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Kabir says I want to see a dream to see if I should use law or shoot my father myself. I promise on Zara’s behalf that I will get justice for your daughter, I just have to ask God to get it. He kiss his hand and leave from there.

Shahbaz cals his lawyer and says you can’t lose this case. The lawyer says we will prepare everything. They hear a police siren. Kabir and Zara come there. Kabir glare at Shahbaz. Shahbaz says this police is for my safety. Kabir says they can protect you today but I will see a dream and ask God if I should kill you myself or use law. He leave from there. Ruksaar grab Zara and says you are a servant here so don’t try to act over-smart. Zara tell Ruksaar that Kabir know the truth and you can’t stop him now. She leave.
Kabir come to his room and recall his moments with Zara. He offer namaz and prays to show him the way for Zara’s killer. Ruksaar hide and hear it.
Zeenat slap Ruksaar and says you were part of Zara’s murder? You should be ashamed. Ruksaar says she took my Kabir away that’s why I was with Shahbaz to kill her. Zeenat cry and says why did you have to enter that mess? What if Kabir send you to jail? Ruksaar says Kabir will kill me, please save me.

Zara bring food for Kabir but he is praying. She sit in front of him and says eat something, I won’t leave untill you eat. Should I stay here or not? Ruksaar has threatened me but I am worried about the kid. Kabir says it’s your choice, you can stay or leave. I thought you were tough and will stay here, maybe I was wrong. Zara smile. Kabir says you can leave. Zara offer him food and says please. Kabir eat from her hand.
Shahbaz recalls Kabir’s words and says I won power and now my son is against me. I did so much so I will have to sacrifice today.
Azra comes to Irfan and says Salma is not in her room. Irfan check and doesn’t find her. He call her but she doesn’t pick up. He leave.
Salma is walking on the road and recall her moments with her daughter Zara. She has a knife with her.
Shahbaz comes to Kabir’s room and sees him sleeping. He put a noose around him.
Irfan find Salma on the road, she run away. He ask her to stop and fall down. Salma comes to him and ask if he is fine? Irfan says go and kill him, leave me too. I have earned this respect but if you want to end it then fine.

Shahbaz pull the noose and hang Kabir. Kabir is shocked. Shahbaz says I loved you so much but you didn’t listen to me because of that girl, I can’t let you live now, you have to die, you loved Zara alot so I will send you to her. He pull his noose more… it all turn out to be Zara’s dream. She comes to Kabir’s room. He comes out of the washroom, she run and hug him. Kabir move away. Zara says I am sorry, I thought something happened to you. Kabir says I am fine, I know what I am going to do.

In the morning, Kabir comes to the living area and tell the family that I won’t kill Shahbaz, I will use the law to punish Zara’s killer. Kashan tell Kabir that our respect is at stake, you will file an FIR against him? Zara died because of her deeds. We will give money to Irfan but you won’t file a complaint. Kabir says right, I am not your brother right now, I am a husband whose wife was killed and I will get justice for her. Ruksaar is tensed. Amaan come there and show a tattoo that Zeenat wrote. It says my grandfather is a killer. Zeenat says if you go out and complain then I will write this on his head, if you care about his future then you won’t go out. You both don’t think about others, if you file an FIR then my son’s future will be destroyed, I won’t let you do it. Go but first kill us. I can’t live a life like that. Kabir wipes the tattoo from Amaan’s hand. Zeenat says I knew that you won’t let this happen with your father. Kabir says respect is in God’s hand Amaan, don’t worry, he leave. Kabir tell Zeenat that you can’t make me silent so stop trying. I will take my justice.

Kabir sit in the car and someone put a knife at him. It’s the kids. He asks them to get down from the car. Zara says the kids are coming with us, it’s not safe here.
Ruksaar run to Shahbaz and says Kabir and Zara are missing. Shahbaz grab her and says you couldn’t do simple work.
Kabir and Zara are in the car with the kids. Zara tell Kabir that the kids were missing in the morning. Zaid says that Shahbaz told us that he will send us away. Zara says they were locked in the storeroom.
Shahbaz tell Ruksaar that you couldn’t stop the kids, I wanted to hold them hostage so I could stop Kabir but you couldn’t do that. Zeenat plead with him to leave her, she says I promise that Kabir will not go to the police.
Zara tell the kids that they will stay at Irfan’s house for somedays. The kid ask Kabir to promise them that he will come and see them soon. Kabir says I have no one except you people so I promise to meet you daily.
Zeenat tell a plan to Shahbaz. Ruksaar says Shahbaz won’t be able to do it to his son. Zeenat says but he has to do it. Ruksaar says he can’t hurt Kabir for his life. Zeenat says Shahbaz’s decision is in his hands. Shahbaz look on.
Kabir and Zara come home. Kabir ask Salma not to be angry, he says don’t run away from the house again. I can’t lose you, please don’t do anything like that again, she nod. Kabir hug her and says I am going to the police station after here, I promise you both that I will punish Zara’s killer. Salma bless him and says I am sorry for saying bad things against you, I can’t lose my son. I pray for you. Kabir thank her and ask Irfan to take care of the kids. Irfan says don’t worry.

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