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Kabir sit in his car. Zara sits with him as he drive away.

Shahbaz grab Ruksaar and says you lied to me, you told me that Kabir don't the proofs but then how did Kabir get that file? Ruksaar cry and says I don’t know how he got it, I didn’t give it to him.

Irfan tell Salma that I saw our Zara in my dream, she asked me to be happy. I felt that she is uneasy, she didn’t look calm. Kabir comes there and sees Irfan saying that she was not at peace. Kabir says she is in pain. Salma says what? Kabir says my life has ended, I was wrong about Zara’s death, it was not an accident, she was killed. All are shocked. Salma says what are you saying? who killed her? Who? Tell me. Kabir cry and says, my father. 

Irfan is shocked and says what? Kabir says my father has killed my Zara. Salma grab him and says why did he kill her? What did my daughter do to him? Shahbaz killed her but her mother is alive, I won’t spare him. Kabir stop her and show her the gun. She is shocked. Salma says Kabir… Kabir says you can’t go from here. He point the gun at her. Irfan try to take the gun from him but it fire and Salma screams.

Shahbaz tell Ruksaar, Zeenat and Kashan that he killed Zara but I am not here to listen to anything, tell me who is with me? Ruksaar says Kabir is my husband but I am still with you. Kashan think that I have to be with him. He smiles and says I am with your father. Zeenat says I am with you too Shahbaz.

Zara sees that Kabir has shot the wall and not Salma. Kabir takes the gun and points gun at Salma. Irfan says nothing should happen to Salma, tell me what you want? Kabir says you have to take revenge from Shahbaz, my father killed your daughter so you will kill his son. He shot Zara for me so you will shoot me for Zara. I can’t commit suicide, it’s not allowed in our religion so you have to kill me. Think about your pain, pain of losing your daughter so just shoot me. He try to give him the gun. Zara says Kabir you can’t do this, he doesn’t have the right to take your life. Irfan says Zara is right, he hug him and says you have to control yourself. God has taught us to forgive so who am I to kill you? You can’t be a coward, he hug him and says we have to get justice for our daughter, we have to get Shahbaz punish. Salma leave from there.

Salma look at Zara’s photo and cry. All knock at her door. She comes out. Kabir hug her and says I am sorry. Salma push him away and says stop this drama. You did all this so we can forgive your father but it won’t happen, Shahbaz will get punish for his deed.

Salma tells Kabir that our Zara’s soul is not in peace, go and bring peace to her and then show your face, get lost from here. Kabir cries and leaves. Zara goes behind him. Irfan tells Salma that I will go with him. He starts to leave but Kabir stops him and says you can’t go. Irfan says don’t think that I am weak, I will kill your father, I will go and get justice for my Zara. Kabir says my relation with Zara was pure so I will get justice for her, give me a chance. Irfan says this is not a game, you want to save your father. Kabir says istikhara. I want to see a dream to see if I should use law or shoot my father myself. I promise on Zara’s behalf that I will get justice for your daughter, I just have to ask God to get it. He kisses his hands and leaves.

ZarasNikah #IshqSubhanAllah #zeeworldgists #tellygist
Zara's Nikah air on Zee World from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm

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