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The Episode starts with Avni hearing Dayaben. Dayaben gets flight detail and says Amol is coming by a different name. Avni thinks Aman is in some problem, Neela was right. Dayaben asks when did you come, how is my house looking, Amol is coming, he is very important to me. Diksha says we have to distract Neil. Riya says it will be wrong. Diksha says just do what I tell you, then see how he comes to marry you. Riya says I am scared, fine I will do. Diksha says once Amol comes, no one will have time to think of you. Riya says fine, I am ready.

Diksha says call Neil home today evening, I will tell you what to do. Avni says I came here as I started writing the book, I wanted to show it to you, oh no my phone battery is dead. Dayaben says fine, we will see later. Avni ask can I use your phone. Dayaben says sure, it's on the table. Avni checks her phone. She reads the message. She says Aman is coming back and gets emotional. She thinks to forward message. Diksha hold her.

Diksha says you always spy and takes the phone from her. She asks what were you looking at? Avni says I took it for… Dayaben says you are spying Diksha, not her, I told her to use my phone, go and see Amol’s room. She give the phone to Avni. Avni forward the message to her phone. Riya comes and says its good you are here, I have an important work, come. Avni says I will give this phone to Dayaben and come, my phone is on charging. Riya takes Avni’s phone. Avni returns phone and says even my brother is coming from London, I am excited to meet him. Dayaben ask really, when is he coming. Avni says very soon, I will meet Riya and come.

Shweta ask Neil to have food and shows his favourite things. He asks why are you doing this, you did mistake, how will you react this way. She says I know I have hurt you alot, you went far, I had to do this. Neil says I am always with you, you want things to be exactly the way you want, you wanted me to marry Riya, when I agreed, you are trying to stop this marriage why? She says for your betterment, I told you to break the relation. He asks why did you take big step, you could have spoken to Papa.

Avni asks how can I call Neil. Riya says I have to talk to him, I have cooked food for him, please call him, I am worried. Avni hear Dayaben leaving for the airport. She agree to Riya and call Neil. He says I think punching bag worked. She says Riya wants to meet you, she is tense. He says it was not her mistake, I will reach in some time. Avni says he is coming. Riya hug her and says thanks. Avni says I am getting much late and leave.

Riya says Neil is coming but how will I do all this. Neil says I won’t lie to you, I am going to dinner at Riya’s place, I hope you won’t create any scene, don’t break my trust. Shweta ask him to go and enjoy. Neil goes. 
Servants get Aman’s pic. Avni hold the huge pic frame and sees him. She thinks its said elder sister has mum’s Ansh, you did not get mum’s love, I will fill her place, I won’t let anything happen to you, I have to meet you.

Neil is on the way. Avni leave from there. Neil come home. Diksha ask Riya to make Neil have this spiked juice, then everything will be fine. Riya says this will be wrong, I am feeling bad to do this. Neil calls out Riya. Diksha says relax, you have to do this, control your would be husband. Neil comes upstairs. Riya hug him and thank him for coming. Neil says I promised you, trust me, I will make everything fine, come on smile, cheer up. 
Avni stop car and says I will call Neela, I am sure she reached airport. She look for her phone and recall keeping phone on charging in Dayaben’s house. She says how can I be so careless. Riya gives the juice to Neil. He says thanks, you are not having it. She says no, I just had green tea. He drink. Riya think of spiking the juice and worry. He asks what’s going on, there are much decorations. She says its special day for Dadi, Amol is coming back. He says great, I will get chance to meet him. She says Dadi will forget me once he comes. She gives him another glass of juice and says Dadi loves Amol a lot. He asks are you fine. She says yes, I got a partner like you, I was thinking I will get a loving family after marriage. Neil says don’t worry, I will talk to mom and make everything fine. He gets dizzy. He drops the glass and falls on the bed. Riya gets tensed.

Neela waits at the airport. She calls Avni. She says Dayaben and Hetal came to take Aman, why did Avni not come. Diksha signs Riya. Riya gets close to Neil. She gets away and worry. Diksha pushs Riya over Neil. Avni comes home. Diksha signs Riya. Avni looks for her phone. Diksha sees Avni’s phone ringing and sees Maa’s incoming call. Diksha thinks to click photos by Ananya’s phone. She disconnects. She signs Riya to get close to Neil and takes their pictures.

Avni says where did my phone go and asks maid to find it. She calls on her number. She hears the ringing. She goes to see. Diksha drops phone and goes. Neil’s hand strikes the jug. Water falls over his face. He gets conscious. Diksha runs to her room. Avni enters Riya’s room and sees Neil and Riya. Neela calls Avni again. Avni goes to take phone. Neil picks the phone and sees Riya and his picture clicked. Avni asks him to return her phone. He looks at her angrily.

Neil get conscious and seeing Riya. Avni picks her phone. Neil takes it. She asks him to return her phone. He checks his and Riya’s photos. He gets angry and asks Riya to stop acting, you were talking of marriage and then this cheap thing. Avni says Riya tell him to return my phone, I have to go. She goes after Neil and falls. He falls on her. They look at each other. They get up. Avni asks for her phone. Neil asks Riya how can you do this, disgusting. Riya says sorry, I thought you may break this marriage. Avni says give me my phone, then do this drama.

Neil says you know this is big crime, is this the way to make things fine. He scolds Avni for creating problems, you added medicine in my juice. Avni asks what nonsense. He shows her the photos. Avni gets shocked. Neil asks are you understanding now. Avni says I did not do anything, Riya tell him. Neil says I am police officer and know people like you, I apologized to you, people like you don’t deserve apology, you are low standard fallen girl who can cross any limit, my opinion was right. Avni asks Riya to say its nonsense. Riya gets quiet and says I did all this on your saying. Avni gets shocked. Riya says you told me to call Neil, and everything will get fine, but nothing got fine, Neil got more annoyed. Avni says enough, you know I did not do anything. Neil scolds Avni. He says I am sure this plan was yours, finally your true face came out, I hope we never meet again. Avni says I also wish the same. She leaves. Neil sees Riya and goes. Diksha says Riya, you acted smart, you got Neil back, good job. Riya cry and says sorry Ananya.

Dayaben says why did Amol not come till now. She gets a call. She ask is Amol fine, nothing should happen to him. Neela sees Ketan and says I will follow him, he would be going to Aman. Avni keeps her phone in car and says focus, you have to reach Aman. Neil walks on the road and gets hit by a car. Avni gets shocked seeing Neil. Amol and his friend get down from the car. His friend says sit in car, you will be going jail for drunk driving. Neil hold Amol’s leg. Amol leaves. Avni gets shocked seeing Amol driving. She says Aman…..

Avni runs to Neil. Neil asks her to note car number. She says yes, I will do, first manage yourself, shall I take you to hospital or home, what will I tell everyone, Maa is not answering, who will believe it happened by mistake. She takes Neel home. She gives him medicines. He stays annoyed. She says you can go, but first remove this shirt, wear this. He asks does this have your new plan. She says I don’t want your parents to get scared seeing blood stains on your shirt, your mum is already worried, change. He thank her. She joke. He says I have thanked you for not telling anyone about Shweta, for pretending that Shweta was ill, knowing she was doing drama. He says sometimes, our dear ones do things which ashamed us, we think how do they… She removes his shirt and helps him change. She says how do they change so much. He says why do I think, this started with me and ending on you. She says I was trying to know, what decision will you take, cancel engagement or… He says so that mom gets encouraged for wrong, never. He gets hurt. She says sorry. He joke. She ask did you fight with your mum. He says no, problem never solves by fighting. She asks why do you fight with me. He says maybe I don’t want to solve the fights. She says if you get to know your dear one did something which you did not expect, what would you do. He says I spoke to mum and tried to understand, sometimes even right people do mistakes, I tried to understand the reason, why are you asking me. She says nothing. He says if people don’t meet eyes saying something, that should never be trusted. She says if that’s the case, I will look you in your eyes and say, I did not click those pictures, tell me will you believe me. Someone knocks the door.

Dayaben worry and says whom to call. Riya says call Neil, our plan failed. Dayaben says I am worried about Amol. Diksha and Riya argue. Dayaben asks them to stop it now. She think where did Amol go from the airport. Amol says surprise and comes in. Dayaben smile. He says Amol Mehta is back. Dayaben hug him. 
Doctor asks Neil to take rest at night. He asks Avni to change his dressing in the morning and goes. Avni give medicines to Neil. She make him sleep. She says call me if you want anything, good night. Neil says Ananya would know something about this accident, I will not leave those who get drunk and drive. Avni says Aman is related to this, shall I inform the police, what should I do. She sees Aman’s pic and says my Aman can never do this. 
Dayaben feeds laddoo and food to Aman. Avni says I have to know truth from Aman, I have to go and meet Aman, Neil’s accident happened. Aman ask why is Riya not happy seeing me. Riya says nothing, I was not disturbing you, have laddoo. Hetal says you missed Riya’s engagement, its wrong. Diksha says yes, maybe Riya will miss her marriage. Dayaben scold her. She says everything will get fine, Amol has come. Aman says yes, your marriage will happen well, when will you make me meet your would be husband, show me his pic. Riya shows Neil’s photo and says he is police officer, be careful. He gets shocked seeing Neil’s photo and recall the accident.

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