with her always. He asks if she has gone mad.

Vishu wakes up at night to have water and reminisces his trust for Shristi, then Shirsti attacking him, etc. Shristi walks in. He throws vase in front of her and warns to go away from him. She asks how can she harm him. He says he does not want to listen to her, go away. He warns her again and leaves while she continues pleading and crying. Ragini with Anurag walks in and tries to console her. Shristi continues crying. Shristi cry seeing Vishu hating her and ask Ragini to tie her, else she may harm Vishu Ragini hug her. 

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