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Sarpanch says you are not police to investigate like this, get lost from here. Zara think that I have to find out what he is hiding.
Ruksaar think to find out where Zara is. She comes to her room and sees her lying on the bed. It’s actually Azra sleeping in her place. Ruksaar leave. Azra call Zara and ask her to come back fast.
Ruksaar think to find out where Zara is. She comes to her room and sees her lying on the bed. It’s actually Azra sleeping in her place. Ruksaar leave. Azra call Zara and ask her to come back fast.

Ruksaar look at the gun and says I can’t give it to Shahbaz. She calls someone and says okay. She puts proofs in a box.

Zara hide in the palace and look around. She sees Kabir with the sarpanch and hide.

She comes in a room and look around. Kabir is outside. She look at him and smile.

Ruksaar dresses in abaya and leaves. She meet a man who give her a gun similar to Shahbaz’s gun.

Ruksaar comes to Shahbaz and gives him the fake gun. He loos at it. Ruksaar says I did my work. Shahbaz burn the box and says now Kabir will never know that I killed Zara.

Zara is near the river. She sees a kid going in the river. Another kid asks her to save him. She jumps in the river for him and saves his life. Sarpanch comes there and thank Zara for saving his grandson.

Shahbaz meets Kabir and says tomorrow we have a function, we will celebrate it fully.

Sarpanch gives the post-martem report to Zara and says this is not my daughter’s report as that deadbody was not my daughter’s, she ran away and I was ashamed, they found a deadbody so I told everyone that she was my daughter, we did the post-martem and I buried her. She was shot and thrown in the river. We found a note near her body. Zara reads the note and recalls Salma said the same poetry lines. Zara says it means she was killed.

Ruksaar hides the real gun in her room and says Shahbaz won’t know about this. Once Shahbaz wins the election then I will tell him that I have the proofs, I will control him then to have power over this city.

Zara cry and says Kabir doesn’t know that Zara was killed.
Zara calls Azra and tells her that the old Zara was killed.

Zara is in the car and sees the watch that the sarpanch gave to her.

Amaan is working in the kitchen with the kids. They are making the food for Zara. Kabir comes home and sees the mess in the kitchen. Amaan says we were making soup for Zara. Kabir tastes it and gives them suggestions. He makes the soup and garnishes it. The chef brings Ruksaar and Zeenat to show the mess but the kitchen is clean. Kabir and others bring the soup but they see Azra sleeping there. Kabir asks where is Zara? Zara comes there and says I have to talk to you Kabir. She holds his hand via cloth and takes him away.

Zara brings Kabir to a river area and shows his Zara’s watch to him, he is shocked and says how did you get it? She wore it on her last day. Zara tells him everything, how sarpanch told her that the woman was killed. Zara tells Kabir that his Zara was murdered. He is shocked and shouts that you are lying. Zara says no, that’s why I have these reports. He throws the reports. Zara says I have brought you here because Zara’s body was found from this river, I am not lying. This is the truth, calm down. Kabir cries and recalls his moments with his Zara. He starts entering the river. Zara sees him and says don’t do this. Kabir drowns in the river but then comes out. Zara asks him to come out, you have to handle this. She jumps in the river but the drowns as she can’t swim. Kabir rushes her to her and pulls her out of the river.

Ruksaar is angry that Zara took her husband away by holding his hand, she says I will not spare her, she must have a big storm coming, I can’t let her take Kabir away.

Kabir lies down near the river. Zara says you have to control yourself to get the justice for Zara. Kabir says Zara wanted to tell me something that day but I didn’t listen to her. Zara says it’s not your fault, Zara was your life, someone else did this crime. Let’s go and meet your Zara.

Kabir comes to Zara’s real grave. Thori Jagah plays as he cleans her grave and cries. He recalls their moments together and kisses her grave. Zara cries seeing his state. Kabir and Zara pray for her soul. Kabir says whoever killed you, I will find that person and punish him in a way that will shake his soul, I promise you.

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