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Piya asks Adi to come out. Vedsheree asks chalayan to not do anything. Nishant gets call from Naman, he says what can we do? Chalayan cant do anything otherside? Piya uses her powers and throws fire at chalayan. Piya asks Adi to climb on wall, she will burn. Fire starts going near Adi. Chalayan goes towards him. Nishant says we have to do something. Ansh asks Adi to climb up. Adi crawls and climbs on wall. Nishant says her idea is working. Chitali sees fire increasing.

Mayank’s mother invites everyone to meet Tara. She asks her to daughter to bring shagun, I am her mother too. Mayank comes in function. Tara says till when we have to keep this act? when will you tell me reason of my father’s death? Priest comes there and asks them to sit for pooja. Tara’s feet burns because of coal. Sister says she cant do pooja. Mayank says she will do it. He lifts Tara in his arms and gives her pooja plate. They start doing pooja together. Nishant says we cant put this fire out. Piya says I can go inside, Adi’s life is most important. Ansh says I will go there not you. Piya says no. Ansh says you will find a way to bring us out. He jumps in mirror and climbs on wall. He grabs Adi.

Woman says to Mayank that you have to get creature nail from that girl. Mayank says its in her hand so how can I get her? She says I will show you.
Evil woman comes to Tara in veil. Tara is scared and says who are you? Woman cuts her hand and leaves. Mayank comes there. Tara says that woman attacked me, she was with you earlier, what does she want? Mayank looks on.

Nishant says we dont know a way to bring them back. Avi says we have to stop fire. Chitali says we can break it. Nishant says its not useful. Piya says do something. Someone breaks half mirror. They turn to see Vedsheree have done it. She says I did it to bring them out. Piya says what did you do? They see mirror breaking more. Piya sees Ansh and Adi in corner of mirror. Nishant says we cant bring them if mirror breaks completely. Mayank says to woman that why did you attack her? She is scared. Woman says I need that eagle locket, do anything. Piya asks Nishant to tell them solution. Vedsheree says we can use witch tree. Piya says only Ansh call it. They all scream for him to call witch tree there. Mayank looks around for Tara and sees her massaging her mother’s head. She says I had migraine but she took care of it. Mayank says you should have told me. He glances at Tara.

Piya says Ansh is not able to hear us. Nishant says he cant hear us there. Nishant says its not easy to control this fire, he can become weak. Piya says we have to do something. She says Adi.. he could hear me. She tells Adi to tell Papa to call witch tree. Adi shows witch tree mark on his hand to Ansh. Ansh sees it and nods. He calls witch tree there. All look on. Nishant says if mirror breaks completely then we will not get them back. Ansh holds witch tree but mirror breaks. Vedsheree cries and says this is my mistake. Piya says I know they are safe, dont worry. Suddenly witch tree comes there and Ansh brings Adi out. Ansh says I knew you people would save us. Family hugs them. Tara tells Mayank that why he is not answering? She turns to see her foot tied to bed. Mayank says nobody should know about our deal, he closes door. Tara cries.

Ansh’s family comes for picnic by river side. All are enjoying. Ansh says Adi is enjoying water.

Saanvi says it feels like we had creature locket but he took it. Door knocks. Mayank comes inside and asks about Nishant. Naman says he is not here.

Vedsheree jokes with family. An old man comes there and says to guide that you know what happens at night here. Guide asks him to leave. Guide takes family in boat. Guide says people say mermaids come here after sun goes down, its all a rumor, dont worry.

Mayank asks when he will comeback? Saanvi says why? Mayank says I need to ask about his powers, he is a witch hunter, I know you both are too. Saanvi says we will tell when he comesback. Mayank leaves. Naman smiles. Saanvi asks what? Naman says he called me witch hunter, I feel proud. Saanvi says we have to find creature. Mayank hears it and smirks.

All the family members are enjoying sunset. Chitali starts singing but Avi asks her to not destroy their peace. Suddenly boat starts shaking, all are scared. Ansh says there is something in water. Piya holds Adi. Boat balances again. Chtali says thank God. Avi sees someone drowning in water and pulls that girl in boat. Chitali says she is dead. Vedsheree says she is breathing. Mayank is reading book in Nishant’s room. Nishant comes there. Mayank says I know you are witch hunter, I want to assist you, I know you are searching for a creature. Nishant says how do you know? Mayank says I heard Saanvi and Naman, I can help you find creature. Please take me.

Family sits in car. Old man is scared for them. Avi sends girl’s picture to his force. In another car, a woman is with her son, she says we were searching for her and they took her. Mayank brings Nishant, Naman and Saanvi in a jungle. Naman says do you even know something? Nishant says he is wasting our time. They turn to leave. Mayank creates creature mark on tree and call them back. Nishant says its creature’s mark. Saanvi says he is near us. Mayank smirks and says lets go.

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