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Vedsheree ties Piya in a circle and says you trusted a witch? Piya says I trusted a mother. Vedsheree says dont you recall that circle can stop anyone’s power, I can do anything to save my braid. Piya says you are a mother, think about it. Vedsheree says I was a fool but now I am powerful, you are a hurdle in my path so I will show you how witch braid is made. She takes her hair and starts mantras. Hair turns to a braid. Vedsheree takes it and smirks.

Tara says to Jiji and Koel that we have to leave, that Mayank keep following me, he knows everything about us. Koel says where can we go? Jiji says I know a place.

Vedsheree says to Piya that you are proud of being a devik but I will make you a witch, on holi evil will win. She makes Piya turn and try to attach braid to her but suddenly she falls back and Piya is gone. She says where is she?

Tara hears noise and turns around to see Koel and Jiji unconscious. Mayank comes there. Tara says why you are here? Mayank says I told you that I wont listen to a no, your family have to bear this, they will die in two minutes, only I can save them, I have given them poison. Tara says I plead you to make them fine. Mayank says then agree to me, he pulls her closer and says if you tell anyone about this then it wont be good for you.

People are praying in holi ceremony but they hear someone and runaway. Ansh is stunned to see Vedsheree coming there in witch avatar, all family members are shocked. Vedsheree says I am Aikayan, I had to bring my truth out. Ansh asks where is Piya? Vedsheree says I took her to make her a witch but she turned to ashes. Ansh says nothing can happen to herr. Vedsheree says I thought too but we are wrong.

Avi comes to Tara and asks where is Koel and Jiji? Tara says they are in room. Avi says lets go down. Tara says I am coming in a bit. She has hidden Jiji and Koel behind cupboard. Avi says if there is anything then you can tell me. Mayank hides and glares at her. Tara says I am just feeling down. Avi says okay and leaves. Avi calls her station.

Ansh says to Vedsheree that you are same mother who fought against witch to protect us and now you are doing this? You saved me from evil whole life and now you are losing this battle? Vedsheree says winner is always with power, Mohana had this power but she died because she was a fool, I wanted to make Piya a witch too.

Nishant, Saanvi and Naman looks at screen. Divya is shown holding a hand of 5 years old girl. Nishant says its Tara, she gave eagle locket to her but we dont know where other part is.

Mayank says to Tara that you dont have a choice, do you agree? She nods and takes cure powder from him. Mayank says if you try to act smart then I wont spare them.

In screen, Nishant see that Divya hid key in Tara’s body. Nishant says Divya had power to hide key in Tara’s body like she made Piya a sarpika, only her husband could take that power from her so Tara can give key to her husband only so creature will try to marry her.

Vedsheree says to Ansh that I dont like Devik as a daughter in law so I made her die. Ansh says she cant die, I will bring her back, where is she? Priest comes there and says she wont answer, she must have used her hair to make Piya a witch. There is only one way to bring Piya back, to kill her. He brings out trishul. Ansh says no she is my mother. Priest says she is a witch, she is of no one. Ansh says no, we should find another way. Priest says we dont have a choice. He throws trishul at her but Vedsheree throws it away. She turns and smirks. Family sees Piya coming there but she is in witch avatar and has long braid too. All are shocked to see her. Vedsheree says you are late but its good that you are a witch. Piya says how could that happen? Vedsheree says you dont have to act innocent, you are a witch and now we are together against them. Chitali asks Ansh what is all this? Ansh says I know what to do. He brings patal liquid. He asks Neha to mix it in water and pours it in a pump. Neha does it. Vedsheree says to Piya that now we are powerful. Piya says you are right, I can use my powers for myself only. Vedsheree turns to fmaily and says you people cant do anything. Ansh and everyone else points pump filled with patal liqud at them. Avi comes to Tara’s room with forces. He asks where is he? Jiji and Koel comes there too. Avi asks what happeneD? Jiji says we are going back. Avi asks Tara why? if there is something then you can tell me. Tara cry.

Vedsheree throws pumps away frm family. Piya tries to take Vedsheree’s braid but Vedsheree turns to her and says so you are with them too? you wanted to take away my braid? Piya says no, I am a witch now so I am with you, I was scared of patal liquid and hiding beind you. Vedsheree says prove that you are on evil side, take Munna. Piya says why? Vedsheree says if Munna becomes of stone then it means you are evil, go now and prove it. Piya thinks that if Munna doesnt become of stone then she will know truth. Piya starts going towards Munna but suddenly heavy winds blow and Dilruba comes there. She takes Munna and says he is mine. Piya says give my son to me. Dilruba asks them to stay away otherwise she will throw Munna in fire. She stands over holika fire. Piya says he is my son. Dilruba says he is with me now. Ans tries to go to her but Dilruba attacks him and pushes him back. Chitali says to Vedsheree that use your powers to save him. Vedsheree takes Munna from Dilruba and gives him to Chitali. Chitali runs away. Dilruba goes behind her.

Avi comes to Mayank’s house and says you thought you could blackmail Tara to marry her? I am here to protect her, dont be seen near her. Mayank says I want to show you something. He brings shagun and shows him wedding cards of Mayank and Tara, he says do come in our wedding.

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