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The Episode starts with Suman saying Pooja is Naren’s illegitimate daughter. Everyone is shocked. Some time back, Rohit asks what problem your family has. Sonakshi asks what do you mean. Rohit asks Tanya not to cry, he will talk to Rohan. Sonakshi says I will talk to Pari. He says who listens to you there, I warned her when she leaked Pooja’s truth, she is shameless, she has an affair with Rohan, knowing he is married and become a father. Sonakshi says I m sorry. He asks how many times will you say sorry, look at Pari’s courage. She says its Pari’s mistake and also Rohan’s mistake. He says its my mistake also, I got blind in your love, people stopped me but I got related to your fault, its my mistake, look at Tanya and mom, she is broken.

She asks does Veena know. He says yes, she knows everything. She asks him to wait, she will go home. She asks Deepa to be with Tanya. Sonakshi stops Rohit and says I will handle this. He says I will take care of my sister. Sonakshi says enough, I know Pari, Rohan would have started this. He says of course, he is a casanova, Pari is innocent, right, its not her mistake, its Sippy’s mistake, I will handle this. She gets in the car and says I won’t let you go home. He shouts unbelievable.

Veena comes home. Pari says what a pleasant surprise. Veena slaps her. Pari asks how dare you. Veena slaps her and asks how dare you do this, being Sonakshi’s sister, get yourself a man and get married, why are you after Rohan, he is married, shameless, did your mum teach this to you, I know girls like you, you like to trap rich and young guys, if you try to meet Rohan again. She raises hand. Pari stops her and asks her not to dare slap her again. She says you are Sona’s Saas, not mine, Rohan came after me, he had many affairs. Rohit and Sonakshi come and look on. Pari asks Veena to look at her upbringing. Sonakshi slaps Pari and says don’t you dare talk like this with Veena, if Rohan was after her, then why didn’t she tell her.

She says when this matter came out, you are blaming Rohan, you both did a sin, you didn’t think of Tanya, she is pregnant. She asks Munya to tell Suman that they have to talk. She asks Veena to come with her. Veena cries. Rohit takes Veena. Sonakshi says you broke my family and also my trust, I won’t forgive you, disgusting. They go. Munya says Sonakshi is with her in-laws, she just sees your mistake. Pari calls Rohan and asks him to come home. Deepa says Tanya is sleeping, she is on sedative. Veena says Pari is shameless and ill mannered. Rohan asks what, mom came here. Pari says yes, I m a beauty contest winner, I m someone too, how can she do this. Veena says Pari and Suman won’t come here, that’s it, sorry Sona. Rohit asks where is Rohan. Rohan says I can’t leave you, sorry. He hugs Pari. Suman comes and asks what’s going on here. Veena says I love Tanya a lot, we will always protect her, I will talk to Rohan later, Deepa stay with her and get her downstairs when she wakes up. Rohit sees Sonakshi and goes. Veena holds Sonakshi and says I love you 5 crores. Sonakshi says me too… Veena hugs her.

The jewellery exhibition begins. Veena signs Tanya to smile. The lady praises the design. Veena says my gorgeous Sona has worn Tanya’s designed earring. Everyone claps. Rohit asks did you talk to Rohan. Nishi sees Rohan coming and says talk about the devil and the devil appears. Rohit takes Rohan aside and scolds him. Rohan says enough Rohit, I don’t want to interfere in my life. Sonakshi stops Rohit. The lady praises Tanya and Sonakshi. She says Veena you are so lucky, your family is perfect. Suman comes clapping.

Sonakshi asks her to come with her. Suman says what happened to you, your husband invited me with love, I couldn’t refuse, where do you want to take me now. Veena says I need to talk. Suman says no, I will talk to you, you came to my house, I will answer you about my shameless daughter. Rohan comes. Veena says we can talk in a room. Suman asks why, your family and friends are here, you said Pari that her hormones dance and she can’t handle it, you pointed a finger on her upbringing, did you ask your son Rohan the same. Sonakshi and Rohit ask Suman to come. Veena asks them not to interfere.

She asks Veena to teach Rohan also. Veena says I have taught my children well, when girls like your daughter meet such rich guys, their decency goes away, their mind don’t work. Suman says its not about mind, the fault is about blood. Everyone gets shocked. Veena says mind your language. Suman says you make me quiet and show, my name is Suman Rastogi, I m not afraid of anyone, fine I m shameless, when I open my mouth, I can make anyone ashamed. Veena asks what is she talking. Sonakshi asks Suman to be quiet. Suman says if you try to stop me, I will slap you, you can’t talk in front of Veena, Pari is your sister, you should save her, you are with them. Naren says enough of nonsense. He calls security. Suman says when father is such, what can someone expect from son. Sonakshi signs no to Rohit. She asks Naren did his dad keep any woman too. Ajit and everyone get shocked.

Suman says its your tradition that Sippy men don’t get satisfied with one woman, Sona control your husband, else he will also get an illegitimate child home like Naren did. Rohit, Sonakshi and everyone get shocked. Veena asks how dare you.. Suman says truth is truth, you don’t know that Rohan is following Naren’s footsteps, Pooja is adopted by Nishi and YK, she is Naren’s illegitimate daughter, Naren Sippy’s love sign. Pooja cries. Everyone gets shocked. Suman says its the bad truth of a high class family, you stay like you are a big star, you are shallow within, you raised your illegitimate daughter at home and your wife doesn’t even know it. She asks Veena to look at her fake house before calling Pari shameless, ask Naren and Rohan what values did they keep. Veena says lie, you are blaming, you are lying. Suman says you think I will just say this, I will have a proof for it, right. Rohit gets worried. Suman makes Rohit swear on Sonakshi. She asks Rohit to say, if she is lying, is Naren not Pooja’s dad. Rohit gets silent. Sonakshi cries.

Rohit says you have told this to Suman. Sonakshi says I didn’t tell anything to Suman, I will find out who told her. He says find out and then talk to me. Some time back, Veena saying Rohit won’t swear, get out. Suman says I have just exposed this drama, YK, Nishi, Naren and Rohit have hidden this truth, they knew this truth. Pooja sees Yash and Nishi. Suman says Rohit cheated you, I have the proof, read this, when Pooja tried to commit suicide, Naren and Yash went to get the blood for Pooja saying its rare blood group, its report of blood bank, Naren gave his blood for Pooja, they are father and daughter. Veena gets shocked. Suman asks how can anyone be so innocent and foolish, Naren got his illegitimate daughter home, you came to teach me and my daughter, look at your family first. She goes.

Veena sees Yash, Nishi and Naren. They bow down. Rohit sees Sonakshi and says I trusted you and told such a big thing, the secret has come out., you told it to your mum. Veena faints. Everyone rushes. Rohit stops Naren. They take Veena to the room. Rohit treats Veena. He stops Sonakshi.

He says if seizures get high, she will bit her tongue. He gives his hand in Veena’s mouth and gets hurt. Nishi gets the spoon. He injects Veena. She falls asleep. Rohit says leave her alone. Nishi says your hand… Rohit says I m fine, everybody go out. Sonakshi says I will stay here. Tanya says I will stay please. Rohit says anything, call me immediately. Sonakshi goes to do aid. He says stay away, this pain is nothing in front of the pain you gave me. She says I didn’t tell anyone. He says you would have told this secret to Suman. She says trust me, I didn’t tell. He asks then did Nishi, Yash or I told this to Suman, so that Suman makes fun of it, you told this, who told her, tell me.

He says this family’s name and big secret got known, Veena is shattered, I told you not to share it, you have broken her, you are lying to me. She says you think I m lying. He shouts yes, prove me wrong. She says fine, I will ask Suman who told her. He says find out and then talk to me. He goes. Nishi says I m worried for Pooja. Yash says relax. Naren says I will apologize to her. Rohit says its happening because of her. Nishi says we got Rani to hide this. Naren says I know, I did a big mistake and handling it, Sonakshi and classless Suman are responsible for this. Pari asks Suman to let her talk to Rohan once. Suman asks her to stop shouting. Sonakshi comes home. Suman asks do you want to blame us again. She stops Sonakshi and says no Sippy can enter Rastogi house. Sonakshi says I feel ashamed of whatever you did, tell me, who told the truth of Pooja and Naren. Suman says you didn’t come to ask about Pari and me. Sonakshi says Pari is wrong. Suman says she is not wrong alone. Sonakshi says I know, Rohit thinks I told the truth, my marriage is in risk, just tell me, who told you the truth. Suman says I can’t help you and shuts the door. Sonakshi comes home. Ajit falls in her feet. He says forgive me. Sonakshi asks what did you do, tell me. Ajit says I told everything to Suman.

Sonakshi asks why, look what happened to Veena, the family is shattered. Ajit says don’t tell Rohit, he will remove me from the house, forgive me. Servant says Veena got conscious. Sonakshi says we shall go to Veena. Ajit says I won’t. She says we will handle this, don’t tell anyone. Veena asks everyone why are they so tensed. Rohit says you have to take rest. He shouts and slaps her. He says sorry, come to senses. Veena says I don’t want to come to senses, I won’t be able to tolerate the truth. She cries. Veena asks Naren to stay away. He asks how can this be my truth, Rohit you cheated me, stay away, you are my heartbeat, I have lived a lie all these years, Naren did a mistake, I loved Naren a lot, why Naren. She says Rohit you felt I will break down, you fooled me, what about that, you all have cheated me, I feel I m alone here. She asks them to leave. She says Rohit, I won’t see your face from now, your mom is dead. Lamhon ko…plays… Everyone goes. Sonakshi holds Rohit. Veena recalls Naren. Rohit locks himself.

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