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The Episode starts with Dayaben asking who did recording. Diksha take Avni’s phone and ask for password. Avni says I did not do anything, return my phone. Riya ask who did it then, tell me, we kept jewelry box in your room so that we can kick you out of here, but jewelry was found in Diksha’s car, wow, Ananya you played game, you did the recording. Ananya says I came here to reform Amol, Riya you call me your friend, did you not get shame to do all this, Diksha give my phone back. Dayaben says you said right Ananya, you give me your phone, so that they don’t say anything. Avni says no one insulted me till now, its fine, everyone’s phone will be checked then. Riya agree and gives her phone. Dayaben says we will start with Ananya’s phone. Avni worry.

The guy says the photo is morphed. Neil says it means Ananya’s mom is not the one in picture. DD says we could not see Ananya’s mom at the kidnapping site, she made her go away. Neil says Amol knows her, but he is not saying anything. DD says case is complicated. Neil gets info about her college. Neil asks is there any school record. The guy tells him about some school mentioned in her profile. Neil ask him to check, this info is for last 10 years, any previous info. The guy says no. Dayaben check phone and says there is no video in it. They all get shocked. Avni take Riya’s phone and give to Dayaben. Dayaben check and says there is no video in it, Riya is foolish. Avni give Diksha’s phone. Dayaben sees the video and stare at Diksha. Diksha get shocked and says I did not do this. Dayaben slap her and scold.

Neil says we have no answers about Ananya’s past, all answers are in this connection,what’s Amol and Ananya’s connection, we have to find out what Ananya’s mum look like. Avni recall Diksha’s crime. She think Diksha tried to blame me, this punishment is very less for her crime, this is just a beginning, I have to make Aman realize, how a family made an innocent child a animal, I will make everything fine, I have to meet Neil first. Neil says I have to meet Ananya, but we have no excuse. DD says your marriage is the excuse. Neil says right, mom wants to decide marriage date, things got complicated, we have no way. DD ask is it important to involve Ali? Neil says there is no other way.

Ali works out. Fatima get juice for him. She recall the photo and says I know Ananya is Avni. Ali says that’s what I also feel, I will prove this. She ask how will we prove this. Ali says idea, Neil’s marriage….

Shweta check some decorations things and tell Prakash that she called pandit also. He ask did you ask Neil. She says its all fixed, Ali is coming he will help us, then we will go for Neil’s shopping. He says its tough to understand you, you got ready for Riya suddenly. She recall Dayaben’s words.

Neil get a message and smiles. DD ask what happened. Neil says its Ananya’s message, she wants to meet me. He reads.. I know you feel I cheated you, please let me explain. DD says then we don’t need to involve Ali. Neil reply. Fatima says we don’t if know she is Avni or not, remember you love Avni, not Ananya. Ali says Ananya is Avni, my heart says this. He smile. He says I have to go and meet Shweta, bye. He leave.
Neil and Avni meet at cafe. Neil says you wanted to meet me, you are not saying anything. She says I did not cheat you, trust me. He ask why did you not give statement, are they threatening you, trust me, I guarantee nothing will happen to you. She says no, I want to change Amol. He ask do you realize Amol would have shot you. She says he did not shoot, he can’t shoot, he is not a criminal. He says I don’t believe this, you are defending that man who kidnapped your mum, what do you want. She look at him. He gets a call and goes. Shweta wait for Ali. Avni leave. Ali meets Shweta and says sorry, I came late. Shweta says I came here to take you. They leave. Neil comes back and think where did this girl go? He looks for Avni. She comes back and sits. He sees her and says I thought you have run away again. She says I went to washroom. He says okay, why did you want to meet me. She says you saved my mom’s life, thanks, trust me, I did not cheat you. He says fine, till when will we fight, don’t feel guilty, I trust you. She smile. Bolna mahi bolna….plays…. They shake hands. Ali talk to Neil and congratulates him for marriage date fixing. He says I am going for shopping with Shweta. Neil says thanks, we will meet. He end the call and tells Avni about his marriage date fixing. She congratulates him. She hope Neil will understand why she is doing all this.

Avni congratulateNeil for his marriage date fixing. She asks him to have coffee. They have coffee. He sees DD and cough. Avni ask are you fine. Neil says yes, coffee was very hot. She says I like hot coffee. DD ask did Neil get to know anything. Avni look back. DD hide. Neil says I have some important work, I have to go. She says fine, you get ready to do duty of fiance too. She goes.

DD goes to Neil. Neil ask do you want me to die. DD says says no, I got to know something secret, Avni stays in this house, owner name is Neela Parekh. Neil ask is this Ananya’s mom, her surname is Verma. Neil get a call from Shweta.. She ask where are you, our shopping ended, come soon, we have to go to Dayaben. Neil says I will come, DD stay here and find out connection between Neela and Ananya.

Aman goes to storeroom and get angry. He says why did she hide it, you always punished the one who lied. The power goes. He get tensed. Fatima and Ali come with Neil’s family. Everyone get shocked. Dayaben knock the door and calls out Amol. She ask are you still annoyed. Shweta says Fatima and Ali are Neil’s friends, they are like family. Ali greet Riya. Prakash ask Fatima to come. Dayaben says where did Amol go. Diksha says Shweta is waiting, Fatima and Ali came along. Dayaben says Neil would have also come then. Avni come there. Shweta get shocked seeing her. Fatima and Ali see her. Shweta ask why did she come here. Riya says she came here for some time. Shweta taunt Ananya’s move to choose a good house, superb. Avni says I just came here for my brother, Amol. Fatima and Ali get shocked. Avni says till he comes to the right path, I will stay here.

Shweta says oh really, when he has his own sister, why will he make namesake sister. Avni says Riya will be busy now, someone has to keep an eye on Amol. Neil come and sees her. Prakash says Neil has come. Shweta praises Neil. She says you came at the righy time, Ananya was going now. She ask Riya to stand with Neil.

Dayaben comes and says Neil, Amol is missing, his mobile is also switched off. Fatima ask did anyone not see him going out. Shweta says how could he go. Fatima taunt Dayaben for having no power in hand. Avni says he will be at home. Ali says we can check once. Neil ask Dayaben why does she think Amol is missing, maybe he went for some work. Dayaben says he was worried. Neil ask why. Diksha is about to say. Dayaben stop her. Aman shout for help. Riya blame Avni. They both argue. Neil says if Amol is at home, where will he be. Dayaben says I have search the entire house, kitchen and even washrooms, I did not get him.

Avni think of the storeroom. She goes. Neil look on and says I will just come. Fatima also goes after them. Neil ask where are you going. Avni says there is a storeroom here, maybe Dadi did not check it. She ask Amol if he is fine. Aman hear her. Fatima hide and looks on. Avni ask are you okay, talk to me. Aman gets back. Avni takes hair pin and try to open the lock. They hear Aman crying. Neil says don’t worry, relax. Fatima recall Avni. She thinks just Avni used to worry for Aman like this, Dayaben had shut Avni here, how did Ananya know of this storeroom. Neil says I will inform everyone about Amol.

Avni says Amol, don’t worry, I know its very suffocating inside, but you don’t get scared of darkness, look upside, there will be a grill, tell something. She worry and think to do something. Neil says Dadi, we got Amol, he is locked in storeroom. Dayaben says there is much darkness there, he is scared of darkness. Ali look on. Everyone ask Amol to answer. Amol cry.

Dayaben says I won’t let anything happen to you. Neil ask is there any window inside. Dayaben recall Avni and says there is some window. Neil says great, I will go there. Ali jump inside the corridor and goes to backyard. He sees Avni there. He recall Avni. He ask how do you know about the storeroom and window. She ask will you just question or help me, we have to break this grill. He says I know this grill, it will break easily. She says you opened it as you were fat Ali. He ask really, you were very slim Avni. She says stop nonsense, pass me that rod. He get shocked and passes the rod. They break the grill. She realizes what she said and look at him.

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