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Abhi is on the way. Meera calls him, but he didn’t pick her call. Meera calls him again and gets worried for Rhea. Abhi is driving the car and hits another car. The man asks him to get out of car and scolds him. Abhi tells that he needs to go as he was in urgency. Man tells that he suffered loss and says you did accident deliberately. Abhi says even you was driving fast and was on mobile. Man says it was your mistake. Abhi gives his visiting card and tells that he will pay the money for the loss. Man says even I am rich and don’t need money, I had bought this car with downpayment.

Constable tells Inspector that he has written everything. Inspector asks him to read. Constable reads Prachi’s statement. Manpreet asks him to mention the car number and also mention that the car was driving by Rhea. Prachi gets call of a nurse and says she will come there soon. Prachi comes and sits beside Rhea. She says I don’t want to file attempt to murder case on you. Rhea asks her to ask Inspector not to file the case. She says she will leave in 2-3 mins and tells then think what will happen with you. Prachi says what to call you? Rhea says I will tell my dad that you trapped me, and then he will repent for trusting you. Prachi says I wanted to stop the Inspector to file the FIR, but now I will not stop him. She says I will ask Inspector to file a strong case against you and tells that when you come out after serving punishment, then you will become good which your father deserves. She says I would have stopped him, but not now. I will not agree even your father asks me to.

Abhi try to tell the man that he is in trouble. Man asks him to take him to hospital first as he got hurt on his foot. Abhi tells that his daughter is in police station for the accident. Man says both father and daughter don’t know driving. He asks how is the person who was hit by your daughter’s car. Pragya comes out of hospital and sits in the taxi. Abhi is standing there arguing with the man. Pragya looks there, but couldn’t see Abhi.

Abhi argue with the guy on the road after the accident. Pragya take taxi and sits in it. She ask the driver what is happening here? Driver says accident. Abhi tell the guy that he will pay him the money and will not listen to his nonsense. The guy ask him to go. Inspector ask Prachi to sign on the FIR. Prachi sign on the FIR. Rhea says she will not get afraid of her stupid FIR and her. Prachi says whatever you have done is attempted to murder and says you are not realizing what you have done. Rhea says her dad will take her out from here. Inspector says his dad can’t do anything and says she will go to jail and will become better. He tell about the conditions in jail and says you will not identify yourself after coming out from there. He says it is hell. Eye witness says she will be punish. Prachi think Rhea’s life will be ruined, but she herself has accepted the crime. Rhea tell Inspector that her dad will give him money. Inspector says he will add such charges that even Supreme court can’t save her. Pragya come there. Prachi ask why did you come here? Pragya look at Rhea and ask hiim to leave her. Rhea is teary eyes being scared. Pragya says she didn’t do anything. Inspector says she caused your accident. Pragya says it is not her mistake, I was crossing the road without looking and says she is innocent, she ask him to leave her. Prachi says what are you saying? Many people saw her hitting you.

Pragya says I am not saying that they are lying or you are lying, and says that it does that nobody saw my sight. She says I will write 6 and you will think it's 9. Prachi says Rhea was driving in speed. Pragya tell Inspector that they study in same college, and are like friends and sisters. She says they might have an argument in college, but Rhea didn’t do anything. Eye witness says you are very kind, but doesn’t show kindness on her. Pragya says Rhea is innocent and ask Inspector to leave her. Inspector says FIR is filed, we made it as attempt to murder. Pragya says FIR is filed? Inspector says your daughter said and tells that now it is a court case, even her rich father can’t save her, it is impossible for her to be saved now. Pragya goes to Rhea and hold her hand. She ask why did you do such foolishness and ask why did you say that you cause the accident intentionally. She says did you think this is truth or dare game which you play in college, that you will become brave by lying to Police. She asks why did you lie to Police. Rhea says I was upset with Prachi. Pragya says didn’t you think of the know the consequences and ask do you know what is written in the FIR? She ask Inspector to show her the FIR. Inspector says she didn’t say. Rhea says she said, but he didn’t hear. Inspector says there is just original and copies are not made yet. He says he will send her to jail, and nobody can save her, even her father. He ask Rhea to read it.

Pragya ask Inspector about its copies. Inspector says copies will be made tomorrow and says she will be jailed anyhow. Pragya tear the FIR paper shocking the Inspector. He ask him to forget the case and concentrate on other cases. Inspector get angry and asks Constable to lock Pragya as she destroyed the FIR. Rhea ask what is he doing? Inspector says someone will be punished anyhow. Abhi come to Police station. Constable ask her to park anywhere. Abhi says some other car is behind his car. Constable ask him to move his car somehow. Abhi call Purab and ask him to go to commissioner. Prachi ask Inspector to leave her mum and tells that she had operation just now. Inspector says first sardar ji came and then you came and asked me to file the case against Rhea. Pragya call Rhea near her and ask her to make Inspector’s video and share it to her friends saying he has locked the victim. She says sometimes we have to do something wrong to make everything right. Rhea nod her head and hold her hand. Pragya ask her to take her out of lock up.

Rhea make video of the Inspector as he argues with Prachi. He says now your mum will know what happens when she plays with Police. Prachi says she want to save Rhea. Eye witness says you have locked the victim inside. Inspector says she has torn the FIR on my face, and insulted me in my police station. Prachi says you have accepted that your male ego is hurt as Maa got your case closed which you may get solved. Inspector ask Constable to arrest Prachi. Rhea tell on video about the Inspector’s name who is troubling them. Inspector ask Constable to snatch the phone from Rhea. Pragya ask them to stop it and ask when she want to take the complaint back then why he want to arrest her for his own gain and appraisal. Constable tell that the news about their Police station went viral and says they should leave them. Inspector ask Rhea if she made the video. Rhea smiles. Pragya says I asked her to make this video, and says your family will forgive you, but your seniors will suspend you so it will be better for you to let all of us go. Inspector ask Constable to let them go.

Constable come to Inspector and tell that media and local politician are outside. Inspector ask him to handle them. He tell Rhea that his eye will be on her and he will arrest her in some case. Pragya thank Manpreet and ask Rhea to come with them.

Abhi enter Police station. Media stop him and ask if he came for his daughter and if he think his daughter hit someone with her car. They ask him many questions, and says don’t you think that your daughter should respect people? Meera call Abhi and ask if he reached Police station. Meera ask him to tell Dadi that he will bring Rhea home. Reporter tell Abhi that he is a successful businessman, but failed as a father. He says your daughter was not repenting and tried to intentionally hit Prachi. Other reporter questions him on his bad upbringing. Abhi ask them to let him go inside. Meera ask Dadi not to worry and says Abhi will bring her home. Aaliya comes there and ask what happened? Dadi ask her to bring Rhea home. Aaliya says from where? Dadi says Rhea is arrested by the Police. Meera tell that she saw Rhea’s arrest on TV two hours back and informed Abhi. Aaliya get angry at her.

Prachi goes to get Rickshaw. Rhea ask why are we going from back side and says I am not accused and no FIR is filed against her. Pragya tell that media is outside and will ask you stupid questions and will manipulate your reply to get some news. She says they don’t want to hear your truth, but just want news. She says they will write that your rich father got you freed and want TRP. She says I want you and your family to save you. Rhea says why you took stressed for me and went to lock up to save me. She says you know that I did that accident deliberately and then you also saved me…Pragya says as I am a mother and understands what one feels when their daughter is in lock up and would have done same thing for Prachi. Rhea says just one reason. Pragya says other reasons too. She says whatever you did is because of anger and didn’t use your mind, and for this you should not be punish, but shouldl learn a lesson. She says you reminded me of someone, who is like you and says he takes decision in anger then repent later. She says I did this for your mum, and don’t want her to feel the same pain. Rhea says I have no mum. Pragya ask her to think of her as her mum and ask her to remember her teaching always, not to do this again. Prachi ask Pragya to come and says media will come here.

Abhi comes to Inspector and asks about Rhea. Inspector says Rhea went from behind door and must have reached home by now. Abhi says she is innocent. Inspector says she is not innocent and had done the accident deliberately. She wanted revenge from Prachi and tried to kill her with her car, but their heart are big. She says Prachi’s mum did something for Rhea which a mother would do for her daughter, and took back the FIR and got Rhea freed. He says if Rhea’s mum was like Prachi’s mum then your daughter wouldn’t be like this, your daughter is freed, but she is not innocent.

Aaliya ask Meera why she didn’t tell her about Rhea? She says you are giving importance to just Abhi and not me. Meera says it is not like that. Aaliya says why didn’t you tell me. Dadi says she was with me since the news came. Aaliya says Rhea is very important to me and I stayed with her as a mother and had promised her that I will never leave her. She says I don’t want her to miss her mum. Dadi says if you are like her mum then you wouldn’t have let her forget her mother. Dadi says everyone was awake for her many nights and says I myself was awake for her. She says Meera brought her up like her mum. Aaliya says she is a governess and not her mum, she have used Rhea as a source of income. Meera says enough and says she is not source of income, but my daily dose. She says she can’t imagine her life without her and ask her not to give her salary and see her doing the same thing. She ask her not to disrespect her feelings. Aaliya says you are talking big as you have forgotten your value. She tell that someone was also here, who had forgotten her value and now nobody wanted to remember her. She says you are just her caretaker and ask her not to forget her value.

Shahana ask Pragya why did she tear the FIR. Pragya says it was necessary. Prachi says she fought with hospital authorities and took discharge to get Rhea freed. She says she fought with hospital staff and also Police. Shahana says what we would have done if you fall in any trouble. Prachi says you shouldn’t risk yourself for her. Shahana says Rhea was not your daughter. Pragya says she is someone’s daughter. Sarita behen says I was like you, and had to paid a heavy price for my goodness. She says strangers will not value your goodness and says seeing your face, it doesn’t look that you will learn. Shahana says you have strengthen her guts now. Pragya says looking at Rhea, she felt that she is not bad and ask them to try to make her better. She says Rhea’s father helped you so much and got you freed from lock up. She says when her father is good, she can’t be bad and says may be she did that due to anger, or her friends might be provoking her. She ask them to give a chance to Rhea. Prachi says maa is right, her papa is so good. Shahana says we will give her one last chance.

Dadi tells Aaliya that she did wrong by taunting Meera and says you tell that you take care of Rhea well, but you don’t have some time for your own son Aryan. Aaliya says you can’t talk to me like that. Meera says I should have informed Aaliya about Rhea’s arrest. Dadi says you came to know sometime back, but you are here arguing with Meera and not doing anything for Rhea. She says I called you, but you didn’t see my calls. 
Rhea comes there and hug Aaliya, Dadi and Meera. Meera says I told you many times not to drive fast and ask if she got hurt. Rhea says she is fine. Aaliya ask about Abhi. Rhea says I don’t know. Aaliya ask then who got you freed. Rhea says Prachi’s mum whose accident I had cause.

Prachi ask Pragya to drink hot milk and sleep. Pragya says turmeric milk, and says she don’t want to drink. Prachi ask her to drink silently. Pragya says you are my daughter and ask her to sleep. Prachi ask her to drink. Pragya says she will close her mouth. Shahana come and hold her hand and ask her to drink. Sarita behen come there and ask her to drink milk as it is bought with money and it is not easy to drink money. Prachi ask her when did she wake up in the morning? Sarita behen says 6 am. Prachi says she wakes up at 7 am. Sarita behen ask what should I do? Prachi ask Pragya to drink milk. Pragya finish the milk and says I know what you did.

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