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Mohana says soon mermaid pearl will start working and he will become mermaid and I will be free. Flashback shows how Adi took pearl and ate, he became mermaid. Mohana sees Ansh fine and thinks why pearl didnt work on him? Evil woman asks Mayank what he got to know? Mayank recalls how he read book page which said that only husband can take things from body but they need to have an intimate relation. Evil woman says we need that eagle locket at any cost. Piya says to Ansh that I will check up on Adi. Ansh says we can put microphone in Adi’s room. They come in his room but there is blanket on him. Ansh puts microphone on his shirt and leaves with Piya.

Tara is looking cupboard and says I have to find some clue. She finds her father’s watch in Mayank’s drawer. She cries and sees her name on it. She turns to see Mayank there. He asks what she was doing? She says trying to find answers, she hides watch. Mayank recalls woman’s words and pulls Tara close. Ansh shows receivers to Piya and says we can hear Adi anywhere now. Vedsheree is taking blankers. Ansh takes it from her. Mohana hears mermaid splashes from Adi’s room and says he became mermaid? thats great. Mayank caresses Tara’s face. She close her eyes and dances. Mayank holds her and is in tears.

Naman, Nishant and Saanvi are following fireball. They see it going in a house. Naman says we cant go in his house like that. Saanvi says they must know us as priest said we went there a lot. Naman says if we bugged them earlier then we cant go inside but we can bring that creature out of house. Mohana sees Ansh and Piya coming in lounge. She says why cant I take mermaid avatar? Piya comes there but sees mermaid sleeping in water. Ansh says dont disturb her. Piya says okay I will go to Maa, you check on Adi, they leave. Mohana says I couldnt breath in water so it means I am leaving mermaid body but I have to put Adi in water.

Naman throws his crystal balls in creature’s house. They burn. Woman says to her son that we have to get rid of that mermaid, if we get her powers then we will be powerful.

Smoke fills house. Naman comes there as fire-fighter, all fmaily members run out but creature doesnt come out. Saanvi and Naman looks around but doenst see him. Nishant sees car driving and calls Saanvi. He says to Saanvi that creature ranaway. Mohana is crawling on floor and says I cant walk or swim now.

Piya says to Vedsheree that when will Shekhar comeback? Vedsheree says he has work in some other city, I miss him. Piya asks her to not worry and leaves. Piya comes in lounge and sees black cloth on aquarium. She sees water on floor and follows it. Mohana comes to Adi’s room buts hides on roof when Piya comes there. Piya sees water and goes to check on water. Woman says to her son Karan and says all are going crazy over mermaid, we can sell her.

Mohana glares at Adi and says when I put him in water then I will get my witch avatar back, she tries to attack him but someone captures her in net. Its mom and her son Karan.

Nishant tells Saanvi how he had put liquid in creature’s car which made a line and followed his car. Nishant says we can follow him.

Mohana asks who are you? leave me. Woman says I know you are a mermaid, you cant even run, she asks her to son grab her. Karan sees baby and says he is mermaid too. Woman says take him. Mohana grabs Adi with her braid and throws him water. Woman says she is not a mermaid? Mohana breaks net and glares at them. She says you are right. I am not a mermaid, I am a witch. Woman and Karan are shocked.

Mayank brings to Tara to a den, he says I know how important that locket is but I cant do this with you, I cant see you in more pain. Nishant attacks him and asks him to stay away from Tara. Saanvi asks Tara to wake up. Nishant says now you will die. He attacks Mayank but he moves away and it hits Tara. She faints. Mayank holds her and pulls her closer. He glares at Nishant. Mayank makes Tara lie down, jane sanam plays.

Woman says to Mohana that its so great to see you, we never saw a witch before, we are sorry, we thought you are a mermaid. Mohana asks who are you? Woman says we are creature hunter. Karan says we left that, we sell creatures and earn. Mohana says you both are clever. She sees door knocking and asks them to do as she says.

Mayank glares at Nishant. Naman says he wont spare us, dont move ahead. Mayank attacks Nishant, he falls down. He throws Saanvi and Naman away and attacks Nishant, he makes him of ice and makes him vanish. He leaves. Naman and Saanvi tries to find Nishant and see him under mud.

Family hears noise in house and come to lounge. They see water tank missing. Piya says where is mermaid? Chitali says where did she go? Piya recalls water in Adi’s room and runs there. They find Adi missing and look around. Mayank looks at Tara and tries to take out arrow from chest, he throws it away and sees her wound, he says what to do? he asks her to wake up.

Family looks around for Adi but dont find him. Vedsheree says where is he? They hear some water noise. Ansh runs to water. Naman says I cant move this mud, Saanvi says think something. Naman we can wet this mud, we can put this mud on fire so ice around him will melt. Karan leaves with his mother. They sit in car. Ansh hears car noise on microphone. Ansh says it means he is in building.

Naman puts grass around mud and burns it. Ice melts and mud becomes wet, they dig it and pulls Nishant out. Saanvi asks if he is fine? Naman says I will beat him so much. Nishant says he didnt kill me, he put ice around me so he could stop us.

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