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Jal pari asks for water. Piya gives her water but she doesn’t drink it. The water spills on her and she burns. Everyone realizes that’s jal pari. Everyone is dazed.

Sawi says dad see there. The devil is there. He says I think the devil is here.
Chitali says that person on boat said she will take her last breath and die. Vedeshree says lets take her back where be brought her from. Pia says we don’t have time. She might die. Ansh says lets keep her in water. Ansh lays her in tub. She still doesn’t breathe. Piya says she wants salt water like sea. Bring salt. They put salt in the water. The jal pari breathes.

Tara tries to unchain her feet. Her mom comes and says are you okay? You didn’t come out of the room. She says I am not well. Ma says come and eat at least. Tara says I am not hungry.
Vedeshree says let her rest and then we can take her back to where we got her from. Everyone agrees and they leave her there.

Sawi Naman and Nishat see Mayank. his back is against them. He does magic on the sea. Naman sbays this is the chance. They are about to attack him. He makes a water ball to throw at them. Nishant says run. They run. Sawi falls. A piece of ice comes towards her. 
.. says it was impossible to catch that jal pari. But they found her. that means she wanted them to take her.
Jal pari turns into Mohana. She says same house and same me. I am back with a new face. i am Mohana. You thought you will burn me. You put my hair and ashes in the same water. I used the jal pari’s body to come to life again. I want to come out of this body.

Mayank picks sawi. Nishant says are you okay? She says yes. He says thank you for saving her. Naman says but why are you helping us? He says I dont’ want to find the devil. I just wanna help you so you help me. i want to know how to bring devil out of a human.

Mayank’s mom says lets take her out. Tara says I will eat here. I don’t want to go out. Sisters say you should ask Mayank to take you out. Ma says we are lucky to have him. She locks the door and tries to break her chain. The door opens.

Sawi says he recognizes us. He is following us. Nishant says we have to be careful. Naman says this guy will help us. SAwi says this wood will help us.
They come to lab and tries to make something. Naman says you keep asking me for things, tell me at a time. I am tired. He sits down. A fire comes out of the solution. Nishant says it will go to the devil.

Ansh says to family that mermaid is in water. Chitali says how she will survive in tub? Ansh says its just for tonight.
Mohana is in tub and thinks I have to do something fast. All family members come there but see a girl. Piya says we are here to help you.

Saanvi puts some woods in chemical. Fire starts. Nishant says it will go to creature. Fire comes infront of Mayank. Mayank thinks what to do? it will follow me. Mayank makes chemical owl fall on Saanvi. Saanvi screams that I cant see anything. Nishant takes her from there. Mayank puts out fire.

Family see mermaid swimming in water. Piya says Ansh’s plan worked.

Nishant puts eye drops in Saanvi’s eyes. He says how that bowl fell? Mayank thinks that I have to find solution before Nishant doubts me. Mayank says Nishant told me that its possible to hide something in body but how to take it out? Naman says I know books, I will tell you. He reads that book to Mayank.

Nishant says to Saanvi that why did Mayank know about creature’s location and fire went towards him too.. it means.. he is creature only.

Naman reads book which says that person who has something inside their body can bring it out or person who took pheras with them. Nishant comes there and asks Naman to stop. Mayank snatches book from him. Nishant says so you are creature?

Mohana looks at family eating together and says they will free from mermaid’s body. She uses her tear as a pearl and throws it towards family. It goes to Ansh. Mohana says wow it chose my son only, he will take my mermaid’s body and I will be free.

Mayank says so you know? He uses his powers to erase their memory. He leaves from there. Saanvi looks around. Nishant asks what happened? Saanvi says he removed your memory but he couldnt do it to me as I am blind.

Mayank comes to his room but sees Tara missing. She comes from behind and puts fork on his neck. She says what you know about my father?

Nishant says to Saanvi that creature came to us but why? Priest says he has one part of eagle locket but other part is in Tara’s body. Nishant says so he must know who Tara is and must have married her. He sees page missing from book and says Mayank must be trying to bring that eagle locket out of Tara’s body.

Mayank grabs fork from Tara. He moves her to pillar. She cries and says what do you want? why you forced to marry me? Mayank says soon all your answers will be clearned. He turns away and leaves fromt there.

Nishant asks Saanvi if she is fine? She says I can see now so I will go with you. Priest says if he gets other part of eagle locket then it will be destruction of us. Nishant says we have to do it today.

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