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Kabir and Zara come home. Kabir ask Salma not to be angry, he says don’t run away from the house again. I can’t lose you, please don’t do anything like that again, she nod. Kabir hug her and says I am going to the police station after here, I promise you both that I will punish Zara’s killer. Salma bless him and says I am sorry for saying bad things against you, I can’t lose my son. I pray for you. Kabir thank her and ask Irfan to take care of the kids. Irfan says don’t worry.

Kabir and Zara come to the police station. Kabir says to the inspector that why are you not filing a complaint? The inspector says we can’t do anything, the commissioner has called me to wait.

Shahbaz meet the commissioner. He promise a promotion for him. The commissioner says that I will do my work.

Zara ask the inspector to file their complaint. The inspector says you can’t order us like this. He ask the officer to arrest her. Kabir shout if this is the way to treat women? Some men enter there and attack Kabir. The put a net around him and drag him away from there. Zara scream for him. Shahbaz come there with the commissioner. The flashback show that Shahbaz decided to do anything to win this war, the flashback end. Kabir shout at him. Shahbaz says that he is not mentally stable. Kabir is shocked and says he is lying, this man killed my wife. Shahbaz says to the commissioner that he is in shock and sad about his wife, he is not stable and wants to kill me or himself. He doesn’t listen to me, he was in the jungle for one year. Kabir says he is lying. Zara says Shahbaz is lying, I have proof against Shahbaz which prove that he killed Zara. Shahbaz says this girl doesn’t know anything. Kabir says give us one chance. The commissioner look on.

Kabir says inspector please trust us. Zara says we have all the proof. He says okay tell me. She says the proof are in the car. There’s nothing in the car. She says where did it go? Shahbaz says she’s just wasting your time. Zara find it under the seat. She says everything is inside it. Zara says I will open it inside in front of Kabir. She comes inside and opens the case. A snake is inside it. Zara screams. Kabir is shocked. Zara says please, it had proofs. Shahbaz says now you know my son it totally crazy? He was roaming around with a snake. Zara says please listen to me once. Let us speak. The inspector says you are being investigated yourself. Your statement doesn’t matter to us. You’re being affiliated to a terrorist. Shahbaz accused you of defaming your family. Kabir says please, let us show you who is wrong. Shahbaz says we loved you so much that we couldn’t see you’re not okay. You have to live in an asylum till you’re okay. Zara says are you crazy? You’re sending your own son to the asylum? Kabir says leave me. I am not crazy. A doctor is about to give Kabir a tranquilizer. Shahbaz says stop. He’s my son. Don’t give him any pain. Kabir says I am not your son. He says I can’t be your son because you’re a murderer. After 30 days I will be standing in front of you and prove that you are a murderer. Kabir says start counting down your days of freedom. Zara comes to him and cries. Kabir says you don’t have to be scared. We have to be strong. God is with us. I will be out and I will get him punishment of his deeds. Zara runs after his truck and we will be successful. Take care. He says take care.

Shahbaz says to Rukhsaar you hide the proof from Zara’s car. Well done. How did you know she hide them in the car? She says I saw Zara going to the car and taking the case there. To save myself I had to send Kabir to the mental asylum. But he is my husband. I loved him. I wanted to make him mine. First, he was going away from me because of Zara and now circumstances. Shahbaz says don’t blame it on circumstances. You’re responsible for this. If you gave this proof to me, this wouldn’t have happened. I am worried what would Zara do now?

Zara walk in with Qazi and says don’t worry about me. Shahbaz says to Qazi won’t you ask why I did what I did? He says no. Shahbaz show them the proof and says I was going to burn this proof. It would have been boring. I am glad you’re here. Zara shove it. Shahbaz throw the proofs in the fire. Zara scream. She look at it and cry. He says was it fun Qazi Irfan? I burned your last hope too. Qazi says my God is my hope. The man who burned the love of his son, this proof is nothing for him. The hell fire is waiting for you. Shahbaz says I really loved my son. But I hated when he speak your language. All this hell and conscience. Now he will be in hell while he’s alive. Zara says he gave you a challenge that he will get you behind bars. Start counting down. Shahbaz says in a mental asylum normal people lose their mind as well. Kabir would forget everything there. Do you want to go there as well? Allah Hafiz. Qazi says you better not take Allah’s name.

Kabir is being dragged on the ground. He says leave me. The wardens cut the net around him. They grasp Kabir. Kabir take the knife from them and says stay back. No one would come near me. Someone shoot towards Kabir. Kabir is shocked. A policeman walk towards him.

Kabir is in the mental asylum surrounded by mentally ill people. They start hitting him with a ball and say let’s play. Zara peep in. She sees Kabir in trouble. She says to the in-charge stop all this, please. Kabir look at Zara. She’s in tears. she says please stop it. He says this is how they’re entertained. Imagine if this is entertainment, how would the punishment be. Kabir takes the ball. They all have their balls and they copy Kabir. Kabir ask them all to sleep. They imitate him and sleep. Kabir sing a lullaby. Kabir says to the doctor, these are innocent people. Stop using them. You will tell everyone I am fine. Imagine if they all go in my control and work for me rather than you. But I am not like you. Neither am I weak.

Qazi says to the DG Kabir isn’t any man. He’s the ex-deputy qazi of the city. I am still the Qazi of this city. This injustice against him is an insult to Shariah court. Get investigation done and get him out. He says we will start medical investigation soon. Don’t worry. Qazi says come with me to the doctor. He says we would have to take permissions. Qazi says this would take too long. DG says yes we have to wait. Qazi says oh God please help 

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