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Pragya reaches haveli and calls Kiara. She hears her recorded voice. Nikhil comes infront of her with mask on his face. Pragya asks where is my daughter? Nikhil blames abhi for ruining his life and asks her to give money. Pragya asks him to give Kiara to her and pulls his mask. She sees Nikhil’s face and gets shocked. Nikhil asks her to leave the bag. Pragya says she is a little girl and asks her to leave bag. Nikhil hits something on her head and takes bag from her. Pragya sits down with injury on her head. Nikhil comes out and takes more money from King. King asks where is Kiara? Nikhil says he made her unconscious so that she don’t see their deal. King says what he is doing? Nikhil tells that he can’t take risk now. King says you will bring Kiara to airport today. Nikhil says I am leaving in your car. King refuses to let him go.

Pragya reaches there and sees King with Nikhil. King acts and catches Nikhil. Pragya asks King not to leave Nikhil and says he has kidnapped Kiara and don’t know where is she? King asks him to bring Kiara to airport and says you will get more money. Kiara gains consciousness and shouts Mamma. Nikhil hits Kiara and runs in the car where Kiara is sitting. King shouts Pragya’s name so that Nikhil can leave. Pragya asks if he is fine. Kiara hits on the car and calls Pragya. Pragya and King run behind the car. King says we can’t go behind him and promises to get her.

King and Pragya are in the car. King says I will not leave him and asks from where Nikhil came? Pragya says because of Tanu. King says that means because of Abhi. Pragya get manipulated by him. Kiara call Pragya and Abhi. Nikhil’s car gets stopped near the lake. Nikhil think one side is Police and other side is Abhi. Abhi reach there. Nikhil thinks to go near bridge and think nobody can catch me there. He get down from his car and takes Kiara with him. Abhi and Police reach there. Nikhil lifts Kiara and start running and climbing the mountain. Kiara shouts daddy. Abhi asks Nikhil to leave Kiara and says there is a lake there. Nikhil keeps knife on Kiara’s neck. Abhi asks him to move the knife from her neck. Pragya and King also reach there. pragya tells King that Police is climbing the cliff, we shall go there, Kiara must be there. Abhi asks Nikhil to let her go and says your enmity is with me. Nikhil says real men don’t talk and says now it is action time. Kiara says she is getting afraid. Abhi says you are a brave girl. He reminisces his moments with Kiara. Kiara also reminisces moments with him. Police reach there. Nikhil says you wanted to trap me by Police.

Abhi says I didn’t ruin you, and will give you money and everything. Nikhil says I will ruin you. Abhi pleads infront of him and asks him to leave his daughter. Nikhil acts like him and says if drama is happening here. Abhi says I will give you home, office and everything. Nikhil says you have snatched my life, my Tanu and says you have snatched her from me, she don’t love me. He says I will get money, but I can’t get her love. King and Pragya reach there. Pragya shouts seeing Kiara. Ashish and other Police reach there. Nikhil says you are rich, but don’t want to give any money for your daughter. Pragya apologize to him and asks him to leave Kiara. Nikhil threatens to throw Kiara in water. Inspector threatens to shoot Nikhil. Nikhil says you don’t have strength.

Abhi takes gun from Inspector shocking Pragya. Abhi says I have much strength and will shoot him. Ashish asks Abhi to give him the gun and says I will handle the situation. Pragya asks Abhi to leave the gun and tr to snatch it. Nikhil loses balance and falls from the cliff in the valley with Kiara. Pragya and Abhi shout Kiara. Kiara shouts Daddy. Pragya faints. Abhi shouts standing there. Aaliya, Disha and Purab reach there. rescue team come and tell that they got Kiara’s shoes. Disha says this is Kiara’s shoe. Aaliya cry holding her shoe. Abhi takes the shoe and cry. Purab asks Aaliya to take Pragya away from there. Aaliya and Disha take Pragya from there in the car. Aaliya asks Doctor to check her. Doctor checks Pragya in the car and says she is fine, but she need rest. Aaliya tells Abhi that Pragya is fine, but Doctor said that she needs rest so she is taking her home. Disha tells Abhi that she needs to tell him something important.

Pragya gains consciousness in the house and shout Kiara's name. Dasi and Dadi ask her to handle herself and say it is God’s wish. Pragya says God gave me Kiara, but my husband snatched her. Abhi talk to someone on phone and says he needs just his daughter. Aaliya and Taya ji try to pacify Abhi. He look at her chain and recalls her telling that she will give her chain to her little sister. Pragya comes to hall. Abhi hugs her and cries. He says our daughter left us. Pragya says you are responsible for this. King comes there. Abhi asks what are you saying. Pragya says I lost my daughter, she was just your ego for yourself. Abhi says I tried to save her, and asks her not to tell his love as ego. Pragya says everyone saw and says you don’t need Kiara, but your ego. She says you think about yourself. She says Nikhil threatened to kill Kiara, then also you were moving to front. She says you wanted to satisfy your ego and holds him responsible for her death. Abhi says she was my daughter.

Pragya says I gave her birth and says you don’t know the pain of losing a daughter. She regrets to come to India and returning to his house. She says I should have agreed to destiny and knew that you are not a good father. She says I believed you, but destiny don’t want her to stay with you as you are not a good father. Abhi says Kiara is not with us, because of you. He says I accept that my decision not to give money was wrong, but you are responsible. Pragya is angry. Abhi says you made Kiara far from me, not by you, but by you. He holds her responsible again. King, Aaliya, Disha and others look shocked.

Abhi ask Pragya why did she give money to Nikhil and didn’t tell me. He says last time I lost Dadi because of you, and this time I lost my daughter because of you. He says she is not in this world. Purab tries to stop Abhi. Abhi says I am bearing because of her. Pragya says I am bearing since marriage, you brought Tanu after marriage, I lost my sister and now Kiara. Abhi says mistake is not mine, but of yours, you trusted King more than me. you couldn’t separate him from our live. Pragya says he was never between us, but he was always with Kiara and tells that he gave me money to free money. She says you are accusing a man who was helping without any motive. Abhi says enough and says you will repent. He says King was seeing his advantage and did a deal with Nikhil, and according to the deal, he wanted to take Kiara with him after giving more money. King says Abhi is lying. This is not true. Abhi says you are more cheap than Nikhil and stabbed us at our back. He says kiara used to call you Dada and you did her deal, you wanted to take her to London. He shows the tickets to London, and says Disha told me this, but it was too late. Disha says I heard King talking to Nikhil and telling that he will him more money to him, and then he shall handover Kiara to him at the airport.

Disha says I thought you will not believe me and that’s why told jiju. Abhi tells Pragya that Nikhil might have left her, but king wouldn’t. Pragya asks King if he was taking revenge on them. King says yes, and tells that he was not responsible for her death. He says he loves his princess and says nobody told me about her, and tells that he rarely meet her. He tells that she was with him for 7 years and then she left with Abhi. He says I had the feeling of a family with you, and tells that he wanted to propose her for marriage, and brought that mangalsutra. He says Abhishek knows about it. He tells that he loves Kiara and have lost her. He says you still have Abhi and two daughters. Pragya says you still betrayed Kiara. He says everything was going as per plan, Nikhil would have brought Kiara to the airport and then you would have come to London. Pragya slap him and ask him to leave. King leaves from there.

Pragya says mistake is not of Mr. Singh, and says it is of Tanu also. She says if you stay infront of me then I will always think of Kiara, and will think that my daughter is not with me. She says if I don’t forget her then I will die, but I have to live for my daughters. She says Kiara was the reason for our togetherness and was the reason for our separation. She says she can’t live with her daughter’s murderer. Abhi says even I can’t live with my daughter’s murderer. Dadi and Dasi ask them if they have gone mad. Pragya goes to room. Disha goes behind her and asks her not to blame anyone. Pragya recalls Kiara’s death. She picks one of the baby and asks Disha to hold her. she takes another baby in her hand and asks Disha to come with her. Aaliya asks where you are taking the girls. Pragya says I am leaving this house. Dasi asks what is this madness? Abhi asks where are you taking my daughters? Pragya says they are my daughters. Abhi says they will stay with me. Pragya says whatever you have done with Kiara, you have lost rights. Abhi says kids are safe with me. Pragya says I will not trust you.

Abhi says they are safe with me and says whatever you did with Kiara, I will not let anything happen to them. She says everyone knows how much a mother loves her daughters. Abhi says I will give them best upbringing and asks how much money she wants to give her daughters. Pragya says you are valuing their lives and says you couldn’t give money for Kiara’s life and says she will not give her daughters’ custody to him. Abhi says I will fight for the custody. Pragya says court will tell that a mother can give more good upbringing than him. Abhi asks her to shut up. Disha asks them not to fight and calm down. Pragya says I will take my kids with them. Abhi says if she had not given money to Nikhil then Kiara would have been alive. He says she is a murderer. Pragya says you have killed her. Babies start crying. Disha asks them to keep quiet. Pragya says I will go from here and will not show my face to you. Abhi says I will not give my kids. Pragya says I will die, but will not show my face. Abhi says my family die, first Dadi and now Kiara. Disha cries and asks them to take one baby each, and asks them to decide. Dadi asks how can they stay separate. Abhi and Pragya say that they want both babies. Aaliya shouts and asks them to separate with one baby. She says if you both fight then how you will take care of the babies.

Disha tell Abhi and Pragya that they should separate for the sake of the kids. Pragya says she will go with both daughters. Abhi says I will not let them. Disha asks them to decide if they want to stay lovingly or separate. Purab asks if this is written in their destiny that they have to live separately. Disha says they will meet when grown up, but now there is no solution. Pragya sits and cries looking at her daughters. Judaai song plays….She takes one of the baby and hugs her. Abhi takes another baby. Pragya says sorry to the baby which Abhi is holding. Chadariya song plays…Abhi kisses baby which Pragya is holding. Chadariya song plays….Abhi asks Pragya not to return again, and says there is nobody of your own. Pragya says I will not come and will remember that you have separated the twin sisters, and says neither me nor my daughter will come in this city or house. Sad song plays…..Pragya hugs her daughter and walks out of house. Abhi goes to room. Judaai song plays…..

Pragya walks on the road hugging her daughter and says I wanted to take your sister with you, but. Baby starts crying. Pragya says I am with you and will not let you separate from me, nobody will make me separate from you. She is about to get hit by the bike and gets saved by the nurse. Nurse asks where is she going with the small baby. Pragya says she is going. Abhi talks to his daughter and says he will not let Pragya’s reflection fall on her again. Pragya tells the same thing to her daughter.

After 20 years:

Dadi, Mitali and Tai ji are doing puja. Dadi says she was woken up and asks if she wake up early. She says we does puja to calm down her mind. Rhea is seen breaking the glasses. Abhi asks someone to handle her. Aaliya asks Meera to handle her. Mitali says Rhea is angry. Meera says she listens to me, as I hear her. Servant says Rhea has locked herself in the cupboard. Meera asks her to come out. Rhea says she is upset. Dadi says she is stubborn like Abhi.


Pragya calls Pragya after coming home. Nurse who helped her deliver the babies is with her, whom Pragya calls her Beeji. Beeji says she will ask me later after searching the house and says she didn’t come yet from college. Pragya says why she didn’t come and says she brought halwa puri for her. Beeji says you goes to college to teach, and says she might be stuck with someone’s matters and asks from where she got these values. Prachi is seen taking out the coin from the drain which belongs to a beggar. Everyone looks at her as she washes the coin and gives to the beggar. love you zindagi plays….beggar woman blesses her. Prachi holds her friend’s hand and starts walking. She helps a woman in pulling the stuck cart. Woman bleses her and says this cart gets stuck here daily. Prachi says you should have come by other place. Woman says if I come by other place then will not see you. Friend asks how many blessings you will collect. Prachi says she wants more. Meera knocks inside the dressing room and find Rhea sitting in the cupboard. Rhea says my life is over as I don’t have sandals. Mitali says nobody have as many sandals as you. Rhea says she needs peach sandals. Mitali says this is peach. Rhea says this is baby peach. Meera says I will get matching sandals for you. Mitali takes out the thread from the glass. Rhea shouts. Meera says what you have done and tells that she will message driver and asks her to listen to music till then.

Prachi repairs the sandal which has broken just now. Her friend asks her to buy, but she says she has another one at home. Friend says it is more older than this. A goon tells the other that bhabhi came. The goon teases Prachi and scolds her friend. He offers to drop her home. Prachi goes from there. Friend asks why is he scared of him. Prachi says Maa taught me not to talk to such people. Friend Saana says I will reply to him. Prachi says you will not do anything and asks her not to tell Maa. Friend says God shall not give such sister. Prachi says we are cousins. They come home. Prachi comes home and hugs Pragya. Pragya asks what happened? Prachi says nothing. Saana says she got emotional seeing halwa puri. Pragya asks why she came late? Saana says actually when we were coming home…Saana says she made me eat something. She tells that Prachi teaches me and become topper. Beeji asks her to teach someone. Saana says she has no younger sisters. Pragya recalls Prachi’s younger’s sister.

Twist of Fate air on Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm

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