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Rhea tell Aaliya that she was pretending so that Meera doesn’t tell anything to Abhi and says I told her what she wants to hear her, and says she has taken care of me like a mother. Aaliya clap seeing her selfish attitude and hug her. She says I didn’t teach you this? Rhea says this is blood relation. They hug each other. Rhea says I love you. Aaliya says I love you too. She says you are a good student.

Pragya think this city is bad, first it hurt her and now her daughter. She says your mum is coming, don’t worry. Abhi is going in his car. It start raining. Pragya take out umbrella. Abhi ask someone about Vasant kunj police station. A man tell Pragya to take taxi from the other side. Allah Wariyan plays…….Pragya goes passing Abhi’s car, but he didn’t see her. Her umbrella fly and come on Abhi’s car. Abhi think how to drive in rain. Pragya run behind his car asking for her umbrella. Abhi ask her to get her umbrella and says I can’t hear you. Pragya try to take out her umbrella, but it get stuck in the wiper. Pragya take the umbrella and comes to Abhi, saying she is calling him. Abhi hear her voice. Pragya goes.

Abhi turns towards her and gets own from the car. He calls her name….Pragya. Pragya stop hearing her name and get emotional. He think why did she come and what is she thinking? Abhi look around. Pragya take a taxi and sits. Abhi looks at her from far as she sits, but didn’t see her face. He sits in his car and think why am I thinking about pragya, who took away my daughter from me, and I am running behind her. He thinks first she snatched Kiara from me and then separated me from one of my twin daughter. He think she had said that she will not come to this city or will let my daughter come to this city, and think she didn’t let him see her face. He think he doesn't have any memory of his other daughter.

Shahana ask Prachi not to sign on the confession paper. Inspector ask her to sign else he will arrest her sister also. He force her to sign, blackmailing her. Shahana ask her not to sign. Inspector ask her to sign. Prachi sign on the letter. Shahana cries. Inspector boosts about himself and tells that confession letter is in his hands within two hours. He says case is solved. Prachi asks him to leave her sister. Inspector asks Constable to take Prachi inside. Shahana cries. Prachi asks her to go home. Shahana says I will not forgive you for this, never. Prachi asks her to go home. Shahana asks why did you take decision about me and says you shouldn’t have signed. 

Prachi says if I had not signed then what would have happened with Maa and Dadi and asks her to go home. Shahana refuses to go home until they leave her. Prachi says if I see you here then I will cry. Shahana says if I go from here then I will go to Rhea’s house and scold her. They hug and cry.

Meera think it is good that Abhi went to free that girl, and think it was their mistake. She think of Rhea’s words that Prachi has stolen her necklace, and then her confession. She think to keep Rhea away from Aaliya and think she can’t tell anyone about her feelings for Rhea. Rhea comes there and says sorry to Meera, holding her ears. Meera forgive her and says everyone make mistake, and says good thing is to accept one's mistake. She says you did a mistake and learnt something from it. Rhea hug her and think she didn’t want to fall in Meera’s eyes, and think Prachi might come out of jail, but everyone will think her as thief always. Pragya is in the taxi, and the driver stop the car and tell that he will check it. Pragya think her umbrella got stuck on that man’s car and now this taxi. Abhi comes to the police station and ask about Prachi. Shahana and Prachi see him. Prachi ask if he came for her. Abhi sees rolling down from her eyes and reminisces Pragya. Prachi tells that she didn’t steal that necklace and cry. She ask him to believe her and says whenever you helped me always, I felt that you are someone close to me, and says you are really good. Pragya take lift and thank the woman. Prachi says I didn’t steal it. Abhi find Prachi and Pragya’s resembles and ask her not to cry, and says I trust you. Tu dhadkan and dil…plays….Prachi thank him.

Abhi ask her not to cry and ask who are you? Prachi says a brave girl. Shahana says sorry to Abhi for scolding him. She ask him to help Prachi and get her out from here, else her career and life will be ruined. Abhi says nothing will happen, and tels nobody’s daughter will cry on my daughter’s birthday. He ask her not to cry. Shahana says he is real rockstar. Pragya says Rhea is lucky girl for having such Papa, rockstar. Rhea search for Abhi. Aaliya asks Rhea if she did that work? Rhea says she hugged Meera and apologized. Aaliya thinks if Abhi went to free that girl. Rhea says he is my dad and loves me. Aaliya asks her to calm down and says she just thought. She hugs her and asks her to calm down. She says I swear and promise you that he will not take her out.

Abhi comes to Inspector. Inspector asks him to sit. Abhi asks him to free Prachi. Inspector says I will not free her. Abhi says that house and the necklace is mine. Inspector says he is getting promotion as he solved the case in 2 hours. Abhi says this girl is innocent and not a professional. He asks Inspector to leave her. Inspector asks him to be careful else people will tell that he is after the girl of his daughter’s age. Abhi gets angry and shouts. 

Inspector says he has confession letter and tells his name. Abhi says she is innocent, then why she will sign. Prachi asks Shahana to tell the truth to Abhi, how Inspector got her signed. Abhi says you have no confession letter. Inspector reads the fake confession letter. Abhi says you made this forged confession letter for your promotion. Abhi asks Prachi if this is your sign. Prachi nods. Abhi says you forced her to sign. Shahana says he blackmailed Prachi to sign else he will put me behind bars. Abhi asks did she cry again? And asks her to go to her friend. He tears the confession letter and says you did very wrong. Inspector asks what are you doing? Abhi says I am correcting your mistake. Inspector says now see what I do with you. Abhi says public will see what I do with you. Inspector says I am not scared. Abhi calls Purab and says my next song is launched in the Vasant kunj’s police station and asks him to send media there. Purab says you are doing this for Prachi and calls the reporter.

Inspector says I won’t let you stop my promotion and says don’t know what your relation is with her. Abhi says he has fatherly feelings for her. Prachi smiles. Inspector asks him to try to free her and says I will see if you can manage to free her. He says I will tell media how you tear the official letter. Abhi says you locked her without the FIR. Inspector says it needs signatures. Abhi says you made forged FIR and says may be your seniors open old cases against you. Inspector tells him that he will arrest him on the charges of tearing the confession letter. Abhi asks him to do, and tells that there is no FIR for this case. He asks him to think something else and asks him to put theft charges on him, of stealing his own daughter’s necklace which he gifted to her.

Media come there and insist to go inside the Police station. Abhi smiles and asks Inspector to welcome media. Purab calls another reporter and asks him to reach Vasant Kunj PS. Aaliya hears him. Inspector says it will be costly for you to mess with me. Abhi says it will be costly for you too. I will not forget you.

Reporters come to Police station and tells that they came as Abhi called them. Lady Constable ask them to wait until the matter is settled inside. Pragya come there and ask lady constable to let her go inside, and says her daughter is inside. A guy constable tells her that a big issue is happening inside. Pragya asks what happened and tells that she will complain against them. The guy constable tells that Inspector didn’t leave even rockstar. 

Pragya asks which rockstar? Constable says businessman who was awarded recently. Abhi goes live and tells that Police is not letting media come inside the Police station, and tells that he is not against the Police, but against some police officer. He tells about the Inspector Sanjeev who arrested Prachi on the charges of theft, and tells everything, that he asked him to leave Prachi, but he refused and told that he solved the case. Inspector asks Prachi if she didn’t steal? Prachi says no, you forced me to sign on the confession letter. Abhi tells that 2 million people are live and watching them. Commissioner call Inspector. Lady Constable tells that Prachi’s mum came there. Abhi tells that he will go and meet her mother, and says just like he can’t see Prachi crying, he can’t see her mother crying. Prachi tells Shahana that Abhi is going to meet mum. Shahana asks Prachi to make him father on a father’s day. Prachi says if I could then I would have made him my father long back. Shahana and Prachi get happy. Abhi comes out.

Pragya is standing far thinking to go inside from other way. Abhi try to look at her, but the media surround him. Jab tak wahan pe plays….Abhi ask lady constable about Prachi’s mum. Constable says she is there. Abhi tries to go to Pragya, but media is after him. Abhi couldn’t see Prachi. Pragya turns towards the police station and thinks why am I thinking all this. Abhi takes the media inside the police station. Reporters ask Inspector about Prachi’s case. Inspector tells that necklace missing case was filed on phone and asks Abhi to bring the woman who filed the complaint. He tells that he will leave the girls and tells that he is Abhi’s biggest fan and asks him to sing a song. Prachi is released from the lock up. She runs towards Abhi and hug him. Abhi ask her not to cry and says don’t say that I am the only with you and say that everyone is with her.

Pragya comes inside. Lady constable tell that her daughter is released with the help of media, because of the influential man. Pragya thank God. Media ask Abhi who had stolen the necklace. Abhi says he will enquire and find out. Other reporter says you left your daughter’s birthday to come here. Abhi is going out and Pragya is coming inside, their hand touch each other's hand. Both Abhi and Pragya feel each other. He turn, but couldn’t see her. 

He think Pragya loves rain and I hate rain. Pragya comes to Prachi and hug her. She wish her happy birthday. Prachi thank her and says sir got her freed. Shahana says you came late. Pragya says where is that Inspector, he made my daughter cry a lot.

Shahana says he is there, and tell Prachi that it will be fun. Pragya comes to Inspector. Inspector ask if she came to thank him and says it is our duty. Pragya ask him to stop smiling and says you arrested her on fake charges and then forced her to sign on confession letter. She threaten him that she will make him lose his job. Inspector says I have no personal enmity with her. Pragya says but it is our personal matter. She tells Pragya if the matter go to college then what will happen, and asks him to apologize to her daughter. Inspector says we freed her. Pragya says why did you arrest her and why did you free her? Inspector says as she is innocent. Reporter asks other reporter to call cameraman. Pragya asks him to apologize to Prachi. Prachi says its ok. Pragya says it is about your image and reputation. She says you have done wrong and will apologize to her.

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