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Masked person enters holding blood in bucket and stains all wedding cards. Vishu wakes up at night and searches shristi, then goes back to sleep. In the morning, Rajjo sees blood stained cards and gathers whole family. She alleges Shristi t hat she did this and continues shouting. Shristi says she will not do this heinous act. Vidhvan thinks it is going overboard and he cannot see his children like this. Brij takes Rajjo from there. Revathi yells at Shristi again. Anurag sees bird feathers with blood and says it is animal blood. Ragini says that means blood is from butcher shop. Vishu says whoever doing this is very intelligent. They all part ways.

Brij tries to convince Rajjo, but she punishes him to do situps and walks away. Shristi tells Ragini t hat she taught nice lesson to Rajjo. Ragini says she is defamed, but cannot stoop so low to harm Rajjo from behind when she can challenge her from front. Shristi says they have to find out who it is and be careful. Ragini asks if she said I love you to Vishuji. She says not yet, but will soon.

Shristi goes to room and sees Vishu sleeping asks him not to turn towards her and says with great courage she came to tell him that he likes him a lot and she is lucky to have his companionship, she loves him a lot, etc..She then gets sad seeing Vishu sleeping.

Shristi expresses her love for Vishu and says she loves him a lot and wants to spend her life with him. She then sees Vishu sound asleep. She feels disappointed and thinks soon Vishu will understand how much she loves him. She falls asleep. Vishu wakes up and sees Shristi sleeping. He feels thirsty and walks out to kitchen to get water. Masked person holding knife walks behind him. Vishu fills water and walks out of kitchen when he sees masked person walking towards him holding knife. He shouts and calla maa papa for help. Whole family gathers. Vishu says he saw someone trying to kill him. Revathi panics and shows her concern. Vidhvan says nobody is there. Anurag also returns and says there is nobody. Shristi comes late. Revathi yells she tried to harm Vishu. Shristi says she was in bathroom. Revathi continues yelling. Ragini says even Rajjo and Dulari are not here, if she will allege even them. Vidhvan takes Revathi in.

The next morning, Revathi’s drama continues. Shristi prepares food, but Revathi does not let her serve food to Vishu or others. Her drama continues.

Revathi goes to do tulsi pooja outside, slips and falls. She sees Garlanded Vishu’s photo and a dummy deadbody nearby. She shouts Vishu.. Whole family gathers and panic seeing the scene. Revathi starts yelling at Shristi again that she killed her husband. Vidhvan says who stooped so low. Rajjo comes nd alleges Shristi. Drama continues. Vishu walks in calling Maa…

Vishu walks out calling mama and papa. Family gets happy seeing him and ask him to go in. Vishu says he will perform pooja first. Revathi says he can perform pooja tomorrow. Vidhvan asks him to go and wash his face, they will have breakfast together. Vishu calls Shristi to come and give him milk. Shristi walks with him. He walks in, but returns asking why is family standing out. Shristi tries to stop him, but he continues walking and panics seeing his family holding his garlanded photo, dead body dummy, etc., and shouts why anyone wants to kill him, what did he do. Shrisit tries to calm him down, but he continues panicking. She gives him a tight slap. He calms down.

Shristi takes Vishu in. He continues panicking and hiding behind pillow. She says he is very brave and should win over fear. He sleeps.

Shristi and Ragini discuss who must have done all this. They think Rajjo must have and walk to her room. Rajjo starts her drama. Ragini pins her down and warns to accept if she is behind all this drama. Rajjo says no and shows Shisti face in a mirror and says she is trying to kill her husband. Shristi reverts back. Ragini warns she will trash her if she does not accept her crime. Rajjo continues her drama. Ragini twists her hand. Brij enters and rescues Rajjo and says even he is angry like them, but Rajjo was in room whole night.

Ragini and Anurag go to store room and discuss who must have done this. Ragini takes Rajjo;s name, then Dulari. Anurag says Dulari cannot be. Ragini says Revathi then. Anurag says mother cannot harm her child. Ragini apologizes. Anurag gets romantic. Revathi walks in doing pooja and throwing gangajal. They both hide. They both hide. Revathi sees lizard and yells at it. She hits lizard with broom and goes out to clean her hand. They both come out and get romantic again

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