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The Episode starts with Ali and Avni looking at each other. Khamoshiyan….plays…. He hold her. She cry. He says I knew its you, everyone said I am wrong, my heart did not agree, I can’t make mistake in knowing my Avni. Neil comes and calls out Ali. Avni and Ali get shocked. Neil look at them. He asks what name did he call you just now. Avni get tensed. Neil ask Ali by what name did you call Ananya. Ali says maybe I said by mistake. Neil says you called her Avni right. Ali says I was in tension, so maybe that’s why, I call Fatima by such names also. Avni says guys, we will talk later, we will get Amol out first. Neil help Avni. He ask Ali to inform everyone to stay away from the door. He enter the storeroom from the window. Avni sign Ali not to tell Neil. Ali sign her. He goes. Neil sees Aman. Ali ask everyone to move back. He ask Neil to open door now. Neil break the door. Diksha stop Fatima. Dayaben asks Amol is he fine. She thanks Neil for saving Amol. Neil says its fine, everyone should get a chance to reform. Amol goes out. Fatima ask Aman if he is fine. Aman push her. Avni hold Fatima. She asks are you fine. Fatima nod. Avni stop Aman. She scold him and asks him to apologize to Fatima. Diksha says he is stressed out. Avni says he is not a kid, if he can do anyone’s kidnapping, he can push an elderly lady, he can say sorry, I am waiting. Aman says I did not push her intentionally. She asks him to say sorry. Aman says sorry, now can I go. Avni says, say it well. Aman says I am sorry, now please let me go and goes.

Dayaben sign Diksha. She says we will do the work for which we came here for. Neil says I think we should go home and rest, we can fix the marriage date later. Ali sees Avni and smile. He asks Ali did I say right Ali says yes. They all go. Fatima stop Avni and says you are good at heart, what are you doing here, tell me, did they threaten you and stop you here. Avni says no Nanno. Fatima ask why do you call me Nanno, say. Neil comes back and ask Avni to answer her. Avni says Dayaben and I decided it together to reform Aman, else it will be very late. Ali agree with her. Neil observes Ali. Ali says we are getting late, come. DD ask Neil not to take tension, anyone can do mistakes, its slip of tongue. Neil says no DD. DD jokes. Neil ask him to talk of work. DD says sorry. Neil says I have seen many questions in Ali’s eyes, just he can answer me now. Ali hears footsteps and says its good you came yourself, I would have come to Dayaben’s house and pull your ears, you can hide your truth from the world, but how can you hide it from me, everyone said Avni is dead, I know you are alive, when I came to Neela’s house, I saw… He sees someone…

Fatima sees Aisha’s picture and cry. She says forgive me, I could not make Aman good, Dayaben’s upbringing spoiled our Aman. She cry. Someone ring the bell….. She wipes tears and goes to see. She sees …..

Ali sees Avni coming with a gift box. He smiles and ask why are we doing this, I have my box too. She ask did you keep it till now. He get his box and says what would I answer you on meeting then. She show potato chip packet and says when I saw this, I missed you, no wonder why you were so fat like this teddy bear, how did you lose weight. He says I work hard, you told me about this cafe idea. Avni says you opened the cafe. He says I used to go temple every tuesday and get prasad for you, Lord fulfilled my wish, my Avni came back. She take prasad and says I know you go temple to get free prasad. He show her the toy rat and remind her rat friend. He ask why did you leave me and go, I was always your partner, you want to do everything alone. Avni says sorry. He get annoyed and cry. Khamoshiyan….plays…. She does sit ups and spell sorry. He smile recalling their childhood moment. They laugh. Their childhood moments are seen. He show his pic. She recall tearing their pic. He make an upset face. She show her picture. They join the picture and see each other. She says but no one should know this, not even Nanno. He ask why, she has cried a lot for you. She says I know, but please, for my sake, you have to do this. He says fine, I won’t say, tell me one thing, did you change that bangles, what’s going on in your mind, Dayavanti’s destruction. She says yes. He says fine, I am your partner like always, tell me what to do next. She says I will fight alone, my bullet mark have got away, but my heart wound is fresh, I am fed up losing dear ones, I can’t lose you. He ask till when will this go on. She says till Amol becomes Aman, I can’t change my decision, don’t become my weakness, please no one should know this. They hear footsteps and turn to see.

Avni says I will fight till Amol becomes Aman. Ali says you know they are dangerous. She ask him not to become her weakness, no one should know I am Avni. Neela come and says I told you, no one should know this, thank God he is Ali, if Dayaben’s family knew this, what would happen. She tell Ali that its Avni’s fight, Fatima should not know this. She ask Avni not to meet Ali from today. Avni leave. Neil comes to Fatima. Fatima says Ali is not at home. She clean the house and ask him to sit. She gets water for him. He says Ali called Ananya as Avni today, if Ali feel Ananya is Avni, whom he lost in an accident, we have to know Ananya is a clever girl, I don’t want anyone to cheat my friend. She ask how do you know about Avni. Neil says Ali told me, I don’t want Ananya to use Ali, help me. Fatima says my heart says Ananya is a nice girl, her heart is good, she helped Amol. He says no, its just pretension, we can’t let anyone use Ali’s emotions. She says you care for Ali alot, just Avni used to take care of Ali, you are a nice guy, why are you going to that Naagin Dayaben. Neil get shocked.

Aman act rude. Dayaben and everyone dine. Amol get Ashish’s email. Dayaben asks him to read. Amol reads, dear Amol, mum told me about financial crisis, but try to understand, mum earned all this money on her own, we had nothing in our childhood, no one knows better about fighting with small troubles, trust me, she will make everything fine, till I return, she need your support, I hope you don’t disappoint me, your loving dad, Ashish. Dayaben says we should face this problem together, I did not wish to hurt you.

Fatima says Dayaben can’t be trusted. Neil says I know there is some tension. Fatima says its not just tension, see this pic, Aisha and Avni, they got murdered by Dayaben, she is the murderer of my children. She cry. Neil calm her down. He says I know what happened, sorry, I checked police records, Dayaben also got saved by laws. Fatima says laws are sold easily, she bought everyone, I cried and begged everyone, Dayaben will get my curse, someone will become my voice, that my children will get justice, I don’t think you are be happy in this relation, you are like Ali for me, it was my duty to explain to you. He says I know what you mean, but my relation is with Riya, I want you to help me in marriage preparations. She says you don’t trust me right, you want witness, go and ask Neela, she will tell you Dayaben’s truth. He ask Neela. She says yes, Ashish’s second wife Neela Parekh, Dayaben’s daughter inlaw. Neil recall DD showing Neela’s documents.

Dayaben says we will get our house, factory and jewelry back in some days, Riya don’t worry, I am here, Prakash’s company will get us out of this mess. Diksha ask what about Ananya, she is after Neil. Riya says I will see Ananya. Dayaben ask her to keep eye on Ananya, she blamed Diksha for theft, and eyeing Neil, she troubled Amol, she came as storm in our lives, so who is our enemy, Ananya. Amol says Ananya. Dayaben ask whose life will get storm now. They see Avni. Avni says today, entire family is together, any special occasion planning is going on. Diksha says so you did not hear anything. Avni ask what. Riya says we were talking about you, sometimes mistake happen in testing people. She shake hands and hug Ananya, saying you came as angel in my life, see how my family members treat you well.

Ali comes home. He sees Avni’s pic. Fatima says so you have come, is this the time to come home, have food. Ali says I worked hard at the cafe today. She ask did you meet your Avni. Ali looks at her and says Avni, how can I meet her, she has left us. She ask really, you were not ready to accept this. He says till when will I run away from  the truth, I have to accept the truth, she is gone, I have to see my life, you also say this. She ask why did you call Ananya as Avni today. He cough. She give him water. She ask him not to lie, I know everything, Neil told me. He says its nothing like that. She ask him to swear on her head and say Avni is alive. He get back and says its nothing like that, we should forget the past, let me have food now. She think Ali does not know how to lie. She prays for Avni.

Avni talk to Neela. Neela ask her not to use her more, now there is no place for her in her house. She get Avni’s bag and ask her to leave. Avni gets shocked. She sees Neil hiding and understands. Neela says you were my paying guest, I treated you well as my daughter, you did not pay rent, you always talk to Dayaben. Avni says sorry. Neela says just get out. Avni leave. Neil ask Neela if she is fine, sorry I heard you. Neela says PGs are such. He says but this is Ananya’s house. She says so she lied to you, this is my house, you are Dayavanti’s son in law right. He nod. She ask him to get out, I am not related to that family. He ask her to listen. She ask him to leave. Neil get thinking about the photos kept there and thanks Ananya for making his work easy.

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