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Shristi and Ragini discuss who must have done all this. They think Rajjo must have and walk to her room. Rajjo starts her drama. Ragini pins her down and warns to accept if she is behind all this drama. Rajjo says no and shows Shisti face in a mirror and says she is trying to kill her husband. Shristi reverts back. Ragini warns she will trash her if she does not accept her crime. Rajjo continues her drama. Ragini twists her hand. Brij enters and rescues Rajjo and says even he is angry like them, but Rajjo was in room whole night.

Ragini and Anurag go to store room and discuss who must have done this. Ragini takes Rajjo;s name, then Dulari. Anurag says Dulari cannot be. Ragini says Revathi then. Anurag says mother cannot harm her child. Ragini apologize. Anurag get romantic. Revathi walk in doing pooja and throwing gangajal. They both hide. They both hide. Revathi sees lizard and yells at it. She hits lizard with broom and goes out to clean her hand. They both come out and get romantic again

Shristi inflates balloons for Vishu reminiscing his fear. Vishu’s friend greet him. Shristi says they all will reminisce their fear and blow balloon. Vishu reminisce the incident and blow balloon hard and it burst. Children laugh. Shristi ask how is he feeling. He ask what if his fear is back. She ask to blow it away with balloon. Vishu says he is afraid that he may go away from her and hug her emotionally. Shristi says she will be with him always and ask him to come down while she get his breakfast. Vishu says he is so lucky that god gave her as his wife. She smile and leave. Vishu think he will defeat his fear for her. Children run out and clash with Rajjo. Rajjo yell at them, but walk in seeing Shristi. Shristi give children balloons and sends them home.

Vidhvan tell Daadi seeing all the incidents happening, he is worried. Vishu bring fruits and feed Daadi. Ragini serves tea to family. Dulari comes and ask to give her tea also as she did not have tea since morning. Vishu says he saw her having tea twice. She ask who? What? Picking Rajjo’s cup. Rajjo yell it is her cup. Their fight start. Revathi shout to stop fighting.

Sari seller man comes lifting cloth bundles. Revathi yell who called him here. Rajjo says she called for her wedding shopping. Ragini scold her to go to shop and buy. Brij comes and stop Ragini. He ask Rajjo to select saris. Vishu says let others also select saris. Ragini select a sari, but Rajjo snatch it from her. Ragini says she held it. Rajjo says so what, it is her marriage. Ragini says if it was not her marriage, she would not have given it. She walk to her room sadly.

Anurag walk behind Ragini disguised as sari seller and show her saris in seller’s style. Ragini happily sees his drama. He show Rajjo’s selected sari. Ragini excitedly ask how did he get it. He reminisces telling Rajjo that this sari is old fashioned like Kamla aunty wear. Rajjo throw sari on seler. Anurag jokes with Ragini not to inform her macho husband. Ragini says she likes her misterji. He removes turban and says here her misterji came back. Their nok jhok continues…

Vishu decorates his room with balloons and slips. Someone shoots all the balloons and Vishu sees frightening notes written on paper. He call Shristi and Anurag for help. Anurag and others run to his room and see notes. Rajjo shouts Shristi did it. Ragini warn her to stop it. Shristi walk in asking what happened. Rajjo hold her hand and warns not to wipe the evidence, now she is exposed. Ragini warn her to mind her tongue. Revathi yell to let Rajjo speak and asks Rajjo how can she tell that Shristi did all this?

Revathi ask Rajjo to explain how she can be so sure that Shristi is trying to harm Vishu? Rajjo show balloon pump and says she saw it in Shristi’s hand. Anurag warn her not to talk rubbish. Vishu says he saw this pump with Shristi, but she cannot harm him. Rajjo ask why Shristi always comes late when everyone arrive at once. Anurag ask Vishu how did he come here. Vishu says someone pushed him here and he could feel perfume smell in that person. Ragini hold Rajjo’s hand forcefully and ask if it is same smell. Vishu says it is same smell, then says even Ragini, Revathi, and Dulari’s hand. Anurag reminisce them all touching new saris and says it is sari smell. Revathi says whoever is doing this should be caught soon.

Ragini and Anurag think who must be behind all this. Shrsiti walk in. Anurag asks where is Vishu. She says he is with Daadi and father. Anurag says someone is staying in t his house and planning against them, they should catch the culprit soon. Shristi says he is right, few people think she will harm Vishu, how can she? Ragini ask her to sit and cry and clear her mind, she should remember one thing that the whole family is with her. Anurag says they have to catch the culprit red handed to expose him/her. Ragini ask how to? Anurag says he has an idea and should take him/her in confidence first.

Ragini think plan should succed to clear all the allegation against Shrisit. Anurag ask her not to worry and they both watch hiding. A burqa clad person walk in, but hide seeing them. Anurag sees Ragini shivering and give his jacket to her. She says even he will feel cold. He says her warmness is with him and hug her. Burqa clad person walk away silently to Rajjo’s room holding knife. Rajjo wake up and holds her shouting how dare she is try to kill her. Their fight ensues. Culrpit slit Rajjo’s hand. Rajjo grab her again, but culprit injures her neck and then stabs her. Rajjo shout. Anurag and Ragini walk in. Ragini ask Anurag to follow burqa clad person while she will handle Rajjo. Anurag run behind the culprit while Ragini nurses Rajjo. Culprit escape. the whole family gather. Rajjo yell at Ragini that she must be happy now. Ragini ask her to stop talking, she will bring milk for her. Brij yell they should be ashamed to doubt Rajjo. Revathi ask why is Rajjo in Vishu’s room and where are Vishu and Shristi. Anurag tell how he and Ragini planned to involve Rajjo and Rajjo at first yell and then agree. Rajjo ask Shristi to change Vishu’s clothes and takes him to her room, she will stay in their room. Shristi says it is a good plan. Ragini says she and Anurag will guard outside. Rajjo says she does not need protection.

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