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Dayaben call Avni. Avni says I will come. Avni tell everyone that she has to go for some important work. Ali says I will drop you. Avni says no, you carry on. He says I can really drop you, its manners to drop a girl. Fatima ask who will drop me then, sit quiet. She ask Avni to leave. Aman and Rajat are put in lockup. Aman says you wait and watch. Neil says why did Ananya hide his identity, she accepted she has seen him at accident spot. DD says its simple, Ananya and Riya are best friends and Amol is Riya’s brother. Neil says no, this case is not simple, why would Amol kidnap Ananya’s mum.

Neela says I want to forget my past, sorry I can’t help you. Fatima says wow Neela, you gave hot tea to burn tongue, and said this to hurt heart, you are saying this as its Aisha’s child, its our fight, we will fight, leave it. Neela stops her and says Aman is with Dayaben, you know who she is, the one who killed Aisha and Avni.

Fatima says I feel Aisha is alive in Avni, but no she has snatched my Avni. Neela cry. Fatima says leave it, you can’t do this. She leaves with Ali.

Dayaben think of Neil’s words. Avni come to meet her. She sees Dayaben and think so much acting to bring me on your side. Dayaben think I will do anything to bring you on my side, as this is only way to save Amol. Avni hold her and says I was helpless, what would I do, he kidnapped my mum, it was not his first crime, he did Neil’s accident and ran away, I was there and took Neil to my house, the matter would have reached you, Neil asked me many times, who was driving the car, I did not answer him, Amol is your grandson, how would I tell him, I came to tell you but you were not at home. Dayaben ask why did you not tell me when I called you. Avni says there was nothing to say, Amol kidnapped my mum and threatened me not to say anyone, else he will kill her. Dayaben get shocked. Avni think you played many games in childhood, now its my turn. 
Shweta and Riya meet in cafe. Ali hide and looks on. Riya says its my mistake to trust Ananya, she has done fraud case of Neil’s hit and run. Shweta worry for Neil and says I will ask Ali. Riya says I wanted to meet Ananya’s mum, she twisted the matter and trapped my brother in her mum’s kidnapping, she is using Neil, she has some motive, I am not smart like her. Ali get shocked. Riya says there is someone smart like her. Shweta ask who. Riya says you, you can do something and make me get rid of her, do something aunty. Ali think what’s happening, why is Riya changing story, what does she want, Ananya is getting Amol arrested for kidnapping her mum.

Dayaben ask Avni to save Amol and take the case back. She cry. She says I made all this stand by much hardwork, everything will be ruined, forgive him. Avni recall her childhood moment. Avni says Amol troubled my mum a lot. Dayaben says I am apologizing on his behalf. Avni says how will he realize his mistake, how will he change, I am doing this for his good, he is like my brother, I also have some duty, he has pointed gun at my head and was threatening me, he is your grandson, do such things suit him? Dayaben says its not his mistake, his childhood was spend in troubles, his mum died, I raised him, my upbringing is not bad, his blood is bad, his mum was not less than any Naagin, its that’s effect that he is doing all this. Avni shout enough Dadi. Dayaben gets shocked.

Neil says DD, we have to call Ananya and her mum tomorrow to file formal case. Avni says stop it Dadi ji, its no use to think of the past, we have to do something to change him. 
Riya says don’t know where is Dayaben. Diksha says Dayaben is busy with Amol. Riya says I spoke to Shweta, don’t know if our plan will work or not. Dayaben come there and asks them to stop it.

Neela goes to meet Amol and recall talking to constable and meeting him. Amol says you… Neela ask do you want to go out of here. He says yes. She says listen to me, do what I say, you won’t tell anyone that I am Ananya’s mum, if you say this to anyone, you won’t come out of here, even your Dadi can’t save you, just I can save you, you know the condition, yes or no.

Dayaben ask Avni to come inside. Avni recall the old time. She enters the house and sees everyone. Dayaben says Ananya will stay here from now on, no questions and no answers. Everyone get shocked. Dayaben says remember, Ananya should not face any problem. Ananya says I am not a guest here, this is my own house. Dayaben smile. Riya ask why in my room, where will I stay. Dayaben says Riya will stay in Diksha’s room, go to Riya’s room Ananya. Riya think Ananya snatched Neil and now my room. Avni think I will become reason of your pain and sorrow.

Avni think I will take this house back from you Dayavanti Mehta. She goes upstairs. Riya ask are you happy now, you snatched my fiancee, my Dadi and now this house. Avni ask what are you saying. Riya says stop acting as a friend now, you and Neil were together right. Avni says my mum was kidnapped, Neil was helping me. Riya says don’t lie to me. Avni says I am not lying. She get Neil’s call. Riya says fine, why is Neil calling you now, your mom is not kidnapped right now, interesting connection, you missed him and he called yourself, don’t you dare touch me, you came here by your wish, you will not stay happy here, I promise that. She goes.

Avni answers Neil’s call. Neil says you and your mom have to come to police station. Avni says no, mom got disturbed after kidnapping, I have sent her to Delhi. He ask her to call her in few days. She says she can’t come. He asks what’s the matter, share some secrets partially, we became friends right. Shweta sees Neil talking to Avni and says I should better see her, problem arise when they turn friends, I have to take wrong way to make this right.

Diksha says I don’t trust Ananya, what’s the need to get her here. Dayaben come to them and shut the door. She scold Diksha. She says no one should raise voice here, I have shut door so that Ananya does not here us, I promise Amol will come home tomorrow, treat Ananya well, give her anything she want, become her maid for a day. She goes.

Avni stands at the window and recall Neil. Bolna mahi bolna….plays……… Neil recall Avni. She think of him and types message about releasing Aman, I know you will hate me for this, but I have to do this. He types message to her to speak up her secrets, as he is trying to be her friend. They both erase the text message and does not send. Riya says why did Dadi bring Ananya here. Diksha says we have to make plan to kick her out of here. Riya says I have a plan.

Ali think of Avni and says why did Neela hesitate to introduce Ananya, if she is her PG, Ananya got Amol arrested saying he kidnapped her mom, but Neela’s foot was hurt, something is cooking, my doubt was right before and even now, I will prove Ananya is Avni.

Avni meet Neil at the police station. He says don’t worry, I will get justice for your mom, I understand my engagement happened in that house, but my duty is more important than relations, why are you silent. She says I am dropping this case. Neil and DD get shocked. Neil ask why, I can help you if anyone is threatening you.

Dayaben comes and ask do you think I can do this, sometimes making person realize their mistake is important than punishment. Avni says Dadi is right, reformation is important. Dayaben says he will change, I will reform him, Ananya will help me, give him a chance. Avni says yes. Neil get shocked.

Neela wait for Avni. Ali call her and says Fatima met with an accident, much blood loss happened, her blood group is rare, I wish Avni was here, now everything is in Lord’s hands, see if you can do anything, I will call later. Neela get shocked and think shall I tell this to Avni. Lawyer gives bail papers. Neil ask DD to leave Amol. Amol comes out. Dayaben says you have troubled them a lot, apologize, Neil is going to become your brother in law. Amol says I am sorry.

Dayaben says you will do what Ananya says from now, you are out of jail because of her. Avni says don’t worry, I will change him. Amol ask shall I thank her. Avni says no, touch my feet and take blessings. Amol says its better I go jail. Dayaben ask him to do what Ananya says, as she is like his elder sister. Amol says Dadi scolded me because of you. She says be ready, many such things will happen. Amol touch her feet. She blesses him and thinks just Amol now, I will call you Aman you heartily touch my feet.

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