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Qazi says why aren’t Zara and Salma back with Kabir yet? Please protect them. Watchman says you can’t park here. He says I can’t drive this car. It doesn’t move. Watchman says you’re on the driving seat? The watchman leaves. Qazi says God. Zara comes to Kabir. She says it’s me Zara. Your entire family are here to save you. Salma, Qazi and Azra. Rukhsaar call the doctor and says Kabir took me out and tried to killing me. He says you go from there. He calls his staff and says bring Kabir inside right now.

Zara says please wear this mask. Kabir says there is tight security outside. She says we have made a foolproof plan. She holds his hand and says let’s go. He takes his hand back. Zara says this is to pretend that I am a nurse. Salma and Azra are waiting for Kabir. The wardens come there. Salma says how will we get Kabir out now. Zara and Kabir are walking outside. They see the wardens. Zara says we have to go somewhere else. There’s a plan B. Rukhsaar comes running out. She sees Qazi’s car. Qazi says what is she doing here? She peep in. Qazi is singing like a Sardar. She sits inside and says what have you become Qazi Irfan. I recognized you from your car. You can’t fool us. He rope her. She says what are you doing? Qazi says you can’t move from here now. You have forced me to do this. Now sit here.

The patients surround Kabir with a mask. They say is it a ghost? Zara says if you all wear masks you will all become super powerful. They take the masks. Zara says you will have to return the masks. They say no we want to be super powerful. Zara says you have to help me get Kabir out of here. We will give you masks and footballs.
They all wear masks. The in-charge is going running in. Rukhsaar try to call his name. Qazi shuts her mouth. Salma stops the in-charge and says please help. He says I am in a hurry. They waste his time. All the patients are wearing masks. They walk Kabir outside. The in-charge says Kabir tried to kill Rukhsaar. Hit him till he recall his actual place. They see all the patients with masks.

The people in the asylum are ready to fight the lawyer. They start beating his guards and him. Zara is trying to make Kabir run from there. Kabir comes and hug Salma. He leave with them.

Irfan and Ruksaar are in the car. Irfan ask Ruksaar to leave, he has to go. He drop her and goes.
Irfan meets Kabir and take them in his car.

Irfan joke with Azra. Salma says thank God no one knows. Irfan says Ruksaar got to know but don’t worry about it.

Irfan and Kabir coms outside Zara’s graveyard. Zara says they will take out Zara’s body, DNA will prove that Shahbaz killed her, she might have fought him and we might find something, tell us what grave is hers? Kabir says no, she is sleeping, I don’t want to disturb her sleep. Zara says her killer is roaming around, we have to get justice for her. Irfan says as a father I am asking you to tell us. Kabir says no, I can’t disrespect her grave like that, I am not going to open it. Irfan hug him and cry. They pray on Zara’s grave. Kabir says we will find a way.

Kabir meet Imran. Kabir says I needed you. Imran says you didn’t tell me anything, I can’t believe your father could do such thing. Irfan tell Kabir that your hope is greater than Shahbaz’s trick.

Ruksaar tells Shahbaz that the person who took Kabir out of the asylum is Irfan and we don’t have proof. Shahbaz says how do you know that? Ruksaar says I went to meet Kabir, I was worried for him. I am with you but I just wanted to see him. Shahbaz slap her and says you lied to me? I won’t spare that Kabir.

Kabir thank Zara. He says you are fighting my war so thank you. Imran says what’s the plan? Kabir says I know what to do. We will bring the snake out of his den. He sent me to asylum but now he will pay for it.

The policeman searches Irfan’s house and says Kabir might have gotten help from you. He ask where is Zara? Irfan says she doesn’t live here, how can you say that I brought Kabir out?

Ruksaar says if Kabir is not in Irfan’s house then where is he? Shahbaz says he can’t go far.

Kabir makes a plan. Imran ask what he is up to? Kabir smirks.

Shahbaz comes to his function. Kashan tell him that he is looking after his security so don’t worry. 
Zara and Imran hide. Zara says there is too much security, what should we do? How will Kabir go inside? Kabir is dressed as a Shaikh and try to go inside. The security stop him and says you can’t enter without the pass. The priest call Shahbaz and says my guest is here but they are not letting him inside. Shahbaz comes there and says sorry. He call them inside and says we have a tight security.
Shahbaz give a speech and says I thought about my nation first and sent my son away. I loved him so much but I sent him to an asylum for his mistake. All hear it. Kabir look on. He enter the venue as a Shaikh and glare at Shahbaz. He recall Shahbaz’s words, calling him mental. Kabir shout that you are a liar, you are fake and a cheater. Ruksaar recognize him. The security comes there but Kabir throw some beads on them. All start running away. Zara and Imran go inside as well.

Kabir come to Shahbaz and says you are seeing a man who is here to make you accept your crime, you have to sign these papers, you shot Zara, you killed my love. You will sign these. Shahbaz says I am not doing it. Kabir says you will do it. Shahbaz says never, you are my son. Kabir says you are plotting against me, you can’t love me. He grab him and says you have to sign it, I am not letting you go out. He strangles him. Zara comes there and asks him to stop it. The priest come there and says to Shahbaz that you have commited a crime, you have such a good son then why did you do it? Kabir try to attack him. Kabir grab him and ask him to accept his crime.

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