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The Episode starts with Rohit playing the video. Nishi get shocked. He says I read all the evidences and saw it too. Some time back, Rohit comes to Naren and hold his hand. He says I want to talk to you well, please talk to me, just you can tell the truth. Veena come there. She ask Deepa to just make the papers, thanks. She says I will sit with Naren. Nishi sees Sonakshi and smile. Sonakshi ask what should I do now, inspector can’t say anything, proofs are missing, Nishi has everyone’s sympathy. Nishi come to her and taunt her. She says I knew YK and Rohit will save me, I am not a weak player. Sonakshi says this isn’t called courage, I have truth with me, I will bring your true face out. Nishi says you won’t lose, fine, I accept your challenge, Rohit will blame you and kick you out of ther house in next 24 hours, no one will come to help you. She goes. Sonakshi says someone will help me.

Ajit come to Rohit. Rohit asks what are you doing here. Ajit says I have to tell something, maybe you can decide the truth. Mahesh stabs Sonakshi’s pic and asks why did you choose Rohit, see what Rohit did, we would have gone to our village, you did a big mistake, I have come back, now I will never let you stay happy with Rohit. Rohit slaps Ajit. He says you told Suman about dad and Pooja’s truth, fool, Sonakshi broke her FD to save you, one crore gambling, she is lying to me, you are saying sorry. Ajit says sorry, Sonakshi did all this to save me, what could I do, I was scared, she can’t do anything wrong, if she is saying Nishi is the real culprit, then its true, save Sonakshi please. Rohit pushes him. Nishi calls Mahesh and asks are you sure, that you have all the proof, check again. Mahesh says I got evidence from policeman.

She says check once and burn it. He says there is a pendrive. She says it will have video, check it and find out what did the girl record. He says pendrive is empty. She asks him to check papers. He says its blank. She says it means inspector is smart, where is the proof. He says I got a speedy post slip, its sent to Rohit’s hospital. Nishi says it means inspector has sent it to Rohit. He says I will send you the pic. He sends the pic. She calls to know about the courier. She asks what, your man has gone for delivery. She says this parcel can’t reach Rohit, I can’t let this happen.

Sonakshi hears footsteps. She sees Nishi secretly going out. She stops Nishi to taunt. She says I will stay in Sippy mansion after 24 hours also. Nishi thinks did Rohit get the proof. She asks what happened. Sonakshi says my Rohit is with me now, he called me, after hearing Ajit, he is sure that I can’t harm anyone in this house, we will find proof against you and get her bad truth out. Nishi says you do anything, there is still much time, we shall see who stays and who goes.

Pari meet some friend. The girl says you got pregnant, don’t worry, I got these pills from my dad’s store. Pari hugs Anjali and thanks her. She says don’t worry baby, its not for you, but for Tanya’s baby. Nishi comes to hospital and sees Tulsi receiving a parcel. She asks is this for Rohit, I am going to meet him, I will give it to him. She gets the parcel. She checks it and sees medicines. She says where are the proof. Tulsi says you opened the packet, did you show it to Sir. Nishi says he asked me to see, did any other courier come for him. Tulsi says yes, its kept in his cabin, he isn’t there. Nishi says I will go and see.

She thinks did he see it. Sonakshi gets ready and says Ajit told me that Rohit is coming to meet me, Rohit and I will be together today. She wears the jewellery. An earring falls. Bolna…plays… Rohit comes and makes her wear earring. He cries. She hugs him. Rohit says I love you. She says I love you. She opens eyes and doesn’t see him. She talks to Rohit’s pic and asks him to come home fast. Nishi goes to Rohit’s cabin and gets the envelope. Rohit plays the video. She gets shocked. He says some left handed person has pushed Naren and tried to kill him, left handed person forged the sign, I have read all the proof and saw it too. She gets shocked. Rohit says I got to know your dark truth, Mrs. Nishi Sippy Kapoor.

Rohit shout enough, this is my answer Sonakshi. Some time back, Rohit says I m ashamed to call you my Bua, you are a cold blooded murderer, you tried to kill Naren, be thankful that you are a woman, else I would have not spared you. Nishi says its good, you got to know the truth, I don’t need to act. Rohit says your truth will come out, I won’t let you succeed. Nishi says okay. She takes her phone and opens an app. She says do anything you want, how will you handle the consequences. Dimpy comes and says Naren isn’t well. Nishi asks Rohit to go, Naren will die. She smiles. Rohit rushes. She says I will see the drama.

Veena asks Rohit to check Naren. Nishi asks what happened. Veena says he was fine, suddenly, he got a shock. They get shocked seeing the flat lines. Doctor says Naren is no more, sorry. Rohit gives shocks to revive Naren. Nishi controls via the app. Tulsi says heartbeat is back. Veena cries. Naren gets stable. Rohit treats him.

Veena cries. Rohit says I won’t let anything happen to dad, go home. Veena says no, I will be with Naren. Rohit sends her. Nishi says Rohit, I pity you, you can’t see your dad dying. Rohit says don’t you dare, stay away from my family. She says I can make your dad’s state worse, I was with you here when Naren’s state got bad and then he got fine, don’t you think someone is controlling him with a remote. He gets angry. She says control your anger, if you do something to me, then Naren will die, you don’t remember, you did Naren’s surgery two years back and fixed pacemaker, technology can hack pacemaker also, see this app, I can do anything, Naren will die if I off a button, think of Veena, her heart will fail, you will become an orphan. He says shut up, what do you want. She says none should know this, you will make Sonakshi out of Sippy mansion and your life, that’s all I want. He cry.

Sonakshi calls him. Nishi says she has a long life, but she can’t spend her life with you, tell her, you would like to talk in private, fine, I m your Nishi Bua, I shall go, remember one thing, Naren’s dad is caged in my phone, I liked him a lot, I did this, think what will I do with Sonakshi. She goes. Rohit answers. Sonakshi asks where are you, I m calling since long, I m sorry, I didn’t tell you about Ajit, don’t tell him anything, he is immature, he made a mistake, don’t tell at home, I know everyone is misunderstanding me, I don’t want to appear great, I m waiting for you, come home. He says I will come. She says love you. He says I m coming. He disconnects. Deepa gives the papers. She asks Veena to read. Nishi asks did you add the extra point.

Deepa says yes, that will end case soon. Veena says Rohit will accept this. Veena comes to Rohit. He asks is dad fine. Veena says yes, he is fine, I m not. He says your BP is fluctuating. She says my BP is fine, I love you a lot, I have to take a big step to protect you all. He says I m with you. She says Sonakshi is imp for you. He says she knows you are most imp for me. She gives divorce papers. She asks him to decide, whom he loves the most, wife or mom. He says obviously you, I married Sonakshi, she is part of family. He says no, every relation broke because of her, you tell me, is Nishi a murderer. He says Nishi is…. Nishi comes. He recalls her words. Nishi asks did you call me. Veena says wait, you were saying something about Nishi. Nishi asks Rohit to say. She shows the phone.

Veena says our relation already spoiled, if you sign on divorce papers, maybe our relation gets fine, choice is yours, think your mum is dead for you. He recalls everyone’s words. Nishi asks him to read the papers once. He says life won’t come back if I read this. He signs the papers. He says anything for you, mom. Rohit and Sonakshi’s pic falls. Sonakshi worries. Vimmi comes and says Rohit has come. Sonakshi goes smiling. Everyone looks at her. She says you want to tell everyone that I m innocent, Rohit what is it. He sits silent. She asks him to say anything, did anyone tell him something. Nishi says you ruined everything. Sonakshi says you did it, I didn’t. Veena says you think you are innocent, don’t call me mumma, you lost the right to call me mumma, you have no relation with us. Akash says Rohit’s decision is right. Rohan says you sisters ruined our lives. Yash says I did a mistake in knowing you. Everyone scolds her. Rohit looks on. Nishi shows the phone. Rohit shouts enough. Sonakshi says you trust me right, Rohit. He says this is my answer. He gives the papers.

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