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Zara says this letter shows his medical application for Kabir’s tess tomorrow. We will get him out and collect proofs against Shahbaz. Qazi says but he burned all the proofs. Zara says but not our hope. I know two witnesses who are ready to help me. Seema says I hope that happens. Qazi says you both should go home now.

Kabir says God, you’re the only hope. A man walk towards him. Kabir says get us out of this trap. You will get us justice. The man is coming towards him with an injection. It’s the doctor. He give Kabir the injection and says this injection would shoot your blood pressure. No test would be able to prove you normal after that. Kabir says God, you won’t let us lose. He faint.

The next morning, the patients dance around Kabir and wake him up. Kabir’s head hurt. He says please stop. What is wrong with you? I have to pray. Today is the second day. I couldn’t wake up early. His head hurt. He says it’s all because of you all. I.. He faint. The patient says he slept again. They laugh. The doctor call the medical board and says you can do Kabir’s test now. He would be proved crazy.

Zara and Qazi are outside Sarpanj’s house. Qazi says where is he? It’s taking too long. I have to be there at Kabir’s tests. His phone is off. Sarpanj comes there. Zara says we came to you last time and you promised to help us in Zara’s murder case. He says who is Zara? I have never seen you. 
Shahbaz sees the video and laugh.

Sarpan ask who are you? Zara says what are you saying? I saved your grandson. You gave me those reports and said you will help us with your statement. 
Rukhsaar says to Shahbaz, can a man die from a dog bite? Shahbaz says it get worse than death. The person bark like an animal. Rukhsaar says get Zara bitten by those dogs. I would love to see her bark. Zeenat says have some shame Rukhsaar. Shahbaz says no one need your suggestions here. 
Zara says have some shame. Keep your word. Sarpanj says to Zara go away from here or we will get our dogs after you. Qazi take away Zara from there.

Zara says to the warden I want to know about doctor Kishor. He says doctor Kishor is in aborad. Zara says how much are you sold for? He says to talk to him with respect. Qazi says it’s useless talking to him, Zara.
Rukhsaar says to Zeenat why are you scared? She says I read a hadith, your kids pay for your sins. I want to make Aman a good man. Shahbaz says if you don’t want to help us that’s fine. But if you’re planning to go to the enemy’s side, I will be worse.

Kabir is being taken for medica test. Zara says are there no good people in this world? There’s one way. Please let’s go. He says go where? I have to go to Kabir’s test. I have to get him out of that hell. A guy comes to him and says your phone.. He says my phone? Zara shoves the phone and says it could be a conspiracy. A video plays on the phone. Kabir is taken for the tests. Shahbaz is always watching. The shove flashlight in his face. Kabir shouts turn off this light. He screams. The doctor says he is screaming and shouting because he’s mentally unstable.

Zara sees Kabir’s video. The specialist says to Kabir that on the off chance that you breeze through this last assessment, at that point we will free you. Shahbaz says consider the possibility that he breezes through that assessment. The specialist request that he check the envelope. It has Shahbaz and Ruksaar’s photograph. The specialist ask whom he adores more between them? Kabir focuse on Shahbaz’s photograph and yell that he isn’t my dad, he killed my wife. He blows up.

The specialist says you don’t cherish your wife? Kabir show Ruksaar’s photograph and says she isn’t my wife, she is with my dad. The attendants drag Kabir from that point. The specialist gives explanation that Kabir isn’t intellectually steady. Zara and Irfan are stunned to see it.
Irfan says to Zara that God will support us. Zara bring Irfan to a grave yard, she says your Zara’s grave is here. Irfan get emotional and says we didn’t have the foggiest idea. Irfan doesn’t locate her grave. The gatekeeper says there is no grave of hers here. Irfan cry and says I couldn’t petition her grave. Zara says don’t stress, we will bring Kabir out and get equity for your Zara. Irfan says we can’t meet him. Zara says God will show us the way.

Kabir is lying in the room. A man bring him outside. Mental patient begin to beat him. Kabir blows up and beat him. All attempt to hit him yet Kabir requests that they become friends and we will be gone. They all embrace him and become friends.

Zeenat takes a gander at Ruksaar and Kabir’s photograph. Zeenat says he detest you since you are with the person who murdered his Zara. You are with Shahbaz, he will never pardon you. Ruksaar cry and says I didn’t consider anybody while sparing myself, I love Kabir more than anybody, I will proceed to meet Kabir.

Zara show the Mental Asylum guide to the family and says I will break in and meet Kabir. Salma says you can go to prison for this. Zara says we need to save Kabir.

Ruksaar come to mental Asylum. She meet the legal advisor. The legal advisor requests her blessing. She give him cash and he let her enter inside. Salma and Azra are inside the shelter dressed as sick individuals. Zara is there too as a medical caretaker. Salma sees Ruksaar and tell Zara.

Azra, Salma, and Zara are in the hospital. Salma says we have to get our daughter tested? He says this is lunchtime. She says but he wants to visit the hospital. The wardens says you can’t. Azra cry and says I want to.

Rukhsaar come to Kabir and says I know you’re mad at me. I am here to tell you everything. I want to tell you about my situation. I know I should have been with you. I should have stood in front of you. I tried to talk to father but I am stuck there too. I am scared. Bajo gave me her life swear so I had to agree. I am with you too. Please forgive me. Kabir says you’re a murderer too. You are with the man who killed my Zara. You’re with him and your husband is in a mental asylum. Kashan and Zeenat are also murderers in my eyes and so are you. A murderer should be punished and I will punish you for your sins. He picks her. Rukhsar says please leave me. Zara comes there and says where did Kabir go? Kabir says I am crazy right? Now I will show you I really am. He takes her outside. Rukhsaar says please forgive me. Kabir hang her on the well.. Rukhsaar screams and cry. She says please don’t leave me. Kabir says sorry I am crazy. You supported a murderer. Rukshaar says please forgive me. Kabir pull her up and screams. He says my ethics can’t let me kill you even though I really want to. Rukhsaar run and says forgive me, please. Zara sees all this. Rukhsaar run.

Qazi says why aren’t Zara and Salma back with Kabir yet? Please protect them. Watchman says you can’t park here. He says I can’t drive this car. It doesn’t move. Watchman says you’re on the driving seat? The watchman leaves. Qazi says God. Zara comes to Kabir. She says it’s me Zara. Your entire family are here to save you. Salma, Qazi and Azra. Rukhsaar call the doctor and says Kabir took me out and tried to killing me. He says you go from there. He calls his staff and says bring Kabir inside right now.

Zara says please wear this mask. Kabir says there is tight security outside. She says we have made a foolproof plan. She holds his hand and says let’s go. He takes his hand back. Zara says this is to pretend that I am a nurse. Salma and Azra are waiting for Kabir. The wardens come there. Salma says how will we get Kabir out now. Zara and Kabir are walking outside. They see the wardens. Zara says we have to go somewhere else. There’s a plan B. Rukhsaar comes running out. She sees Qazi’s car. Qazi says what is she doing here? She peep in. Qazi is singing like a Sardar. She sits inside and says what have you become Qazi Irfan. I recognized you from your car. You can’t fool us. He rope her. She says what are you doing? Qazi says you can’t move from here now. You have forced me to do this. Now sit here.

The patients surround Kabir with a mask. They say is it a ghost? Zara says if you all wear masks you will all become super powerful. They take the masks. Zara says you will have to return the masks. They say no we want to be super powerful. Zara says you have to help me get Kabir out of here. We will give you masks and footballs.

They all wear masks. The in-charge is going running in. Rukhsaar try to call his name. Qazi shuts her mouth. Salma stops the in-charge and says please help. He says I am in a hurry. They waste his time. All the patients are wearing masks. They walk Kabir outside. The in-charge says Kabir tried to kill Rukhsaar. Hit him till he recall his actual place. They see all the patients with masks.

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