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Shristi and Vishu wait outside Ragini’s room hoping Anurag and Ragini’s differences will be clear. Dulari spy on them. Shristi notices her and ask Vishu to go behind her. Dulari escape into room. Vishu search for her saying Dulari is seeing spy movies alot. Anurag ask Ragnini even she brings food for him, what is wrong if he brings food for her. She says it is fine, but she is not hungry. She hear standing near door and thinks she will make Ragini feed at any cost. Vishu return and says Dulari did is not found. Dualri comes out of hiding and says she is save this time.

Ragini walks to the kitchen thinking Shristi help them a lot and works hard, she also need to rest. Vishu walk in. Ragini says Shristi work so hard, so he should help her. Vishu ask how. Ragini says he should massage Shristi’s head and make feel her relaxed. Vishu agree.

Vishu akes Shristi to sit in the living room sofa and massages her head. Dulari with Revati comes and yell she cannot see this shameless act. Revathi yell Vishu is spoiling his father’s name and has become joru ka ghulam/wife’s servant. Vishu says when he pressed her feet last night, she praised him and when papa presses her feet, she does not say anything. Dulari says Aunt rules over everyone and ask Revati why she did not she inform phupa presses her feet. Revathi stammers nervously and leaves. After sometime, Vishu decorates swinger with lights and making Shristi sit on it dorns crown on her head and dances on Sun Meri Rani They both dance and enjoy to the core. Revathi and Dulari spy as usual and fume in anger.

The next morning, Shristi and Vishu prepare breakfast. Dulari add salt in sabji. Divya call the whole family and says Shristi told papa will sit with maa, Ragini with Anruag and Shristi with Vishu as couples and seat in same thali. Revati yells as usual. Vidhvan says they should support their children and it is a good idea. Daadi also like the idea. Dulari says sabji has more salt. Shristi ask how is she so sure. Anruag Anruag tastes food and says it is very tasty. Shristi think at last Ragini and Anurag are eating together. Shristi says really there was salt in sabji, but Ragini added boiled potatoes which sucked excess salt. She says there is a chudail in kitchen which adds excess chilies and salts. Dulari cough hearing that. Revati scold and send her and even herself walk away.

Ragini clean dining table. Vishu comes and says Shristi’s idea was good . Ragini asks is it, that is why Divya asked all couples to sit together. She says he and Shristi are getting other’s love stories on track, what about them. Vishu says he massaged Shristi’s scalp and extremities and mom was fuming in anger. Ragini says she will give him one more idea, but for that he has to get up early in the morning. Vishu agree.

Vishu wakes up early morning and reminisce Ragini suggesting to him to make breakfast and tea for Shristi and surprise her. He rush to the kitchen while Shristi is still asleep. In another room, Anurag exercise practicing boxing on punching bag. Ragini wake up. Anurag ask her to give something behind her. She ask if he is speaking to her. He says photo behind her, who else is in this room. She give it. He laugh on her and ask to see her face. She ask how can she herself. He showsher mirror and says a black dot is on her face and if it fixes on her cheek, she will look like Daku Gabbar Singh instead of Ragini Singh. Their romantic nok jhok continues. Anurag then walk to kitchen to prepare tea for Ragini.

Revati and Dulari are busy planning their usual conspiracies when Brijbhan return from outside. Revati asks where is he coming from early morning? He says exercise to keep himself fit. Dulari says his eyes are red as if he did not sleep the whole night, something is wrong.

Vishu prepare tea for Shrisit. Anurag also walk in and ask Vishu if he was intelligent from before or became after his memory loss. Vishu says he is learning and says Ragini consumes more sugar and not like Anurag who drink bland tea. He then tell how to carry tea and rose both. Anurag give tea cups in his hands and ask to says cheers. Vishu does. Anruag cluthes rose in Vishu’s teeth and ask him to go and impress Shristi.

Vishu walks into the room holding tea and shivering in shock seeing Shristi in only towel after bathe. Shristi feel shy seeing him and ask to turn. He continues shivering and drops tea on the floor burning his hand. Shristi wear clothes and appl medicine to his hand and ask if it is hurting. He says no. Shristi ask him to remind Anurag and Ragini to recheck account. Vishu walk down and sees Dulari passing by murmuring nobody is beautiful than her in surrounding villages. He ask her if she has seen someone daily and then think he/she is different today. She says in her village a beggar used to be dirty and suddenly one day he was roaming clean. Vishu reminisces Shristi in towel again and says she will not understand. He goes and informs Ragini and Anurag to check accounts.

Ragini and Anurag start checking accounts. Anurag pick laptop. Ragini calculates spontaneously. Anurag says she is sharper than computer. They continue calculating whole day till 4 p.m. and forget to have lunch. Shristi thinks she will get them more closer and takes lunch to them. Anruag says Ragini did all calculation. Shristi says when you are with loved one, time fly. She asks them to have lunch now. Anurag by mistake drops curry on Ragini’s calculation papers and sari.

Ring of Fire air on Zee World Mondays to Sundays at 7pm

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