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Shahbaz give a speech and says I thought about my nation first and sent my son away. I loved him so much but I sent him to an asylum for his mistake. All hear it. Kabir look on. He enter the venue as a Shaikh and glare at Shahbaz. He recall Shahbaz’s words, calling him mental. Kabir shout that you are a liar, you are fake and a cheater. Ruksaar recognize him. The security comes there but Kabir throw some beads on them. All start running away. Zara and Imran go inside as well.

Kabir come to Shahbaz and says you are seeing a man who is here to make you accept your crime, you have to sign these papers, you shot Zara, you killed my love. You will sign these. Shahbaz says I am not doing it. Kabir says you will do it. Shahbaz says never, you are my son. Kabir says you are plotting against me, you can’t love me. He grab him and says you have to sign it, I am not letting you go out. He strangles him. Zara comes there and asks him to stop it. The priest come there and says to Shahbaz that you have commited a crime, you have such a good son then why did you do it? Kabir try to attack him. Kabir grab him and ask him to accept his crime.

Kabir grab Shahbaz and try to kill him. Zara says this is not right. The priest says that Zara is right, our religion teaches us to reconcile with the enemies. Our Prophet teaches us to find a solution with the criminals. He tells Shahbaz that the solution is that Kabir will leave you alone and in return you will tell everyone that Kabir is not mental and you will leave him and the kids alone. Shahbaz says that I accept but Kabir? The priest tell Kabir that I know it’s difficult but forgiving someone is the biggest act.

Shahbaz comes the people in his conference and tells them that Kabir is not mental. The reporter says you said that he is not stable. The priest says that Kabir is not mental, he was trapped by the ghosts, our religion talks about it too, he was under spell. Kabir think that I will make Shahbaz accept that he has killed Zara.

The priest give tip for Kabir’s peace. Kabir get angry and says I can’t forgive that man, I can’t reconcile with him. The priest asks him to not lose his patience.

Ruksaar tell Shahbaz that Kabir won’t spare us. Shahbaz says the game hasn’t ended, what I want will happen, I am a king in this game so don’t worry about it. He ask Zeenat what happened? Zeenat says Amaan is crying and he wants the kids back. Kashan says he doesn’t have to miss Kabir. I will pacify him.

The priest tell Kabir that you should go back to your house. Kabir says I can’t live with the person who killed my Zara. The priest says I have to tell you now. He give him some paper. Kabir read it and is shocked.

Shahbaz hears someone coming in the house. Kabir comes there with dhol. Zara play the dhol. Shahbaz asks her to stop it. They keep playing the dhol. Shahbaz says we decided not to cross the path again. Kabir says I will live in my house.

The priest tell Kabir that the house was never of Shahbaz, Ayesha got it as a gift from her father, she didn’t tell you so you keep up the respect for your father. Ayesha came to me and told me that she has given her house to her sons and I should tell you when the time is right, she said to never let the house divide so you should go there. The flashback end. Kabir tells Shahbaz that this is my house so I will stay here. Zeenat says this is a family house. Kabir says you people have become deaf that is why we have to play the dhol to wake you up. He goes inside the house.

Ruksaar is scared of Kabir. Zeenat says he can’t do anything till I am with you.

Imran sit with Zara and Kabir. He shows his food list to Zara. Zara says this is a small list? Imran says I eat a lot. Zara laugh and says where does it go? You have a small height. Kabir laugh. Imran says you are insulting me? Zara says you want me to make food for you? You have to eat what I make. Imran says I am going. Kabir says I thought everything has finished when Ayesha died and then Zara died, Imran is my best friend but my life is a dark place, I just have hatred in my heart that is why I want people with love to be around me, you both are important to me, you both are like fresh water in a desert for me. Imran says we were just joking. Kabir says yes I know. Zara says we will start our plan from tonight, Kabir says I know what to do.

Ruksaar is scared and hide in her room, she says Kabir won’t spare me. Someone knock on her door, she says who is it? She is about to hit the person but it’s Zeenat. Zeenat ask what happened? Ruksaar cry and says I thought Kabir came to kill me, he will kill me. Zara hide and sees it. She thinks that Ruksaar is paying for her deeds.

Shahbaz think that I can’t be involved in this house’s politics, I have to handle this city. Suddenly he hears dead Zara’s voice, she call out to him. Shahbaz says Kabir don’t do this stupid act. He find a box and opens it to find the gun with which he shot Zara with. He hear Zara’s laugh and says who is there? He try to block the voice and call Kashan. Kabir hide the box. Shahbaz tell Kashan that I found the gun in my room and could hear Zara’s voice.

Kabir tell Zara that Shahbaz will scream and tell about his crime to everyone.

Kashan can’t find any gun in the room. Shahbaz says it was there only. Kashan says all windows are locked, you are imagining things. Zeenat ask him to sleep. Shahbaz says I am not hallucinating, I am telling you I could see it. Kashan says calm down. Shahbaz ask them to leave. They leave. Shahbaz take the Quran and prays to God to protect him. 

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