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Vedsheree is running with baby. She sees river and thinks that I have to cross it.

Family is holding burning circle around Mohana to stop her. Chitali faints. Mohana says let me go, you cant stop me.

Vedsheree says I cant let Mohana succeed. I have to save my baby. She jumps in river and starts crossing it.

Shekhar faints as well. Mohana says its Nishant and Avi remaining now.

Vedsheree loses baby cot in river, it starts swimming away. Vedshree tries to go to it.

Avi faints too. Mohana says Nishant I like you in pain. Nishant faints as well, circle vanishes around Mohana. She runs from there.

Vedsheree swims but faints and starts drowning. Baby cot keeps flowing away. Mohana comes near river and says where did Vedsheree go?

Priest says to Saanvi that creature is dangerous. Saanvi says Ganga doesnt know that he is living there. Priest says we cant go there. Saavni says we will call them here.

Piya and Ansh are waiting for family to come with baby. Piya says is our baby in danger?

Family wakes up and starts looking for Vedsheree. Avi says where will we find her? Nishant says we should go where we will meet Piya. Shekhar sees Vedsheree lying near river, they all run to her. Vedsheree wakes up and recalls how she lost baby in river. Vedsheree says I couldnt save baby.

All family members come to Ansh and Piya. Piya says where is baby? they are all silent and look down. Piya says where is baby? say something. Vedsheree breakdowns and says I lost baby, forgive me, please, Mohana will kill baby, I couldnt save baby. Piya breakdowns and cries. All family members are hurt.

Ganga and her mother comes to Saanvi. Saanvi says I am sorry to call you here, I have to tell you something. Mother says you lied to me. Naman says there is an evil creature in your house.

Nishant says maybe Mohana didnt find baby. Piya says I know where river goes to. Ansh and Piya leaves. Mohana hides and thinks that let them find baby and I will kill it.

Saanvi tells Ganga’s mother that your son is an evil creature. She says you mean to say that I didnt give birth to him?

Vedsheree and family prays for baby and Piya.

Piya and Ansh comes near river end. They look around but dont find baby. They go to look at other end.

Mother tells Saanvi that I adopted my son, I never told anyone, he is very nice, he is no creature. Priest says he tried to kill. They all come in witch room.

All family members are praying to find baby.
Baby is flowing in river. Baby’s basket is about to fall in water cyclone. Piya and Ansh are looking around for baby. Piya touches her devik sign and snake comes out of water and holds baby’s cot before it falls in cyclone.
Ansh and Piya looks around and see snake’s skin on ground. Piya says Sarpraj help us in need.

Snake leaves baby on ground. Mohana comes there and says how did it get saved? I will gift him death today. She tries to attack baby but giant snake glares at her. She says sarpraj? She tries to leave. Snake attacks her and she falls down.

All family members are praying for baby and Piya. Chitali says I hope they are safe.

Ansh and Piya finds Mohana lying on ground. Piya says baby must be around. She finds snake marks there and says we have to follow it.

Baby is in mandir under sarp’s protection. Piya says to Ansh that there is mandir here but nobody goes there, what if our baby is there? Ansh says lets go there.

Mohana wakes up and says I am sarpika too, sarpraj cant stop me. She calls Kaalraj (crow) and says I called you to make a deal and I am sure you cant deny.

Ansh and Piya comes in mandir but doesnt find baby. Piya shows him baby foot prints and says our baby was here. They go to look around.

Crow says to Mohana says that you cant handle that power, Mohana says I know what I am doing, I need that power for sometime even if I lose my powers. Crow says okay and gives her wing.

Piya says to Ansh that I showed you our home, maybe our baby is going there as it has powers.

Mohana turns wing into powder and says I will throw it around, she says all living things will die in this circle.

Piya says to Ansh that house must be near blue river. They hear a noise. Piya says we have to find family. Sarpraj can take care of our baby. Dont worry. Piya and Ansh comes on road and sees people lying in cars and dying. Piya says there was a bad accident here. Ansh says lets find family. Suddenly injured people wake up and become zombies. Anshh says what is all this? Piya says they are dangerous, we have to leave. She pushes them back and runs with Ansh.

Mohana sits on tree and says they will die by these zombies now.

Ganga’s mother asks what is all this? Saanvi says they are evil powers kidnapped here by us, they are growling as they see your son’s bracelets, he is Asuraj. Mother says you are lying, my son has always been good, you cant say all this about him. Saanvi says he is dangerous for you, you can stay here. She says no. Naman pushes her in room and locks her with Ganga so she cant leave. Bracelet of devil falls from her hands.

The Evil eye on Star Life Mondays to Sundays at 9pm

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