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The Episode starts with Neil and Avni walking on the road. He says that criminal can’t get saved. She says so you got me along to catch him. He ask what do you think, I melted by your fake sorry. A truck passes. He gives her kerchief to wipe her eyes and says you can’t fool me, I don’t trust you. Aman sees Rajat going with the inspector. Rajat says sorry Sir, I just stopped to have water. Inspector ask him to drive. Avni check her phone. Neil takes the phone. She asks him to return her phone. He says so that you save Rajat, never. She ask him to go his way. He says I can arrest you for helping that criminal. He give her phone.

Aman call her. He says I think you don’t love your mum, so you called police. She says no, trust me. He says don’t lie, else I will kill her. Neil take the phone and put it on speaker. Aman asksif you call police, I will not leave her. Neil get shocked. Aman says your mum will die now. Avni cry. She says no, please don’t do anything to mum. Neil end the call. Avni ask him to give her phone back. He says relax, call criminal and ask what does he want, don’t disconnect call. She says I don’t want your help. He says I can understand what you are going through, please do this, trust me, nothing will happen to your mom. She call Aman.

Aman says no need to call me again and again. Neil sign her to talk. She says please don’t do anything to my mum, I will do as you say, tell me what to do, I am sorry. Aman says you have sent police and saying sorry, just get the inspector out of my friend’s car, else… my friend has gun, inspector and your mum will die. Aman sees the police. He end the call. Avni says you have sent police. Neil says I did not send anyone. She says I will never forgive you. He says nothing will happen to your mom, come with me. She cry. He give her water.

Rajat get tensed. Inspector ask did you do anything wrong. Neil call the inspector and ask him not to react, just answer yes or no, the guy sitting beside you has gun, tell him to park the car. Inspector ask why. Rajat get the knife from his pocket. Neil says tell him you are giving him warning and leaving him. Inspector warn Rajat and get down from the car. Neil ask him to get away from the car, note the number and send it to me, he should not doubt you. Inspector send the number to Neil. Neil says sorry and thanks, there is investigation against that guy. Inspector says no problem. Avni hug Neil and cry.

Rajat meet Aman. Aman says Avni stopped the police, my threatening worked. Rajat says I will not leave this woman. Aman says look at her state, if she die, what will we do. He call Avni. She says I will never forgive you for this. Aman says I will call you tomorrow and tell you where to come. He remove the sim. Neil scold Avni for losing the criminal. She says I know but… He says your mom’s state is in danger, they have destroyed the sim, how will we find your mom, you think you will reach him without my help, tell me why were you trying to save him. Avni says I was not saving him. Neil says I risked inspector’s life for your sake. She says sorry. He says enough now, if it was anyone else, I would have arrested her, a criminal is on loose because of you, we have to find a place to stay in this village, we have to wait for his call, we have no option.

Avni cry and sees Aman laughing. She askshim what happened to him, he is her brother. She sees Dayaben. Dayaben says wrong, he is my Amol.Avni shout no, he is my brother and break mirror. Neil comes there and sees her crying. He says if you shatter, who will find your mum, don’t worry, trust me, we will find her.

Neil goes out and sit alone. He sees temple and ask what’s in that girl, why am I leaving her knowing she is a criminal, this can’t be true, there is nothing. He think of Avni and sees her. Jag ghoomeya….plays…….. He sits near bonfire. Avni look on.

Avni close her eyes on seeing Neil. Neil sees her sleeping and cover her with a blanket. He goes out and sit. She look on. He think of Avni. A lady comes and does tilak to him. She gives him prasad and asks him to take prasad and aarti. She says you look worried, Lord will show you a way, this thread has much power, tie it there and leave everything on the Lord. She goes. Neil tie the thread. Avni comes and look on.

Dayaben enter Avni’s house and says Ananya is hiding something from me, she did not come to my home after the accident. She sees photo of Ananya and her mum. She says Ananya’s mum came to the party and she will be in party pictures also. She call Diksha. Diksha says you are coming in my dream now and end call. Dayaben call again and scold her. Diksha wake up and says sorry.

Dayaben says listen to me, I want Riya’s birthday photos right now. Avni sees the thread getting loose. She catch the thread and tie it back. She says Lord I know you won’t do anything for me, but give Neil what he is asking for, my mum trust you a lot, don’t break her trust. Neil come there and asks did she not sleep. She says you also did not sleep. He says I don’t think you are the believer type of girl. She says my belief broke, but believer’s wish should come true. He says you know my wish is to know your truth. She ask what will you do knowing it. He says you always change words. She says I don’t lie. He says you are protecting a criminal, but why, if you told me before, your mom would not have been kidnapped. She says its easy to say, I have seen the world, no one help in bad time. He ask did I not help you till now. She call him selfish. He ask do I have some motive to save your mum, sorry you may not want my help. She says once you know my truth, let’s see how much you will help. He says try me for once, just tell me the truth, what happened, did you get scared, stop becoming victim, please, courage is needed to say the truth, you are a coward, not expected. Avni cry and shout Neil, listen to me, I am not Ananya Verma, I am Avni Mehta. Temple bell ring. Neil get shocked and turns to her. Avni says I am Dayavanti Mehta’s illegitimate granddaughter, whom Dayaben tried to kill, she shot at me here at my heart. She wake up by this dream and look around for Neil. She says I saw a strange dream, what’s happening with me. She gets a lady’s call. Madhvi says you were right, Dayaben came and was seeing pictures, I removed Neela’s pictures and I have put my picture there. Avni thank her. Madhvi ask Avni to take care of herself. Avni says now I will fail your every plan.

Aman dream and gets restless in sleep. Little Aman says I don’t want to get away from you. Dayaben hug him and get a gun from drawer. She ask him to keep this toy, people get scared of it, no one can take you from me. He says I can’t use this. She says I will show and shoot,  Aman wake up from sleep and says Dadi is right, when I have a gun, everyone will be scared. Rajat ask what’s your plan. Aman says we need a gun, if I have a gun in hand. Even Ananya won’t come in my way.

Avni smile seeing Neil trying to ignite the traditional stove. Avni ignite the fire. Neil says I will make breakfast, tell me what type of egg do you want. DD come and ask him to make omelette for him.

Neil ask any update about Rajat. DD says not yet, but we will find him. Neil says its impossible for him to get saved from us. Avni make tea. She think if Neil take police force there, he will know mum’s truth, he will know I am Dayaben’s granddaughter Avni. Neil move the boiling tea pan and ask where are you lost? She says I was thinking about my mum mum. He ask did Rajat call you. She goes and attend to  Aman’s call. Aman ask do you want to meet your mum, come at the address I am sending you, don’t make the mistake to tell police, you know I can do anything. She ask how did you learn this to take any innocent’s life. Aman says I did not call to hear your nonsense. She says I am ready to do anything, but I want proof that my mum is fine. Aman says I will give you proof. He make Neela talk. Avni ask how are you. Neil show her the notepad to see. Avni ask Neela not to get scared, I am coming to take you. Neil get angry and ask why don’t you do what I say. Avni says my mind is not working, mum was sounding weak, please save my mind, he is sending address. He says trust me Ananya, I promise I will not let anything happen to your mum. They leave.

Neil recall Avni’s words. He ask do you trust me, that tea vendor is undercover policeman, till I save your mom, you will stay there. She says no, I will come along. He ask her to sit at the stall, I will get your mum fine, I can’t risk your life, try and understand, send me your mom’s picture on my phone right away. She worry.

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