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Ranbir asks Aryan to select girl from their college. Aryan selects a girl. Ranbir says he will go and woo her. Aryan asks why? Ranbir hatches a plan to woo her and then break her heart. He says you will wipe her tears and then 
become her boyfriend. Aryan says it will be bad if you become bad boy. Aryan says I am doing this for you and asks him to watch him. Prachi hears about Ranbir’s plan.
Pragya is in the car and sees Meera in another car while her Pallu is coming out of the door. She try to alert her, but Meera is on call and didn’t hear her. Pragya ask driver to follow that car and says I will give you the money. 
Ranbir try to woo the girl. Aryan says if you don’t woo her, then how I will heal her heart after you break it. Ranbir ask him to wait and says she will come to him. Aryan says you don’t know how to woo girls or impress them. He 
says you should have paid for her cola, and says you should have told her that she is best. Ranbir says the things which is possible with attitude, and says money should not waste on it. 
Pragya follow Meera's car and gets down from her car. She tell Meera about her pallu is out. Meera says I was on call and says sorry. Pragya says if something had happened to her and says you should care for yourself. 
Meera is surprised and comes out of her car. She says I like your scolding. Pragya says are you serious and says many people’s lives must be connected with you. She ask her to think about her family. Meera look at her 
surprisingly and says I have responsibility of many people, but I am nobody’s responsibility. She says she liked the way she scolded her and says they should formally introduce them. She says she is Meera. Someone ask 
the driver to move the car. Pragya says take care and leave. Meera also leave. Aryan tell Ranbir that the girl didn’t give him any attention. Ranbir says she will come and start the countdown. The girl comes to Ranbir and gives 
him diet cola. She says I came here as you didn’t ask for my name. She says I am Nethra. He says I am Ranbir. He asks her for a date. Nethra says she is one man woman and got break up recently. She says she can 
become his girlfriend. Prachi comes and tells Nethra about Ranbir and Aryan’s plan. 
Meera comes home and tells Dadi about the lady (Pragya) scolding her as her Pallu was out of the cardo or, so she scolded her for concern like an elder sister. Dadi ask how was she? Meera gives her description. Dadi 
thinks of Pragya and smile. 
Prachi ask Nethra to stay away from Ranbir. Nethra ask her to go and says dumbo, I will be here and tell that he is Ranbir and it is ok if she is his girlfriend for a week. Ranbir ask Prachi do you need help. Nethra says no. He 
ask Prachi if she loves him secretly. He ask her not to lecture him and says if you roam around me then you will become my girl friend. Prachi says she will become only if her life connection is cut and tells that this is not 
possible. She ask Aryan to stay away from Ranbir. Ranbir goes upset. Nethra tell Aryan that she will become his girlfriend next. Aryan get happy. He ask Ranbir what happened? Ranbir says he is upset because of Prachi. 
Aryan says he thought her genuine. A guy is going in a hurry. Ranbir says he is going to propose to someone.
Rhea’s friends tell her that Prachi is becoming popular and that Shahana is spreading rumours about Prachi’s mum accident etc. Shaina ask her to stay away from Prachi. Rhea says she is Rhea Mehra and don’t need to learn 
from her. She comes to canteen. A guy comes to Rhea and ask if she recognize him? Rhea asks if he is Tom Cruise? He says he is Shahrukh Khan. He says you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life. He ask 
her to give him good rating so that he can propose to her. Rhea says I will give you 1 out of 10 and ask how about it. He ask for a chance and ask her to accept his love. Rhea ask about his car. He says I don’t have car. Rhea 
says you want to make me crazy. She call him middleclass and says she hates Prachi, him and others.
Dadi talk to the God and says she knows that the lady was Pragya and says she must have gone to old house where we used to stay together. She ask God to unite them. Tai ji comes and says you are right. Dadi ask did 
you see Pragya. Tai ji says no, but I trust you. Dadi says I trust on Abhi and Pragya’s love.
Ranbir talk to the guy Rosh…who tell that Rhea has rejected him. Ranbir says you will get more. Rosh tells that Rhea and him (Ranbir) are not rejected by anyone till now. He says you both are suitable for each other. Ranbir 
get an idea and think if they become a couple then their Jodi will be the best combo of cool and hot. He says if I tell Rhea that let become the hottest couple, she will agree and says they both have class.
Vikram’s wife Pallavi tell him that she gave him dashing son like Ranbir and ask what did you give me in return? Vikram says even I gave you the same. She asks for the dashing marriage anniversary party. He ask her to say I 
love you…and says they will have party at a seven star hotel. Abhi and Vikram’s beeji come there. Pallavi says she wants to keep party at home. Abhi says he will ask Meera to organize the party. Pallavi gets happy and 
collides with Abhi in excitement and the gravy from the plate falls on him. Vikram ask for the caterer. Abhi says I will change my clothes first.
Pragya think interview was good, but if they will think that I am from a small city. She says job is needed for Prachi and Shahana’s future. She opens the window and moves the curtains. She thinks to write in her diary. She 
thinks if she is Rhea’s mum.
Abhi call Vikram and says I am waiting for you in the lawn. Vikram comes there and says I am here. He says when you didn’t come then I had gone inside. He says you might be selecting clothes. Abhi says selecting clothes 
is easy than making your App. Don’t be sarcastic. Vikram says even I have App not to tie lace. Abhi says whenever I want to past time, I open the cupboard. He teases Vikram. Vikram asks him not to be sarcastic. Abhi asks 
him to come. 
Pragya think Rhea is my daughter surely and get emotional. She call Prachi. Sarita behen ask her why she is shouting and says Prachi is not at home. Pragya says she will call her and call her, but she is in class. Shahana 
comes from college. Pragya ask her about Rhea’s father's name. Shahana try to recollect and says she can’t recollect. Pragya asks how did you forget? Shahana says give me 1 min and try to recollect. She then says Mr. 
Mehra…Pragya is surprised and ask about the form name. Shahana says she read on the form as a Mehra. Pragya ask for the address. Shahana says I can tell you clearly and tell about the directions to Abhi’s house. Pragya 
bring paper and pen and ask her to tell again. Shahana tells the address. Pragya note it down. Shahana says when you take right turn it is Mehra Mansion. Pragya run to room and takes her purse. Shahana think what 
happened? She think if Maasi is going to meet Mausa ji. 
Vikram asks Abhi if he has Prachi’s mum number. Abhi says no. Vikram tease Abhi and says it seems you want to meet Prachi’s mum and weaving dreams to meet her. Abhi ask what happened to you in car. Pragya and Abhi 
are stuck in the traffic, but didn’t see each other. Pragya gets down from the car. Abhi also gets down from his car. Allah wariyan plays….Vikram ask why did he come down. Abhi look for Pragya. Later they come to Prachi’s 
Vikram ask if caterer stays here. Abhi says yes. He tells that in the morning, Rhea and him reach the wrong house. Vikram says there are so many houses here. They ring the bell. Vikram ring bell again. Abhi says the lady will 
scold us. The neighbor tell Abhi that Sarita behen went to the market. Vikram says she didn’t wait for us. Abhi says I have not informed her and says she will call me after seeing my missed call. He ask her to call Meera. 
Pragya tell the direction to driver looking at the the direction she wrote. Driver asks her to tell the location. Pragya says she doesn’t know the address and just know the direction. 
Vikram asks Abhi to come home, else Pallavi will taunt him. Abhi feel bad and tells that it seems like I am forgetting something. Sarita behen comes and goes to her house. Abhi sees her and ask Vikram to get down from the 
car. He calls her. Sarita behen ask Abhi to hold her bags as she opens the lock. Vikram takes Abhi’s picture saying courteous man.
Pragya comes to Abhi's house and touches Mehra mansion plate. Dadi feel her presence and says Pragya has come. Ram Ram Jai Sita Ram plays…..
Abhi and Vikram comes inside. Sarita behen says that she does her house work on her own. She says last time we didn’t talk properly and tell that Shahana, Prachi and her mum went out. Abhi says I came to talk to you. 
Sarita behen asks about Vikram. Abhi says he is my business partner. Sarita behen asks if he is dumb. Vikram says no. Sarita behen ask him to drink water. Vikram says he will have cold water. She says she will not sell her 
house or shop. Abhi says Vikram is having his marriage anniversary today and says that the order is for 500 people. Sarita behen think Pragya made the food for tiffins and think what to make them taste. Abhi ask her to make 
them taste their tiffin centre food. 
Pragya rings the bell at Mehra house. Dadi says my Pragya has come and is walking towards the door. Pragya ask what I will do if Rhea is at home or Abhi is at home? Dadi call Bahadur and ask him to open the door. 
Bahadur says ok. Dadi says my Pragya has come. Pragya turn to leave and then think why shall I leave, I will meet my daughter, I didn’t see her since many years. she says I will go after meeting my daughter. Just then Dadi 
slip. Bahadur run back to Dadi. 
Vikram and Abhi taste the food made by Pragya thinking Sarita behen made it. Vikram ask if she can do this order. Sarita behen says yes. Vikram says he will give 700 per plate. Abhi says 800 Rs. Sarita behen is surprised 
and says you will have the tasty food. Abhi says I have a condition and says he wants to get coffee which you made me drink in the morning. Sarita behen think that coffee was made by Pragya and says should I make filter 
coffee? Vikram says you are an expert and ask her to make two coffees which she made his friend Deewana. Sarita behen says ok and take her phone. Dadi says my Pragya has come. Sarita behen call Pragya and tells that 
she got a big order of 500 people for 700 rs each plate. She says she will get her order if you make coffee which you made in the morning. She says Rhea’s father came and the order is for Mehra family. Pragya ask for 
Rhea’s father name. Sarita behen says Abhishek Mehra.

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