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Abhi ask Dadi to hold the thaali. Dadi ask what happened to his muscle? Abhi ask her to understand and says everyone will think that I came here for puja. He then ask her why she is having difficulty to walk with her right leg. 

Dadi ask him to come and says we are getting late. Abhi ask her to answer and says you had said that you have pain in your left leg. Dadi says she acted infront of him and says I do this whenever I have to bring you to the temple. Abhi says you were emotional blackmailing me. Dadi says it was not british’s torture. Abhi says your lie is caught. Dadi says you come with me to the temple, but don’t come inside. Abhi says I do your darshan, then why do need to do the temple darshan? He says you get upset like Rhea and it is fun to cheer you up. He says you are cute. Dadi says you are more cute. She ask why I bring you here for every Purnima. Abhi says so that you can romance with me and ask me to do darshan. Dadi says she prays that God will bring Pragya back in his life. She says that she is feeling like she will go today or tomorrow and tells that her last days will be passed with her care. Abhi says I don’t need her. Dadi tells that life is lived, when there is a life partner. He says he is staying without her since 20 years. Dadi says you have not lived, but just passed the life. Abhi says Rhea is with me. Dadi says Rhea will get marry and will leave, but when he will get unwell then Pragya can take care of him. Abhi says I will drop you home and ask her to do puja. He think she made him atheist/nastik again and have no place for Pragya or God.

Pragya is on the way. Auto stop at the temple. She get down from the auto and think to pray for Prachi. Dadi ask Pandit ji until when she has to come and ask when will God hear me? Pandit ji says may be God will hear you first and ask her to ask from heart. Pragya climb the stairs. Abhi get Vikram’s call. Vikram says that he is stressed and tells that the rockstar is refusing to sing for them. Abhi says I will make a new rockstar.
Dadi prays to God and ask him to make her Abhi meet Pragya and end the 20 years old vanvas. 
Abhi is still talking to Vikram on the phone.

Dadi pray asking God to make Abhi and Pragya unite and think he is alone, and his family can be completed by Pragya only. She says Rhea need her mother and Abhi need his wife. She ask God to unite Ram and Sita..Abhi’s hand touch a woman’s thaali by mistake and the sindoor falls on Pragya’s forehead from the plate. He is about to look at Pragya. Woman scold him for coming to temple every Purnima and then standing outside. 

Abhi says sorry to Pragya, but didn’t see her. Woman asks Abhi to bring water for Pragya. Abhi walk past her, he says sorry and says nice saree. Pragya clean her specs and try to look at him. She think it is his voice. Jab tak jahan me…..plays….Abhi try to get water, but couldn’t get it. Woman give handkerchief to Pragya and ask her to clean her face. Pragya clean her face. Woman says kumkum is on your forehead still. Pragya says she will clean it. Dadi is still praying. 

Pragya senses him and think he is not here.

Ranbir flirt with a girl and ask for her phone number. Prachi look at him. Ranbir moves back while talking to her and collide with Prachi. Prachi scold him. Ranbir says I am not a doctor, but can tell that anger is on her nose. He ask her to leave anger. Prachi ask him to become serious in life and ask why he flirt with girls. Ranbir says all girls have different qualities. Prachi ask him to be serious for studies. Ranbir says that he is not here to hear her lecture and ask if she gives lecture to lecturer. Prachi call him flirt. Ranbir says I am not a flirt, just as I know that you are not a thief. Prachi look on. Ranbir sayas that guts and evil mind are needed for theft, but she don’t have it. 

Prachi calls him a flirt and says you were flirting with those girls. Ranbir says I feel good when they come to me. He says you are not my type. Prachi says you are not my type and leave. Ranbir and Prachi turn and look at each other.

Shahana tell Prachi about Ranbir’s football match. Prachi ask why are you getting happy. Shahana says he is a college guy and if he win then he will make college name. Prachi says he is a flirt. Shahana says when my turnl come and says she will accept his proposal. Prachi ask her to stay away from him. Shahana says she get reminded of Krishna, Mathura Krishna. She ask if she is after Ranbir? Shahana says thank god, we will not be rival, and says she will make Rhea as her rival. She then says Ranbir will be her boyfriend, then they will marry, have 11 kids. Prachi says he fight with me always whenever we meet. Shahana says I think Ranbir’s Jodi is with you and says she can sacrifice him for her. She ask her to beware of Rhea and says there will be love triangle. Prachi says just like he says that I am not his type, he is also not my type. She says he is good with Rhea type of girls.

Abhi bring water and asks where is that kumkum lady. The lady whose aarti plate fell ask him to drink the water. Other lady ask him not to talk on phone before coming there. Abhi teases them. They ask him to go and do darshan of the God. Pragya is again climbing the stairs. He gets a call and gets busy talking. Pragya goes past him. Abhi tells the lady that his friend is calling him again and again. Lady says even God can’t do anything for you. Abhi asks them to drink water. They leave. He think why Dadi is taking time. Pragya comes and stands beside Dadi. She prays to God that she sent Prachi here trusting him and ask him to support Prachi and take care of her. She pray for her younger daughter and ask him to take care of both of them. Dadi opens her eyes and ask God to show her Pragya’s face once. She turn and sees Pragya’s face. Ram Ram Jai Sita Ram…prays. Dadi gets surprised and calls her name. Pragya looks at Dadi and touches her feet. She then hug Dadi and cry. Dadi says my girl…and asks how are you. Pragya says I am fine and asksabout her daughter.

Dadi says she is good. She tells Pandit ji that her prayer is fulfilled and tells about her prayer on every Purnima. She says I pray that God shall unite Abhi and Pragya. She calls Abhi. Pragya ask her to let her go, and ask about Rhea. Dadi says she is at home and asks her to come home. Pragya run from there. Dadi ask her to stay back and not to go. She shouts and tell Abhi that Pragya is here. Abhi is on call and comes to Dadi. Dadi says God heard my prayers, Pragya returned. Abhi is surprised. Dadi says God heard my prayers and sent her here. She says God himself fulfilled her wish and tell that Pragya hugged her. She ask him to go and meet her, says she is wearing pink saree and ass him to bring her back.

Rhea thinks don’t know what is happening at home. Her friend ask what happened? Rhea says she has to talk to her Aunt. She calls Aaliya and says I am tensed, and my friends have seen it. She asks if she is in office. Aaliya says yes, and attends a call. She tells that she came for an important meeting. Rhea says if Dad comes to know. Aaliya says security guy Mahesh refused to help us. Purab comes and asks who refused to help you. Aaliya ends the call and takes file from his hand. He asks her not to do what she is doing? Aaliya says you gave this file. Purab says I am talking about Rhea. Aaliya says we don’t need topic to fight and says married people don’t need topic. She asks him to say clearly. Purab says Rhea is Pragya’s di safekeeping and asks her not to change her, and says Rhea wanted to know who has stolen the necklace so that she can take revenge from that person. Aaliya says Bhai has snatched Rhea from Pragya and Rhea has nothing to do with Pragya. Purab says Rhea is Pragya’s daughter. Sunny comes there and asks how are you guys? Purab says if he will call mom and dad as guys. He says sorry and says if they are fighting. Aaliya says no. Sunny says dad promised to come with me to see football match. Purab says I forgot. Aaliya says if our son asked you to come, then you have to..and asks Purab to have lunch with her. Aaliya leaves. Purab says I got saved. Sunny says mom is not bad and asks if he doesn’t like her, then why did he marry her. Purab misses Disha and reminisces her.

Rhea comes to her car and find Chor sticker on her car. Rocky come and ask if she knows who did this? Rhea ask who? Rocky says Rohan told me that hoshiarpur behenji is doing this. Rhea fume. 

Pragya is running out of temple. Abhi run behind her calling her. Jab tak jahan me….Dadi ask Abhi if Pragya is found. Abhi says he is searching for her. He think Dadi told him that she worn pink saree. Pragya sit in some car. Abhi looks for her everywhere. Pragya get down from the car and runs. Abhi sees her and follows her. Pragya is walking. Abhi runs behind her. Dadi ask if he met Pragya. Abhi says 2 mins. He goes behind a wrong lady. Lady turns and she is not Pragya. Abhi get sad.

Prachi ask Shahana if she is again seeing Ranbir’s dreams. Shahana says she is happy to do something. Prachi asks what? Shahana says you didn’t teach any lesson to Rhea and I understood that you will ask me to end the matter. She says but the matter will not end so I gave a good reply to Rhea. Prachi asks what did you do and says I thought to talk to Maa. She ask her to tell her fast what she did. 
Rhea says Prachi messed with a wrong girl. 
Prachi scold Shahana and ask her to take off the stickers from Rhea’s car. Shahana says it is tit for tat. Prachi says we are not like that. Shahana says why should we bear everyone’s taunts and why can’t we reply them? She says we can’t lose our self respect for studying in this college. Prachi hug her. Shahana ask her to listen to her and let her do what she want else something will happen to her. Prachi ask her to calm down. 
A guy Rithvik propose Shaina. 

Rhea gets an idea and tell Rithvik that Shaina will agree if he does her work. Shaina says I have a boyfriend. Rhea says your boyfriend is after me and I can make him leave you. Shaina get tense. Rhea ask her to go and stand there. She ask Rithvik to give a test for Shaina and go and kiss Prachi. Rithvik agree. Rhea ask him to go and kiss her, and says we will record it. She ask everyone to record it in their phones and make the video go viral so that Principal will kick her out. They all take out their phones. Rithvik goes to Prachi and ask if she is from Hoshiarpur. Prachi says yes. Rithvik try to kiss her, but Prachi push him away and slap him hard. Rithvik tell her that Rhea asked him to kiss her so that he can get Shaina. Prachi angrily goes to Rhea. Rhea ask how dare you put stickers on my car and is about to slap her. Prachi hold her hand and slap her hard. Rhea and her friend are shocked. Prachi says this is the answer to your poster incident, and says I think you understand this language. She says she slapped her like her elder sister and will get her rusticated her next time. Rhea asks do you know who I am? Prachi says you are an arrogant girl and says you need to learn few lessons in life. She says you didn’t leave even your friend Shaina and says she has a boyfriend. She says you have played with Shaina, Rithvik and her boyfriend’s emotions. She says you will not forget this slap as it will remind you of my advice. Rhea hold her face.

Pragya is in the auto and remind herself of her promise. She think she could have seen him once, and then thinks no. She thinks to thank the man that helped Prachi.

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