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The Episode start with Neil asking Avni to send her mum’s pic to his phone. He leave in the car. The man ask Avni not to worry, Neil and I solved many cases, he will get your mum. She think that’s the worrying thing. He puts pepper spray in his eyes and says sorry, I had no other way. He ask her to stop. She run.

Riya come to Ali’s cafe. He sees her and joke that rich people came to poor people cafe. She ask about DD. He says he is here in my pocket. She says I have to talk to Neil, tell me where is Neil, listen… She get hurt. He ask her to stand still. He relieve her eye. He says you are much scared of your Dadi, open your eyes, accept your family’s mistakes, then Neil will accept you. 

The reporters ask guard to let them go inside and cover exhibition. Shweta come and think strange people, their daughter’s marriage is cancelling, they are keeping art exhibition. Avni run in jungle. The man try to call Neil and says that madam has run away. Neil says I can’t hear you, I will call you back later.

Avni call Aman and says I did as you said, send me the right address now. He says I hope you are not acting smart now, I have your mum and gun also. She says I kept your promise, send me the right address. He send her and ask her to check her phone. She think I can’t bring mine and Neela’s truth in front of Neil.

Shweta get shocked seeing Neil and Avni’s photos. 
DD says this is the location which Ananya has sent us. 
Shweta throw the photos down. Diksha come and hold her. Shweta says you thought to defame my son, you think I will just see. Diksha ask what will you do, you are seeing all this. Shweta says just shut up. Diksha says what will Riya go through seeing this, is there anything called character in your family or not. 

Avni reach the place.

Dayaben come and throw the photo. She slap Diksha and scold her. She says Neil is a nice guy, he takes care of Riya so much. She call Hetal and says I told you to delete the pictures from Riya’s phone. Shweta ask did you know this. Dayaben says yes, this would have ruined Riya and Neil’s name as well. Shweta ask why did you call me here. Dayaben says I wanted to meet you, its good media did not see this, I reached here on time. She ask Hetal to throw photos outside. She ask Diksha to send the media out. She does drama in front of Shweta and smile.

Avni sees Neela. Neela ask Aman why are you doing this? Aman ask her to think for her future. Neela cry and says your Dadi has filled poison in you, you are not a bad person. Rajat says stop this drama. Aman says we will tell her not to tell about accident, Dadi will manage. Neela says you are a good person, listen to me. Rajat slap Neela. Avni get angry and beats up Rajat. Neela smile. Avni hug Neela. Neela asks are you fine. Avni says yes, you go, Aman will come back. Neela says I won’t leave you alone with them. Avni says I am enough for them, you please go for my sake. Neela goes. Aman aim the gun at Avni and ask her to stop.

Dayaben says Shweta ji, you have to give a word to Riya that Neil is just hers, I will talk to Riya. Shweta think. Riya comes. Avni walk to Aman. Aman says stop, I will shoot. He move back and says you know my Dadi, she is dangerous, she won’t leave you, stop. She scold him for drunken driving, hitting someone, not seeing if the man is dead or alive, you kidnapped my mum, are you a criminal. He says stop threatening, I will kill you. She hold the gun and keep at her head, saying shoot me, I don’t want to live after seeing this, I should have gotten you arrested, this would have not happened today, why are your hands shaking, shoot, you can’t do this, as you are not a criminal, you can’t be a bad person.

Neil come and kick Aman. He takes the gun from him and aims the gun at him. Avni think I trust Aman, he can’t shoot anyone. Shweta says forget all this Riya, I knew Neil and you are made for each other. Dayaben smile. Shweta asks Riya not to worry, I will explain to Neil, he will just marry you. She says Hetal should be happy as Riya will become my daughter inlaw, I will fix date also.

Neil says you like to play games, your time is over, game over, I arrest you for kidnapping crime. He arrest Aman. Avni cry. Neil arrest Aman. Avni says Neil…..not just kidnapping, he has done your accident. Neil gets shocked and stares at Aman. Avni cries and says take him away. She leaves. DD catches Aman and Rajat, and takes them. Neil goes to Avni and says you lied to me again, why, you did not send me your mum’s picture, you have sent me wrong location, you know your life would ave been at risk, I should have understood this, answer me. She says I wanted to see my mum alive, they were threatening to kill my mum. She cry and says what would I do. Neil says its okay, stop crying, its good I reached here on time and everything is fine, where is your mom, tell me. She says I have asked her to run away from here. He ask what, you were there alone in between those criminals. She says I know how to protect myself. He says that guy would have killed you. She says its fine, what’s there to live for. He look at her.

Shweta give shagun to Riya. Dayaben smile. Shweta think you made me say yes for marriage, I will show my true face at marriage time. She says this is my daughter inlaw. Neil ask why are you saying this. She says I am feeling guilty to save a criminal. Neil says every criminal should get a chance to change, its better to change them than punishing. She says I have to go home to my mum. He hold her hand and stop her. He says why can’t we trust each other, why don’t we make his lie wall fall. She says I don’t trust myself now. DD come and says why do you guys stay as tom and jerry, why this argument, you should be friends. He unites Neil and Avni’s hands.

Avni and Tai take care of Neela. Tai says Dayaven has come. Avni says get haldi milk for Neela first, talk later. Neela ask why haldi milk. Avni says you have to drink it. Neela says even you should have this, you are hurt. Avni says my wounds won’t get fine by haldi milk, it will heal when I make Aman fine, I will teach him values, I will show him a way to transform. Neela says this is not just your responsibility, its of all of us, you are not alone. Avni hug her and ask did I do wrong to send Aman to jail. Neela says kids change by love, not scolding, I am afraid that Aman can get more bad by going jail. Avni says no, I have to end Dayaben’s ansh, we have to change him, I know I will succeed in my work. Neela nod.

Riya hug Dayaben and says you are very good. Dayaben ask Riya to do what she says, then we will celebrate your marriage well. Hetal says if Shweta does not keep Riya happy. Riya ask what’s your problem, you always spoil things, Dadi will do things well. Dayaben says leave it Riya, no need to explain to Hetal, Shweta is more sensible than Riya.

Avni open the door and sees Ali and Fatima. Ali think what’s Ananya doing at Neela’s place. Fatima ask what is she doing here. Neela meet them. Neela hug Fatima and ask her to come. Dayaben is leaving from home. She sees Aman and get glad. She ask him to come to the temple with them. Aman show her handcuffs. They all get shocked.

Fatima ask what’s this girl doing here. Neela says she is Ananya, my paying guest. Ali get thinking. Avni says I will get tea. Ali think we know each other since long. Fatima ask Neela how did you get hurt. Neela says nothing, just a small accident. Fatima says you came to the city and did not tell me. Neela says I had to do dad’s work. Fatima says you have to get time for us. Neela says sorry, tell me, is there any work. Avni come. Ali says we came to talk about Aman, he has come back, he has nothing like Aman now, Dayaben spoilt him. He sees Avni and think my doubt is getting certain now. He says I had no expectations from Aman, I don’t think anything can happen now.

Dayaben ask who dared to handcuff you. Neil says I did. Neil walk in. They all get shocked. Neil says your grandson is under arrest. 
Fatima says I lost and Dayaben won. Ali observe Avni. Fatima says Dayaben spoilt Aman. Ali says little defective machine can be repaired, but completely defective machine can’t be repaired, right Ananya. Fatima says she will take Dayaben’s side, she will tell her about our conversation. Neela says no, she is not such, she is from a good family. 
Neil says your grandson has done my accident, he has hit me and run away. Riya ask what, Amol did your accident. Neil says even kidnapping. They get shocked.

Aman says please Dadi, I made a mistake, I don’t want to go jail. Neil says you have to go jail for the crime you committed. Dayaben ask whom did Amol kidnap. Neil says Ananya’s mum. They get shocked again. Dayaben get unwell. Riya hold Dayaben. Aman says please save me Dadi. Neil take Aman.

Dayaben prays and says nothing should happen to Amol, else no one will be worse than me, I am saying this to alert you, you have to manage this, I am going to do that which I never wanted, give me strength. She call Avni and says I want to meet you right now, I am sending an address, come there. Avni says fine.

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