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The Episode starts with Avni asking Neil to get way and return pendant. Neil says let me see, so that my doubt gets cleared, I m sure I have seen it somewhere. He turns to see the other side. She gets tensed. Ali holds Neil. Avni takes the pendant. Diksha says where did they go, they were here. Dayaben throws water on her face. She asks her to take bath till she comes to senses. She says I apologized to Shweta. Dayaben goes

Neil and Avni argue. Ali manages them. He asks them to be quiet and sit. He says this balance spoiled because of Bhaang. He gets chillies for them and asks them to have it, balance will come back in a min. Avni holds his hand and says stop, I want sweets. Ali thinks of Avni and smiles. Neil sees Ali smiling and seeing Avni. He asks why…. Ali says first spicy and then sweets, ready. Neil says wait, I m ready to win. Avni says and I never lose. Neil says even I can’t lose.

Avni and Neil eat chillies. Ali gets water for them and asks are you guys okay. Avni and Neil start arguing. Ali says time out. Avni says Neil’s mind is out, he added bhaang for sure. Neil says listen, I did not do this, you did this. Avni asks what do you mean. He says shut up.

Shweta and Prakash come. Shweta says I was finding you, come, I will tell you what happened. Prakash says we will go home and talk. Ali thinks to leave before anyone knows. Shweta says we are insulted here, come. Ali goes. Shweta says i decided this engagement won’t happen. Dayaben and everyone get shocked.

Neil asks her to say what happened. Dayaben says give me a chance. Shweta says its enough, I m not illiterate that you always insult me. Dayaben apologizes. Avni looks on. Shweta asks why are you apologizing, for stealing bangles, for giving wrong info to press, or for calling my son characterless, Diksha called him cheap character. Riya asks what, did Diksha say this. Shweta says yes. Riya gets sad. Neil sees Riya and stops Dayaben for folding hands. He says we will sit and talk. Shweta says see he is still respecting you, this is called good upbringing, everyone do planning, Riya was planning to make him Ghar jamai. Riya says I don’t know what she is saying.

Shweta says you mean I m lying, Riya was saying she won’t stay in small house and will keep Neil here. Shweta asks Neil to come. Avni says wait, think of Dayaben requesting. Shweta says this family is ruined.

Neil asks them to stop. He walks by Avni to Riya. He asks do you want to do this engagement. Riya smiles and says yes. Neil makes her wear the ring. Avni gets shocked. Dayaben smiles. Prakash and Shweta get disappointed. Shweta cries and says you did what you wanted, what is left now. Neil says you taught me to keep promise, we gave word to Riya’s family, how can we change, it will be cheat if we leave. Avni recalls Ashish.

Shweta says they insulted you, you are taking their side, you are not see your parents’ respect, this girl did not step in our house and broke our relation, can’t you see. Neil says what are you saying, its not Riya’s mistake, did she steal bangles, did she give wrong statement to media, did she insult you, why to punish her. Avni recalls Ashish and cries. Neil asks Prakash to explain Shweta. Prakash says no, I agree with Shweta, Dayaben we did not get such insulted, Shweta is right. Dayaben says Diksha is wrong, but not Riya.

Neil says dad you say no family is perfect, all members are different and together, if Riya’s family member did mistake, we will not leave Riya, I m not coward to leave Riya after promising her. Avni thinks how Ashish left Aisha and married Neela. She thinks Neil is fighting with family for Riya, while Ashish left me and Aisha in all problems, he was a coward. Neil asks does Riya has no self respect, does she not have any opinion. Avni thinks my mum died for such respect. Dayaben says I may have done some good deeds that I got a son in law like you. She blesses Neil. Neil says I know we have many misunderstandings, it does not mean we break this relation, we should join it, we are one family. Shweta says let it be, Riya’s magic is saying all this, not you. Shweta leaves with Prakash. Neil says I know my mom Riya, don’t take tension, I will manage. Riya hugs and thanks him. He asks Dayaben not to worry, everything will get fine.

Neela says why did Avni not come till now. She calls her and could not connect. She gets a gun from cupboard. Avni comes home. Neela asks where were you, you did not call or message, I was so worried, I was waiting. Avni cries and says we were waiting for him to come, but he did not come, I thought he will come to marry my mummy, but he did not. Neela asks what happened at Dayaben’s house, did she say anything or that Neil. Avni says Neil came with his family, he held Riya’s name going against his mum, he got engaged, what did my Papa do, he left mumma and did not think of me and mumma for Dayaben, today Dayaben is getting a son in law like Neil, the woman who could not teach her sons to respect women, she is getting such grand son in law for whom women’s respect matters most, what is this justice. She goes. Neela says who is this Neil, Avni hated men, I have seen her respecting him.

Prakash says you did not do right. Neil says I did what I thought right. Prakash says you did not listen to Shweta and held Riya’s hand. Neil says it was about fulfilling promise, you also went against family and married mum. Prakash says situation was different, my best friend died, Shweta was alive, I had to hold her hand else it would be big mistake. Shweta says it was my mistake, my family was not with me that time and even now I m alone. She cries. Neil says I m sorry, please forgive me. Shweta says you did what you wanted, you have grown up now, you left my hand and held Riya’s hand today, I will not change my decision, I will not accept her.

Its morning, Neil jogs in park. He sees Avni and hides. He says madam comes here every day for jogging, where is DD. DD sells icecream. Neil calls him and says just talk of work, look at that girl. DD says we are just seeing her since some days. Neil says follow her and get all info, keep an eye on her. DD says fine. He sees Avni gone. Neela comes and buys icecream. DD says Neil won’t leave me. Avni asks Neela about icecream after jogging. Neela says you should have sweets before good work, you heard Dayaben, find out where is Aman. Avni says I m ready.

Riya says see this Ananya, its my fav. solitaire just like I wanted. She asks Dayaben why is her birthday dull and sad. Dayaben says we are in tension, let marriage happen, else there will be nothing. Riya says end stress by buying things, is this dupatta good for Shweta. Dayaben says will this change Shweta’s mind. Riya says engagement happened. Avni says I will explain, its imp that Neil’s family accepts you.

Shweta says Hetal, Neil and I won’t accept Riya. Hetal asks her to think once. Ali serves food. Shweta says I heard you much, my answer is no. She eats food. Ali says Shweta is correcting Neil’s wrong decisions, what happened to Neil. He collides with DD. DD asks for Neil. Ali says no, he did not come, his mum is here. Shweta asks DD to come to her and not hide. Ali says meet me later.

Avni says marriage is between two families, not just guy and girl, if Shweta does not accept you, it will affect your and Neil’s relation. Riya says I know Neil, he will convince Shweta. Dayaben says its not easy, we have to think. She thinks to keep Neil on her side, so that he just sees Riya and her love. She says Ananya, you have do one work for me and Riya, will you do. Hetal says please just once Shweta. Shweta says no, just take the shagun back. Hetal says it will defame Riya. Shweta says this marriage won’t happen, my answer is no. She goes. DD gives shagun to Hetal. Hetal goes. DD says I m not liking the relation breaking. Ali says person has to regret all life if he does not marry right partner.

Dayaben says we will keep a good party on Riya’s birthday. Riya thanks her. Dayaben says Neil and his family will come. Avni asks how. Dayaben says you will talk to him, you and Neil prepare for party, ask him to convince Shweta to come. Riya says please don’t say no. Avni says but Dadi… She sees Aman’s pic and thinks for my brother, I will do. She says I will talk to Neil. Riya thanks her. Dayaben says I can just expect help from you. Avni smiles.

DD says you want to know about Ananya. Ali says yes why. DD says everyone is asking about Ananya, even Neil asked me to get her info. Ali asks why. DD says I can’t tell it, its top secret. Ali asks him to say. Neil comes and asks what confidential info are you sharing. DD says no, Ali was asking about Ananya. Neil asks Ali why do you want to know. Ali says I was thinking how can Riya’s friend be calm. Neil asks are you mad. Ali says she fights with you, she does not talk to me. Avni calls Neil.

He says I m surprised, how did you call. She says Dadi wants us to plan Riya’s birthday. He says fine, cafe in 20mins. She asks can’t we meet somewhere else. He says Chamko cafe. She agrees. He ends call and says my real plan is to know your all plans. Avni comes to Chamko cafe. She sees the pond and thinks will I get my Aman soon, Chamko try to answer like you always used to do. Neil comes and says so we meet again, what’s the plan. She says Dayaben wants you and me to plan Riya’s surprise party. He says we shall sit and talk. He says so you can do anything for Dadi.

She says yes, masquerade party will be nice theme, Riya will like it. Neil says mask hides people’s real face, secrets and cheats. She worries and takes mask from him. She says everyone wears mask, some hide truth and some hide lie, it depends on you, what you have hidden. He says I don’t wear mask, I remove mask from liar and cheaters’ face. She says really, good for you, one who hides something are scared, tell me if you have better idea. He says we will meet soon again. She leaves. He says from where she comes and goes, what she wants, what’s her motives, I don’t understand but I will find out.

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