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Ansh and family are in car. They are following microphone that was attached to Adi.

Tara wakes up and recalls how she was attacked but see her wound gone. She sees an arrow in Mayank’s back. She pulls it out. He winces and wakes up. Tara says there is one more. She takes it out too. She blows on his wound. Mayank looks away, jane-sanam plays.

Mother and Karan gets stuck in traffic. Ansh’s car is in traffic too. Piya sees signal going away from microphone but hears noise of same traffic. She says Adi is near. They see a water tank in one car and Adi inside. All come out. Chitali says there are too many cars here. Ansh takes davansh avatar and jumps on cars. Cars start moving. Ansh tries to get to Adi’s car but car drives away. Piya sees microphone device broken on road. Piya says how we will find Adi now?
Piya calls Nishant and tells him that Adi was kidnapped. Ansh says there was eagle tattoo on car. Nishant recalls how he had put chemical in that car. Nishant says I know how to find that car.

Tara and Mayank are in car. Tara says I know you know alot about my father and I wont leave till you tell me. Mayank asks her to go back.

Avi tells police to find black car. Nishant says to Piya that I will take you to that car then do my work. She says okay. He asks them to start a fire. Ansh starts it. Fire ball starts going away. They all follow it to go to that car.

Karan’s mother says to Adi that you have to cry so we will get mermaid pearls and we will become rich, cry. Adi hits her. Karan says he is powerful. Woman tries to give phone to Adi but her hand catches on fire. Karan laughs and says he doesnt like you. Woman says I wont spare him now. She puts kerosene in water and starts fire. She says you must like this water but it will make you cry.

Saanvi calls Tara and says your husband is a creature. Nishant takes phone from her and says we cant catch that creature, he doesnt want to kill Tara, she is not in danger. Saanvi says what about later?

Family follows fire ball and sees woman throwing Adi in fire but Piya runs and grabs him. Police catches woman and Karan. Avi takes them away. Vedsheree hugs Adi. Piya consoles him.

Saanvi’s message records on Tara’s phone but evil woman deletes and leaves, her nail falls there. Tara comes in her room and sees blue nail there, she says what is this?

Family is in house. Chitali says how will we make Adi fine again? They turn to see Mohana coming there. All are stunned. Vedsheree says you are alive? how? Mohana tries to go to Ansh but Vedsheree comes infront of her.

Mohana comes to family. Vedsheree says you are alive? Vedsheree stands infront of her and says you kept hurting my family, I thought you could change but you cant, life gave you a chance again but you will lose it too? Mohana says you didnt change, my son still hates me. Ansh asks what you want? I am not your son, you are dead for us. Mohana says its past, I didnt want to kill you but I had to, I wanted to kill Adi otherwise he would kill and he did, I should listen to Vedsheree, I am not threatened by Adi anymore so we can live like one family, I make kheer for Ansh, she goes to kitchen. All are confused and shocked.

Tara sees wound on Mayank’s finger and recalls how she found weird nail and says did Mayank kidnap me earlier?

Ansh says to Adi that dont worry. Vedsheree says Ansh ask Piya to talk to Nishant.

Ansh is looking around for Piya in house.

Piya brings pearl to river and recalls how Nishant told her that someone else has to become mermaid only then Adi will become fine. She recalls how she took Adi’s tear and it became a pearl. She swallows that pearl.
Ansh comes to Adi and sees him fine. Ansh says he is not mermaid anymore. All family members are happy. Ansh says where is Piya?

Tara is looking at nail, it falls down and goes under sofa. She grabs it but find feet of horse there, she looks up but no one is there. She turns to see Mayank there.

Nishant gets call from Ansh and says Adi is fine and Piya is missing? She took mermaid position from him to protect him. Ansh is shocked.

Mayank asks Tara what she is hiding? She grabs her hand. She says leave it, he opens it but finds nothing, he leaves. Tara moves away and takes nail from floor. She says he is what I think he is?

Adi is crying. Chitali tries to cheer him up. Mohana comes there and says can I help? Vedsheree says we can handle him. Mohana gives him blanket, he stops crying.

Tara is lost in thoughts and recalls how her kidnapper had scratched her with same nail. She recalls how Saanvi said that she doesnt know who he is, she thinks how will I find that girl? Mayank’s sister Samya shows her friends’ photo. Tara sees Saanvi in picture and says who is she? Samya says its principal’s daughter. Mayank looks on.

Mohana says he became human again from mermaid so he is feeling cold. Vedsheree says how do you know? Mohana says because I made him that, I took braids from river then I became mermaid, then I gave it to Adi to become free, I am a witch and worry about myself only. Vedsheree says you can never change, Piya had to become a mermaid because of this. Mohana says she can handle herself, she leaves.

Tara tries to leave but Mayank asks where are you going? She says market. Mom asks her to tell everything to Mayank and he will bring it, its hot outside, she leaves.

Saanvi tells Naman that we have to bring some books from library.

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